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love drunk — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

Damn aggravating, stupid thorns! His teeth sunk deep against his soft padded foot, pulling out another of the pesky, pokey things. He had dodged a fairly recent scent of a bobcat, and this was the price he was paying. This mess, maybe a tangle with a bobcat would have been worth it. How ridiculous he would look, showing up on Copper Rock Creeks front door with sore paws from thorns, a pup could have been smart enough to scoot around. The Ghastly Woods were just that, and he had no idea the plant he walked into was so prickled until he was filling the tiny, sharp pains underfoot. That time there wasn't much to do, but attempt to jump out. Now the Tainn was trying to rid himself out the tiny, yet painful things.

Spitting out a mouthful, as they liked to stick inside his mouth as well, he went in for another grab, wondering if he'd ever get them out. Maybe, Torla would know something...or...He had to stop his thought. Naira was not around any more. Wait, there was Nina. She could possibly know a better way. With a thoughtful gleam to his eye, his lips twisted in a half grin. Maybe she would not laugh at his predicament. It was too bad Ice couldn't help him. Ice seemed more helpful with mental problems, rather than physical ailments. He half wished he had brought him with him. it had been nice, no talking, but just lingering with the pack watching the pups enter the new world. Triell was here for a reason, and he still wasn't sure how it would affect him nor Swift River. He kept telling himself he was coming for a visit. Tell her the good news,Rhysis had mysteriously disappeared from Relic Lore. Did he tell her she had nieces or nephews? Would she want him to stay, like he had told her he would? Would she think it was too soon, like he did?

Tongue licked over the tender bits of his toes, and he let out a loud sigh of his frustration. Mud.. He needed mud he decided, and pushed his hind legs off the coated ground of dead leaves. There had to be mud somewhere. The spring? Should he venture to the creek itself? Stupid question. He was not apart of Copper Rock Creek even if his brother was in charge, it would be a stupid move. It was with half a limp his nostrils perked, and he sought for some mud to cure his wounds.

(This post was last modified: Jul 31, 2012, 05:49 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashikoi was busy patrolling the pack borders from any possible intruders, it may not be a common threat but it could happen at any time. The young wolf was somewhat surprised when he picked up a scent of another wolf followed by sound of stumbling through the thorns like a pup. The small brown wolf lowered to a stalking stance as he crept up on the intruder keeping out of sight by staying to the bushes. The wind was favorable for him as it was blowing the wolf’s scent towards him and his own scent away from the intruder. Kashi was confused by the scent of the wolf namely because it smelled somewhat like Ruiko yet much different. Ruiko had spoken of a brother from another pack, perhaps this was him. He watched silently as the wolf struggled to tug the thorns out of his pads before trying to limp in search of something. It was then he chose to step out of the bush. “I can help you find some mud for those thorns if you give me a good reason for why you are so close to our pack.”

<img src='http://i45.tinypic.com/2cniceo.png' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

He felt like a fool, to be trailed so close and unknowing to it at all. When the brown male pulled himself forward into his sight, Triell did not bat an eye. Instead his expression darkened by a degree wondering why he was following him, and showing himself now. Triell needed mud, and rather not deal with a pest of sorts. The wolf looked young, when Triell tested his scent not only did it tell him this wolf was his age, the young man had the scent of Copper Rock Creek. Great. Maybe, he had good reason to follow him. How would the Tainn put his mind to rest? Dark mask shifted from small irritation to thoughtful. What was the best way of explaining himself?

"Well, I was hoping to tell your pack of some news actually. Some good news my brother, Ruiko, would appreciate, and perhaps even Nina and Volkan." A brow raised, daring him to test the words Triell had spoken for he thought he had done a pretty smooth job of answering him. His sun fire colored eyes met the deep brown of the Creek wolf briefly to try to gauge his thoughts. He soon had to shift his weight between his paws, a tiny thorn still lodged somewhere in his poor paw. Annoyance flickered on his face, and he took a breath to counter it. He had a shorter fuse these day, and had no mind to go off like some wild fire cracker on someone doing their job as he would have. He did flip his nose, indicating to move onward. "About this mud?" He inquired, hoping to have some help locating it sooner rather than later.

(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2012, 04:08 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">The flood in Copper Rock Creek had been tragic disaster for the small pack. Volkan had gone missing and it had worried the pack highly. Ranks had been kicked up and Pakuna had become loyal second, whilst Nina had become official healer of the pack. All of the pups had been rescued and were healthy for the time being. . .but apparently that didn’t seem to be the case for young Nina. Ever since she had ran to save the young prince, Nios, she had not been feeling well. Her leg had been giving her problems, she had been working up quite a sweat, and she almost seemed to have a tired look to her face. Her eyes still remained painfully shut, and scars were still obvious on her golden pelt. She had been cursed to spend her time in the denning site but had finally had enough and escaped for a short period of time. Her paws dragged lazily on the ground as she walked, and her head was bowed in a painful manner.

The scent of Kashikoi and another was sent towards her, and her tired eye instantly made its way towards the borders, and her three working paws crawled towards the scent of her friend. Perhaps he could run to get her some medication. Her head lowered considerably as her name was called out. Along with Volkan’s own. . .confusion went through Nina’s own mind. Had someone seen their lost pack mate? Her paws continued to drag until the sight of Kashikoi. . . .and Triell? Why was he here? She painfully limped her way over to Kashikoi and called out, "Kashi. . .what‘s going on?" All thoughts of submission went over her head as she approached her pack mate in a weak manner. Was everything okay?
(This post was last modified: Dec 31, 2012, 10:56 AM by Aiyana.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi starred at the wolf intensely, it was like Ash being near the border all over again. Like Ash he was being kind and like him he claimed he knew someone in the pack. <b>"You may act like you know someone in the pack but how do I know you are just trying to get in to kill or harm them?"</b> This time he would not give an intruder any information, instead he would have someone he mentioned come. <b>"I can find you some mud still but you won't cross the border till someone you mentioned can tell me you are who you said you are."</b> He gave the wolf a stern glare, one that was someone who had been through hard times at a long age and lived through it.

<b>"Kashi...what's going on?"</b> He turned his head hearing his his one dearest friend that he still had left. <b>"This wolf claims that he knows you, Ruiko, and .... Pakuna, can you verify this?"</b> He let her lack of submission pass because she was a friend but he could see the great pain that she always seemed to put her body through. <b>"I don't want another incident, I want to live up to Kano's standard when he was second before me."</b> Maybe it was time for him to try and make new friends, all he had left was Nina, what happened to the others he could only guess. He turned his amber stare back on the wolf, if Nina didn't know him than a fight might break out but he wished it wouldn't have to be necessary.

<img src='http://i45.tinypic.com/2cniceo.png' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

Triell was hoping he would sound believable, apparently he did not. Someone had done this before it sounded by the way the small guardian chose his words. The black Tainn had to hold his breath not to mutter any curse of annoyance. This was simply the way it was, and the wolf was doing his job, just like he would have done. "Fine, you don't believe me, and that proves you're not a dope. I'll wait," he mumbled dryly trying to hold his irritaiton. He should have howled for them, but some how he was sure he would have gotten the same conclusion.

Nothing could have prepared the Tainn for the wolf who had to drag herself to the gathering. He did not instantly recognize her because she was battered and bruised, even eyeless, and his yellow eyes fell upon her in a troubled form. What had happened to Nina? "Nina?" He questioned, his tone changed to sincerity and question. "Who did this to you? What happened?" He questioned. Ignoring the subordinate he walked over to her, and still could not believe his eyes. She looked terrible, and he wondered if he could help her. "Nina, can I get you something?" Compared to her whatever thorns in his feet he could no longer feel. He let out a sigh, partially shaking his head. "I may have some good news for you though....Rhysis is gone."

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Her weak stumble became noticeable as she made her way forward and she soon face planted into the ground, her head nodding up at Kashikoi. Why wouldn’t she know Triell? Didn’t he? With a large sigh, her paws planted underneath her once more before pushing up, a small groan escaping her mouth. So much pain was running through her. The yearn to go to Elettra for help became stronger and stronger as the days passed. Her ears were flat on her head as Triell approached her, and she slightly freaked. He had crossed the borders, but it seemed to be unconscious worry. . .over her. As he approached her head lifted to look up at him. He was much larger then she, who now stood much smaller than she had originally. She was almost as small as Kashi had been when they had first met.

A small, painful smile was brought upon her face as she looked upon her friend. She had made a promise to him that said if he ever needed her to find her and she would help. And she would definitely help to take Rhysis down with him. . .but if this happened to be the case this time. . .then she was definitely not going to be getting anywhere with this meeting. Though. . .as his words slowly came towards her ears, a small frown was on his face. How odd. Not much information was going to be pried out of her. The only thing she would tell him was about her brother, and perhaps that she was slightly sick, but the flood, would remain a secret to the other Tainn.

When the Rhysis’ name finally popped up in the conversation, her ears twitched in happiness. That man had not been kind to her, and now she was going to be happy. . .but what about Niara? Had she gone with him? Her maw soon opened and the questions were answered, "My brother attacked me. . .all is fine now though. That is wonderful news. . .I‘m assuming Niara went with him. . .and unfortunately Volkan too, has disappeared as well." And with that, the small frown was plastered on her face, as she leaned to the side. A physical sign to ask if Kashikoi could be her support.
(This post was last modified: Dec 31, 2012, 10:55 AM by Aiyana.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi still had no Idea as to who this intruder of a wolf was. He walked like he had been here before, that is other than through the thorns. Nina seemed to know him though, so he couldn't be that bad of a wolf, Nina had a tenancy to make good friends. He listened to the two talk before noticing that Nina was leaning to her side a little. It took him a minute to realize she was asking for support because of her leg. As soon as he realized what she was doing he padded over to her side and pressed his side against her flank to keep the weight off the leg. <b>"Now that I know Nina knows you lets go get you some mud to make pulling out those thorns easier, if they stay in they can cause infections"</b> As the young male said this he would begin to lead the two to the creek. He made sure to keep his steps slow seeing as Nina and the wolf were both in pain. As they arrived at the muddy bank he would look at the two curiously<b> "So can someone explain who this is now that we are her?"</b>

Ooc sorry about the little bit of power play
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

Nina looked like she should be resting, rather than attending to him, and Kashikoi's questions. It seemed even with injuries she could not sit around doing nothing. Triell admired that, but wondered if it was for the best. Did Ruiko know? She slipped, tumbling down he went to help her, but she had already regained her posture..what could be any way. She was long silent for what he wished to know, and he thought she would not tell him. It was obvious someone had done damage to her, but who? Triell doubted he would know the wolf, and it wasn't like he would be starting a hunt for his head. The state she was in, he would like a name. A reason would be better, and he held his lips, pressed in a tight line in wait.

The silence seemed to take forever, her probably mauling over what information she could part with. Then he was given too much. Her own sibling at inflicted this damage, she was supposedly okay now, and she was happy about Rhysis assuming Naira was gone. The cherry on the top of the whole god awful thing was Volkan was not here either. This Triell couldn't even move, nor breathe. She was gone too? Heart though beating just fine, it almost felt like it had slowed it's pace. He wanted to think Rhysis had to have something to do with it. But..why? Nothing made sense, and his head hurt. He was lost in his daze until he noticed Kashikoi at Nina's side, talking to him. All Triell could do was bob his head, swallowing the saliva in his mouth to ease his now dry throat. Slowly he followed down into the creek, letting his eyes rest to the muddy bank. He couldn't feel anything, and was faintly aware Kashikoi was asking about him again. Triell wasn't sure if he wanted to answer. He had already told him, and his yellow eyes flicked to Nina. Now, he couldn't remember what he had told her about himself.

He had to physically move, and prodded into the muddy bank. It seemed pointless, but he started digging his paws in the slimy stuff. "I told you. I'm Ruiko's younger brother, and a friend of Volkan and Nina. What else do you want to know?" There was an edge to his voice, but it was faint because Triell was certain he was starting to go numb.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">As she was guided towards the Creek her mind blanked out. Why did she have to go through all of the pain? It didn’t matter who it was from, her own or one of another’s. . .but for some odd reason. . .it never bothered her. She could hold it on her back, it was her job. A small whine came out of her mouth as they all came to a stop. Her re injured leg popped back up, tucking beneath her stomach once more. . . She didn’t know the real intentions of coming near the Creek, mainly with Triell since he still stunk of Swift River. Her eyebrows arched upwards curiously as the black Tainn dipped his paw into the mud, with the thorns still in them. Her jaws open and her business tone came out from within her. . .somehow, "Triell, what do you think you are doing?"

A small frown formed on her lips. Her own tactics didn’t even involve mud. . .but it was something that would soothe the pain, as long as the thorns had been taken out first. Her good eye flashed in what would only be worry, but could also pass as sadness. She didn’t want to sound harsh to the younger male, but it was important that Triell did the procedure correctly. Kash’s voice quickly broke her out of her concentration, but when her other friend answered, Nina took in upon herself to re-answer the question. "I am assuming he came to tell us about Rhysis. . .he has caused us plenty of trouble." Her tail even raised slightly in a comforting manner to touch the side of the small male’s pelt. It was an act of comfort. . .and some might even say it was an act of being protective. . .but all Nina was trying to do, was get her friend not to snap at the other man.
(This post was last modified: Dec 31, 2012, 10:56 AM by Aiyana.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.