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Full Circle... — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben
<blockquote>Tempest felt strangely liberated and anxious at the same time. She was alone for the first time ever since her brother, Guiness had discovered her as a mere shaking mess. After her family had been all but destroyed, and her honor nearly so. After she had killed to defend herself. The memory of the rogue wolf's blood filling her mouth nearly made her gag, before she firmly put the tragic and violent memories away, locked deeply in her mind where she wouldn't have to think about them. After the pall of the memories faded away, the large russet female took a deep breath and continued on her way.

She and Guiness had been looking for Sloane, their younger brother for many months now. Guiness had grown weary of the traveling life and chose to join Willow Ridge. She too planned on joining the elegant Elettra Archer should she complete her task in the alotted time. She hoped so, for the need to be grounded and back by her brother's side was growing exponentially. Despite her nerves being somewhat frayed from her solo status, she showed no outward sign of her discomfort. All any onlooker would see was a large beatiful fae exuding great measures of power and confidence. She had learned long ago that appearences were vital, often more so than reality. Most of the time it was not a mask, but today she was completely on her own for the first time in over a year, with no overprotective brother to shoo her worries away. </blockquote>
The Calm in the Storm
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
Having this just after he tries (gets?) accepted back into GH...

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Val-1.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #2d6385;">

The large wolf slunk between the trees, his silvery pelt all but melting amongst the towering cedars. He had no real aim, nor destination, although he was overdue to visit the Willows and see that sweet little thing at the Ridge. She would be hard work, but he was going to put in the effort. After Finn disappeared, and Hawke too, he had come to realise that perhaps he needed to work harder at keeping a good thing going.

It was her scent that reached him first, and he was curious to see what a stranger was doing so close to his home. Perhaps he could make good on his promise to Borden, perhaps there was a potential recruit to be found among the towering cedar trees.

He made no attempt to hide his approach, in fact, he went out of his way to make as much noise as possible. He saw her from behind first, and froze. Was it? His blunt nose tested the air a moment longer, a skill he was practicing increasingly, and getting better at. No. His side itched in protest, what if he was wrong?

He cleared his throat to get her attention, leaving his sly thoughts in the back of his mind for now. If it was her he didn’t want to give her a reason to have another go at him. “‘Scuse me miss? You okay there?” he questioned cautiously. She was a big girl, yes he was bigger. But so close to Jayse’s kids, he wasn’t willing to throw all caution to the wind.

code by bryony
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Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben
<blockquote>Unlike her previous encounter on her solo journey, Tempest was not taken by surprise this time. Of course, it was quite obvious that the creature following her wanted to be heard. Flicking her ears back and scenting the wind for any traces of her company and finding none, the russet hued female turned her head just as a voice came to her on the fickle wind. <i>"Scuse me miss? You okay there?”</i>

A bit behind her was a large pale wolf. All male. Tempest instantly tensed, although she resisted snarling at him. Her head and tail raised and her hackles lifted slightly, increasing the appearance of her already impressive form. She was a large fae and although she typically would minimize her size to ease others, she didn't hesitate to utilize that fact in the presence of this strange male. He made no signs of aggression, seeming merely curious, but she wouldn't let her guard down.

She looked him over, noting his size and strength beneath his lush pale pelt. He looked innocuous, but she knew that he could be dangerous. Any wolf could, given the right set of circumstances. Although he did appear to have experience in fights, although his longish fur him most of the evidence, just as hers did. Cautiously, she answered him. <b>"I'm fine, thank you."</b> She offered nothing more for the moment.</blockquote>
The Calm in the Storm
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Val-1.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #2d6385;">

“I’m fine, thank you.” Her words seemed slightly forced, even to the dim-witted man, but he wouldn’t push the issue. Her voice was clearly not the one he dreaded and so he let his guard slip. Oblivious to her obvious discomfort, he sauntered forwards, without realising he was putting himself in a very precarious position. He was invading her space. Not with ill intent, but with a mind to make the distance between them more personable.

You’d think the boy would know better by now.

She wasn’t much of a talker, clearly, but the silvery wolf couldn’t help himself but try to lure her into a conversation. “You’re ah- just gettin’ a bit close to Grizzly Hollow...” he hadn’t had much experience playing the fierce guardian and chasing loners off, he didn’t even care before, but something had shifted in the man. This was his home now, and he had told Borden he would try to recruit for them. The girl before him didn’t look like much, but it couldn’t hurt to try. His comical fluffiness and handsome looks were usually enough to make the large wolf seem unimposing.

“You don’t smell like a pack... Are you looking for one?” His question was phrased harmlessly enough, but you never knew how women were want to react...

Bitches be crazy...

code by bryony
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Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben
<blockquote>Either oblivious or uncaring of her discomfort, the fluffy male moved closer and Tempest tensed even more, her hackles completing their journey to fully raised. Despite his words of her being close to pack borders he didn't threaten her with snarls and teeth. Instead, he threatened her with his very presence, looming closer and Tempest was having a hard time distinguishing him from the rogue that had attacked her a year ago. She kept seeing the villain's face superimposed over the silvery one before her. Her bright amber eyes darkened and a red haze swam before her eyes.

Tempest struggled to keep herself under control. <i>Couldn't he see her body screaming to stay away. Didn't her care?</i> She took deep breaths and forced herself to focus on what he was saying and not what he was doing... <i>getting much too close to her.</i> She slowly got her mind focused, but she had little control over her body right now. Not with him so close. She felt like a cable pulled too tight, ready to snap any second and decimate any that were too close.

Slowly the words sank in and she cleared her throat, trying to sound normal and not like a wolf about to lose it. <b>"Looking? No, thank you."</b> He needed no more details on her life. He didn't need to know that she had a home waiting for her upon her quest's completion. He didn't need to know anything about her. What he did need to know was that he was too close to her person and needed to step back <i>now.</i></blockquote>
The Calm in the Storm