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Blood of my Blood — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Ver who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torla Tainn
(Hotei first please, then SR :3)
<blockquote>The beating heart within her chest resounded so heavily that Torla believed she was shaking with every bold step she took. There was a feeling that had begun in the pit of her stomach at the first whiff of familiar territory, had blossomed into life the moment they crossed into Relic Lore, and was now consuming her entire being... yet she could not place what it was. Nostalgia was what she wanted to call it, and yet she couldn't tell for sure. Was she excited? Anxious? Nervous? All of the above, perhaps. It had been <i>years</i> since she had seen her family. Torla was certainly happy to be returning home, to reunite with the Tainns (or what remained of them), and yet she also worried of the changes that had transpired. It was foolish to think nothing had happened in the two years that had past. Good things, bad things, anything could've happened. She just hoped, on the whole, everyone had been okay.

There was a weariness in her limbs, and yet she could not slow herself down. She <i>had</i> to get back. So many miles had her paws seen, and yet none had seemed to get her anywhere. It was a miracle she'd even found Hotei. For the years that she'd been away, he was a recent discovery. Quietly, she glanced at her dark-furred brother as he loped at her side. Sometimes she worried about him and other times she didn't. Hotei had changed, but everything would be alright. They were coming home.

It seemed so sudden that the smell of Swift River saturated the air. It was different than the last time Torla had visited; she could hardly remember who had greeted her at the border. But she noted with equal parts relief and excitement that Indru's smell was still dominant in the marking. It was only one sibling to account, but it was still reassuring. It snuffed the horrible after-thought that maybe the Tainns were not around, but who was she kidding? They would <i>always</i> be. Nearby she could hear the swimming waters; the grass was green and flowers were in full bloom. The very sight of <i>home</i> gave her hope. Yet she hesitated to get too close to the border, who knew. Perhaps they'd be resentful of her abandonment. It was better to be respectful, anyway.

A slight tremble developed in her legs, the reason for which she could not place why, as she came to stand still before the pack's land. She swung her elegant head toward Hotei, and offered him a winning smile. "<b>We're here,</b>" she said gently, holding his pale gold gaze for a moment before tilting her muzzle to the sky. Parting her jaws she sang a simple, quiet song for whoever was near, beckoning someone forward to meet them, the missing Tainns. It was not only an announcement of their arrival, but of their <i>homecoming</i>.
(This post was last modified: Jun 25, 2012, 06:37 PM by Torrel.)
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Hotei couldn't believe it. One minute he was stressing
over the idea of traveling back to Wildwood and the next minute
Torla shows up. He hadn't seen her for years. In fact he thought
she had been dead along with the rest of his family.

Now as the ebony wolf loped towards his sister he looked back on their first meeting with a
happy smile upon his muzzle. She was alive. Maybe others were
still around as well. He wondered if Torla had known how down and depressed he'd been
alone in the southern lands past the mountains. Maybe thats why she was still sticking
with him. Even after we've become full adults she's still there to help me. I really have to
thank her someday.
He knew that she didn't want thanks. She was a kind wolf at heart.
It must come naturally to her. As helping others came naturally to him.

The black Tainn remebered his trip back through Wildwood with his sister. He almost
cried at one point when they passed the forest that had burned holding him inside
its choking branches. He hoped, no... He wished for the rest of his family to be safe.
Now the two wolves warily watched this other forest. Not Hidden Tree forest. But an
other forest, and scented the borders of a wolf pack who lived in this other forest.
Hotei dipped his head, a memory clogging out all other senses except smell. He
knew this scent. Knew these scents from the depts of his heart.

"Triell...a..and.. Indru!" His yellow eyes lit up in excitement. Others are alive!
With a glance to Torla he shared his excitment with a wagging tail.
"Should we call for them? Or do you think a patrol will be by soon?" Hotei asked
with an almost frantic expression on his face. He HAD to see them. He had to see
doing well in their new home.

I will save his creepy side for later since Torla's kinda stabilized his mind right now.
(This post was last modified: Jun 23, 2012, 02:17 AM by Hotei.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He felt calmer now - at peace, with himself, what he'd done. Time had healed most wounds, and the one face that brought him the most shame now was Ava's. His nameless friend, who suffered because of his confused words when last they parted. Ice swallowed it, blinked his pale eyes in the slanting light; he rolled over on his back, broad white chest bared to the trees. His front paws waved a little, and the wolf sighed, still looking up at the trees. He had to go there soon. He had to go there and see her. He had to go there, except he wasn't quite sure why. He just needed to go to the Lake and stand on its shore and see her home for himself. He'd been up in the mountains the entire last summer, but things had been different then. Ava hadn't been in the Lore, and no pack had lived on the shores of the Lost Lake, its water brilliant in the sun. Ice had watched it from afar, but these days he had the urge to sit on its banks or step in its water, maybe even taste its secrets. He didn't know why, but it lay in the back of his head and he couldn't keep it away. He closed his eyes, and groaned. Times had been easier when his mind had been offline for the most part, and when the only worry he had was the next meal - when he'd played imaginary games and bounced around without a care. It seemed, to him, like he'd finally grown up, but he didn't like it.

An unfamiliar voice drew him out from his thoughts, and stupidly he blinked. More missing Tainns? The last one - Borlla - had hardly given him a good impression about the standard missing Tainn, and briefly he wondered if it was part of their genes to disappear at odd times and come back later. Still, Tainns or not, they were close to the borders and Ice was hardly sleeping anymore. Grumbling and muttering Ice rolled back onto his side before pushing off the soft ground. He gave himself a shake, dust and dirty flying out of his pale fur, and then set off at a trot towards the borders. Marsh wasn't by his side today, but that didn't matter - Ice was capable of handling two loners on his own, or at least holding out until help arrived. As he traveled and came closer, their scents came to his nose - two, one male, one female. The Guardian came upon the border, found it empty but well-marked, and continued a little bit further. At least Tainns had sense, something that couldn't be said for Poison Path. If these two had trespassed too... let's just say that Tainn blood mightn't have been enough to save them from Ice pitching a fit at them.

They came into view, and Ice slowed to a walk, posture confident and dominant. He was, after all, a senior member of the pack. Quickly he looked them over - the female was smaller, and typical Tainn color, tawny and gray and cream. The male was as large as all Tainn males were, sporting the black coat that seemed to show up in every litter. Ice raised his head, ears forward, and came to a stop between them and the border, all four paws planted firmly on the ground. "State your names and your business," he told them, not exactly unkind but not all happy-yappy-bouncy either. The Aesir male was of the mind that everyone had to prove to possess at least a few braincells before being invited into the pack, and if they were to pull a Tainn and disappear again in the future... Ice wasn't too keen on such behavior. As he waited for them to respond, he let his gaze drift between the pair, his heart heavy in his chest.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ver who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torla Tainn
<blockquote>Hotei's nose was keener than her own - only when he mentioned Triell could she recall his scent. The black pup had been so small when she'd last seen him, when she'd left. He had to be an adult now, wasn't he? Torla wondered how long until the shell-shock would wear off. As much as she tried to prepare herself for all the differences between the Relic Lore in her memory and the one standing today, one could never really grasp the feeling of looking a brother in the eye after two years. "<b>Someone is coming,</b>" Torla asserted, though she did not actually smell the approach until after her words were spoken. Unsurprisingly, she did not recognize it - though she was slightly saddened that it was not a Tainn. For all her patience there was a desperation itching to get past her, yet she persevered.

Had it been nighttime she could've mistaken the River wolf for a spectral being, with shades of grey and white in multitude through his coat as if he were cut from the coldest mountain top. She stood tall on her long legs, yet made no move to oppose the dominance in the approaching wolf's stature. She felt no offense at the brusque manner - in fact, it was with pride that she looked upon the stoic guardian, whose stature and pale fur made him look like the statue of a famous general long past. It would appear Indru was still as good of a judge of character as she recalled him being.

"<b>Torla Tainn,</b>" she stated with a simple smile. The male that had come to greet them seemed to care little for pleasantries, so she tried to spare him the boredom. Her words were spoken with astute politeness. For a moment she was about to introduce Hotei, but she stopped herself. The male was different now; and she didn't want to undermine his capability. Reassurance in her yellow-orange eyes, she looked to the black-pelted male, only returning her gaze to the silver-eyed Guardian once he had introduced himself. "<b>We were looking for Indru.</b>"

Torla herself had the intentions of staying, wherever her family was. It was past the springtime, and that could certainly mean pups - nieces and nephews of her own to care for, as well as her siblings. She hadn't spoken much to Hotei about his idea, but Torla did not want to force him into anything he didn't want to do. She loved her brother, but she had to make the distinction between guidance and reigning very clear to herself, lest she cross the line and become some over-bearing, annoying sister. Torla would <i>hate</i> it if he held her any ill-will. But above all, it had to be discovered if she were still welcome here. Maybe her abandonment of her remaining family to find those who had disappeared hadn't gone over well with the dispersed Hidden Tree pack. There was a resolution in her bright eyes, though, to always hope for the better, and so she did.
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Hotei watched the newcomer with cautious yellow eyes.
The wolf before Hotei was of proud stature and the black Tainn
felt happiness swell in his chest for Indru. His brother had found himself
loyal subordinates and this made Hotei smile from eartip to eartip.
"My name is Hotei, And I am also here to see Indru please." He dipped his
head to the guardian and waited for the male to call for Indru.
Hotei wanted only to see his family who were left. That would make him happy
enough, but if they extended an invitation to join the pack he would accept it
without a second thought. The black male longed to be twith a pack again.

Why is he so smug? Showing such dominance to a Tainn? No to two Tainns?
He should know his place by now. Indru should have showed him. Tainns were
the lifeblood of this pack. So why is this weakling glaring at Torla and I?
ears pressed to the sides of his head and he closed his eyes trying to keep back a growl.
He's allowed to show dominance to loners right? I shouldn't be thinking like that...And why is Torla always fussing over me? She should learn to mind her own business.
She's always butting in when I'm in a tough spot. Can't she let me figure out solutions on my own?

Stupid wench...
Hotei shook his head at once confused with the thoughts running through
his mind. Even if Torla was always helping him he'd always needed it. She was his sister!
they were supposed to help eachother!
Hotei turned around trying to hid his frail existance from Ice and Torla. The
black Tain kept his head out of view from the others and began to calm himself down.
"Sorry I have a bit of a headache.I don't mean to offend you..." He spoke to the gray male
while still hiding his face.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
She was pleasant enough, alright - not challenging him or snapping at him like that Borlla had, but not really reacting to his posture either. He guessed she had her reasons, but it didn't exactly ease him. He'd had one encounter with a stray Tainn trying to come home, and it had been a bad one. Who knew when this Torla would explode in his face? Or this black Hotei? And her wording - we were looking for Indru. Perhaps he was just in a bad mood, but it was as awful as the first thing he'd heard Cali said. It made him want to ask her if she'd stopped looking now that they'd found his borders, but Hotei was, apparently, still looking. And he looked unhappy, too. Ice's gaze, unforgiving and cold, swung onto the black male, pinning him. He smelled faintly of aggression, a half-heard rumble somewhere in his chest, lips twitching. The Guardian's eyes narrowed, and he made no move to speak or otherwise acknowledge what they'd said, until Hotei relaxed slightly and tried to shrink himself. A headache? Somehow Ice doubted it, and it didn't sit well with him, and he didn't hesitate in letting his displeasure show in his gray eyes. Shaking his head with a disgruntled sigh he ignored the male and let his attentions back to Torla. She seemed sensible, at least.

"I'm Ice." And then, without further word, he tilted his head back and let out a strong call for Indru. He was the leader, they were here for him, Ice's only duty was to prevent them from setting paw near Corinna until approved of. While he didn't want to treat them differently for being Tainns, he knew that Indru would disapprove greatly, and he also had a way of not wanting anyone else to ever join the pack. He usually snapped them away from the borders, which was a bit counterproductive, so the best thing was to let someone else do the talking. Indru, for example. Continuing to ignore the two Tainns, Ice remained where he was, waiting, watching the black male with cold eyes.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Since the cubs had been born the pack had been more tense, more alert, in keeping the borders secure—any invasions at this stage would be fatal with newborn cubs to protect, tucked away inside the pack den. Indru's time was torn between guarding the entrance of the den (and then entering it for the brief periods Cori had to leave) and the rest of the pack, it was more important than ever for him to keep the borders strong with his own scent, but he couldn't help rushing back to the den once that duty was done. The cubs were growing strong and it wouldn't be long until they met the rest of the pack.

It was during one of these quick-dash duties to strengthen and check the borders that Indru heard Ice's howl and he paused mid stride as he digested the meaning behind it. Wolves seeking to join the pack at this period—when the cubs were so soon to leave the den for the first time—were not usually welcomed, being as unfamiliar and untrusted as they are. He changed his course and headed more directly for Ice and his company and his posture was already much harsher and unwelcoming that it would have been with a loner on any other day, at this point, he was simply not willing to let strangers join. Yet as he got closer a scent became clearer and his determined lope increased into a much higher pace.

Torla? The leader inquired as he burst through the trees, surprise in his voice as his eyes fell immediately upon his younger sister. Indru's posture had not changed from the dominant one he had adopted but it was softer at least, in the presence of the female. He turned to Ice and pressed his nose against the white male's cheek affectionately and stood beside him as he faced his sister and the stranger with her. Where have you been? Are you okay? Unlike the volatile nature that Borlla brought with her, Indru knew Torla to be much softer and calmer in personality, much like their own mother Lani and he smiled at her warmly, pleased to have her home. And who is this? His tone was curious, though he couldn't help it hardening slightly as he looked at the male, he was unknown to Indru, yet he couldn't help but feel flicker of familiarity when he looked at him.

(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2012, 05:19 PM by Torrel.)
Played by Ver who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torla Tainn
<blockquote>Her brother's introduction went swimmingly; perhaps coming back home would take all the strangeness from Hotei after all. Just as quickly her hope came to a screeching halt as his ears suddenly found his skull and the dark male at her side swung his head away. It was like he was fighting something on the inside, Torla reasoned with herself. There had to be some explanation for it - or had he really just gone sour-tempered? She believed his headache about as much as Ice did, though his reaction was far more displeased. The protective instinct she harbored particularly over Hotei was stifled and the Tainn female tried her best to sneak Ice a small, apologetic smile on her brother's behalf... but his angered stare seemed to have locked on Hotei. At the very least he did them the kindness of calling Indru anyway. The howl washed her in cold reality; it'd been so long since anyone had ever really said Indru's name, or any one of the Tainn names either. He was not here yet, but the call promised her that he would be soon, like a dream coming true.

Like the good leader he was the darker colored Tainn bounded through the treeline within only minutes. "<b><i>Indru</i></b>," the word came with a wave of relief and left happiness shining on her face. The muscles beneath her dusty-brown pelt tensed as she leaned forward, but despite how greatly she wanted to reuinte with her family she could not bring herself to overstep the border. It was not Indru's incompetance to protect her from his Guardian's rage but rather the desire not to rub him the wrong way any longer. His eyes were the color of ice and just as warm, then his name just fell along with it. Instead she inhaled the Tainn scent from afar and let it bring her peace before she responded, "<b>Yes, I'm fine now, and I'm <i>so</i> happy you're still here. I went looking for Junai, and, um... Hotei, and...</b>" Well, she had certainly found him. Yet for some reason she didn't want to say it, not yet, and Indru's further question helped the words stay put.

<i>Who is this?</i> The words brought her smile down a notch, though she refused to let it disappear, and she turned her head to Hotei and peered at him quietly. Torla wanted nothing less than for her brother to get himself in trouble at the borders - his moment of irritation had not gone forgotten, despite how he stifled the growl and turned shamefully away. As sad as it was, she was not really surprised that their brother did not catch his identity right away. There were times when she hardly recognized him herself. This was <i>his</i> moment of truth, though, and Torla was at least capable of recognizing that. But she feared the nastier part of him might resurface, and to cope with it she turned her anxious gaze from her littermate and let it rest on Indru's orange stare. The bright eyes burned like fire and yet she found a strange comfort in them. If Hotei brought himself <span class='word'>pilikia</span> she would know it from Indru first.
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Hotei had continued keeping his gaze averted even after his sister
butted in the second time. Keeping his breathing calm and collected
the black Tainn kept himself in line. Then as he breathed deeply a fresh
scent washed over him. Indru. Indru's scent brought memories of his family.
His muscles relaxed and he closed his eyes heaving a sigh. Hotei was feeling warm
again. The warmth he felt with his family standing proudly by his side. Even if he was
not recognized he wouldn't care. Just as long as he got to see them. Indru and Triell.

His head picked up a little and he opened his eyes to gaze warmly at Indru.
"I'm not surprised you don't recognize me with all these sscars all over. Plus
I was pretty young when I last saw you." His genuine smile flashed across his
burned muzzle while he turned his body to answer Indrus question.

"It's me Hotei...Hotei Tainn." He wagged his tail a little and lowered his head
to Indru. Indru was still the leader here.
He wondered if there would be bad blood between the Tainns who had
immediately come back to see their family left and those who had stayed
elsewhere for a while. Hotei hoped there wouldn't be a problem with their return.
And if the other pack members have a problem with it they can just go fuck themselves.
He dismissed this thought realizing it was incredibly mean. I shouldn't
have to worry about what others think. We're back and that's all there is to it.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
The tension lingered long after Ice's howl had faded, neither stray Tainn speaking or moving much for that matter. Feeling unnervingly much like Marsh, Ice decided to not do a thing to try and relieve it. Instead, he kept staring at the black wolf as if daring him to make a wrong move, to twitch an ear in the wrong direction... Let them be on edge. Let them stand here and suffer like any other loner would. Let them... what the hell, Ice? He blinked, surprised by his own bad mood, then shrugged. His experience with Tainns of the runaway kind was bad, but he had to admit that this girl Torla had a much nicer mouth than her sister Borlla. That one, she was a pure menace, and he was glad Corinna had ousted her. Resisting the urge to sigh he pried his eyes off the black wolf, studying Torla instead. She seemed genuine. The black one, Hotei, no. Ice would definitely keep his eyes on that one.

Perhaps it was for the better that Indru burst onto the scene then, fondly greeting Torla but sparing only a glance for the black male. Intrigued by this, Ice raised a pale 'brow and gave Hotei a mocking stare. His leader held back a surprising amount, not tossing himself at the girl but instead standing by Ice's pale side. The Guardian gave a soft keen and lowered ears and tail as Torla started to explain, but she fell silent when Indru asked who the black male was. Ice couldn't help it - for half a second he cackled, then he, with much inner violence, turned it into a snort-cough thing, and at the end, a noise somewhat similar to Hotei might've been heard. The black wolf, however, was gracious with not being recognized by his older brother, and explained. Ice managed to quiet down, and stood still instead; his tail had risen slightly again, but was still quite much below Indru's. Well. The decision was in his leader's paws now, and given how he could sometimes be about his siblings... Ice ground his teeth together, the dry noise reverberating through his skull. It was comforting, despite being a sign of irritation, and he decided that he would keep his eyes on Hotei at all times when the were in the pack area together, maybe even trail him out sometimes. There was just something about him... Something about the way he had glared, nearly snarled, tried to hide it - and lied about it instead of just come out with the truth, whatever the truth was. No. Ice did not trust liars, especially not those who lied in front of kin and strangers. He'd keep his eyes on him, and the slightest sign of something bad, something that felt the way rotten meat smelled, and he'd dash to Corinna like a proper little telltale (or a Guard, because depending on what sort of disturbance Hotei might show, he could be a danger to the little cubs).

Or, he hoped for every Tainn involved, this anomaly in the black's behavior was a one-time occurrence and Ice would get nothing from trailing him around.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul