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Fight For What's Right — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Tyrant who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonis Aquila
Set after <a href='http://relic-lore.net/index.php?showtopic=3296' target='_blank'>this thread</a>, however keeping this vague as there is no set outcome just yet. All welcome!
His blood was boiling. His body itched all over from the heat that burned beneath his fur. He'd never felt angry before. It was a new sensation but one that his body seemed to enjoy, it was almost like his body had been waiting for this moment and it was currently high from the feeling of being so annoyed. It wasn't right for a pup his age to feel his pent up, but his life hadn't been an easy one so far and he felt like things were only going to get worse. He had already grown up fast, passing most of his childhood with days of hiding away and keeping himself entertained whilst his mother slipped off to find food, but since coming here he had seen her even less and filled his days with scaling the mountains, running the forest and bettering himself with his broken body. However none of his efforts prepared him enough for what he wanted.
His mother had been bleeding, a wound to the shoulder when he had left her at the lake. So enraged was he that he had ran the entire mountain. His long legs engulfed the stone paths, dips and cliffs with ease. It was funny really, when he thought about where he was going he would make mistakes but when his mind was elsewhere his body was a natural, almost graceful in the way it moved. It wasn't until his paws left the stone and were met with the hard earth of the rise that he stopped and realised he had scaled the mountain in just half a day, no stops, no breaks, nothing until his paws had screamed at him to stop and rest a while. He didn't want to, but his legs felt as if they were jelly, his lungs were sobbing from the ache within their bodies and his paws were raw from the trip.

The evening would arrive soon, but he didn't care. He didn't want to go back. He would not go back... well, just to fetch his mother, but he didn't want to see the lake ever again. He hated the place that had once been his kingdom. He didn't want to smell the salt of the lake, taste the icy wind from the mountain top anymore. He wanted out, he wanted it now. Damnit, why did he have to be so young?! Were he an adult, though his size was not far off, he would have left and been done with it. Taken his mother, dragged her kicking and screaming if he had to, and let those mangy mutts behind. A pack is what they called themselves. Yeah, a pack of losers. he thought sourly as his rear sank to the earth and he caught his breath. He cast a glance over his shoulder, looking up to the mountain peak, knowing what lie on the other side, it sent a rumble from his chest.
He shouldn't have left, but everything had happened so suddenly and he knew his place... he didn't mind having a go at the White Witch but he didn't want to interfere with his mother's plans. He wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Instead he had run. Run as fast and as far from that place as he could, if only to get some perspective and some clarity. The run hadn't helped, it just made him more angry as he knew he had to go back and find her, but that didn't mean he couldn't have a moment to get away, to be alone.

He looked around him, half of what he saw a blur, the other crystal clear. The golden flecks in his eyes glittered in the fading sunlight, soaking in the terrain. Winter was here, that was for sure. It had not snowed last night, but there were still patches here and there and most likely would be all winter. He didn't mind it, he was used to the cold and his body no longer protest at the absence of heat and being alone at night when it was coldest. The meadow was bright, as if on fire. The sun shone down hard on the flat terrain, but the red flowers that would normally cover the meadow were gone, leaving just tall grass all around him, right up to the woodland edge in the distance. He remembered that place, it was where he had met Ryvet, his friend. His only friend. A sad smile touched his lips as he thought of the white pup and his mismatched eyes, a longing in his throat to see him again and play without a care as they had before. Perhaps he could visit him? No, that would be silly. He stunk of the wolves from the lake now, he thought it likely he wouldn't be allowed to mingle with another pack. Why else had they made themselves so secluded from the rest of the world if they had been welcomed in it. He hoped he would see him again, but he certainly couldn't seek him out. A pity, because he had never laughed so much before that one day. He hoped the white boy would remember him and think fondly of him... but that was some time ago now and much had changed since then, including the bitterness inside him.

"Stupid White Witch." he muttered to himself, a fog of breath left his lips as warm air met cold and he watched the little cloud fade away. He sat in silence then, eyes open and alert, listening for something, anything. He hoped some stupid animal would cross his path, so he could tear it to shreds and take his anger at his crappy life out on it before he would collapse in a heap and sob until he couldn't breathe... unfortunately, there was nothing to be seen here except long grass.
(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2013, 07:57 PM by Adonis.)
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Val-1.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #2d6385;">

The large silver male moved happily through the Rise, his home away from home. Even littered with patches of snow, in the sunset it still shone as vibrant as ever. The memory of delicate flowers dancing on the breeze enough to carry him through these drab times of death and snow. Spring would come as it always did, year in, year out... but that wasn’t something that crossed the simple wolf’s mind. He had tried plotting and scheming in his time, yes... But plans had a terrible habit of failing with one unable to see past the next pretty thing to cross his path and so he had decided, long ago now, to leave scheming to those with the foresight to carry it out and to simply focus on the here and now. It was all going swimmingly for him so far.

So when he caught sight of the lanky dark form in the distance, he took a moment to pause. He would remember that silhouette anywhere... Even so there was something... off. Regardless, he was intent to investigate further and happily trundled through the snow and swaying grass towards the wolf that looked so like Rhysis, but stunk predominantly of her.

As he neared, he realised what was off. It wasn’t his long lost friend, no... but perhaps the result of his little... venture. “Hey there!” he called out happily, his tail waving in a sign of friendly welcome. He stopped far enough away so as not to spook the boy, but he couldn’t wipe the smile from his face. Rhysis you sly... “You must be -” shit what was her name? He knew her name... “Naira’s boy right?” he questioned smoothly, barely missing a beat with a friendly smile still painted firmly to his comically fluff-framed face. Perhaps the boy had answers, maybe he had questions... Either way Uncle Valiant was bored, and what more fun was there to be had than moulding the minds of the young and restless?

code by bryony
(This post was last modified: Dec 01, 2012, 11:10 AM by Valiant.)
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Played by Tyrant who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonis Aquila
Movement caught his eye, which was surprising as he caught it in his bad eye. He didn't know what was approaching, but a blur of silver and white was moving against the darker grass. He turned his head then, allowing the good eye to find the wolf who approached. He didn't seem threatening, in fact the closer he got the more relaxed he seemed to get. Did he think that Adonis was no threat?! He might be young and inexperienced, but that didn't mean that... no wait, that did mean he most likely couldn't kick his butt. That just pissed him off even more. He couldn't even take down a stranger if he needed to. How the heck could he protect his mother? No wonder she had wanted to back to a pack. A pack could protect her unlike him.

The wolf was too happy. It made Adi squirm beneath the skin. He hated happy wolves. Alright, he didn't hate his sister, but she was inwardly happy and not... waggy tail, drooly happy like the wolf who made no attempt to keep neutral boundaries. Oh no, instead he just walked on over without a care in the world. He had been about to tell him to get lost after the greeting. He was in no mood to play nice, but then the wolf identified him as his mother's son, and he just had to know more. "You know my mother?" he asked in his quiet voice.

He hadn't met anyone outside of the pack who really knew his mother. Wait, there had been one? Maybe... he couldn't remembered. Everything was a bit of a blur now, things happened so fast that everything merged into one. He didn't know the different locations that they had visited, let alone the faces they met on the way. However, none had ever directed their attention to him for he had generally remained hidden or behind her. He felt almost grown up to be addressed as himself, not just her shadow. It felt nice to be recognized but at the same time terrifying as he had never been one for the spotlight. "Who are you? How do you know her?" he demanded rather then asked for an answer. So like his father, in ways he just did not know.
(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2013, 07:57 PM by Adonis.)
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
Crappy post is crappy, sorry!

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Val-1.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #2d6385;">

You know my mother? A wry smile crossed the males face as he had clearly piqued the boys interest. It wasn’t so much the boys mother that the man knew, but his father. He nodded to the boy, a confident chuckle added as the boy continued on with his interrogation, every inch his fathers son.

“She doesn’t like me much, so we’d best keep this our little secret eh?” he admitted, guilt slipping across his face for just a moment. “Probably because I get on so well with your father.” He added as an after thought. The boy was close to the bitch that had torn a hole in his hide, it was clear from the way her scent almost drowned out his own. Admitting he was not on the tawny woman’s good side might have cut this encounter short.

Intent on keeping the boy around for a while longer, he finally decided to make do with introductions. “I guess you could call me your Uncle Valiant.” the simple wolf joked. He was sure it would piss Naira off should the title ever slip, all the more fun for all involved.

“You look just like him, you know?” he commented vaguely. It wasn’t just looks the boy shared with the wolf the silver man had been seeking.

code by bryony
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Played by Tyrant who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonis Aquila
The young male narrowed his eyes at the others comment. His mother didn't like him? Well, he shouldn't like him either. He would have told him to get lost, but he carried on with information that caught his black ears. He knew his father well by the sounds of things and whilst Adonis had never pressed his mother for information that she clearly was reluctant to give him, he couldn't help but want to know more about the man he looked like.
He had been sure he had met him once before, a few months back... but the black wolf had been crazy, one moment trying to eat him, the next sobbing upon the floor in a wreck. He hadn't known what to think back then and he knew less of what to think now. No one spoke of his father. No one spoke of the King, of his mother's true love. He knew that she loved him, but that was only from her dreams and the way she looked for something, someone wherever they went, as if she hoped to bump into him once more. He had to stay and hear him out, if only for his mother's sake.

He cocked a brow at the pale wolf as he gave his name. Uncle Valiant? Pft, he had had quite enough of "Uncles" for this lifetime and he certainly wouldn't go calling a stranger one. Valiant would do. "My name is Adonis." he said, but kept himself guarded and watchful as the other continued.

His next topic would have made him freeze were he moving. He looked just like him? Really? He didn't know whether to feel proud he looked like his old man, or hateful at the man who had left them and his mother alone in the world. He didn't know all of the ins and outs, only what he could piece together from his mothers dreams and the gossip he over heard around the lake; he was unable to feel offended or flattered. "I take it that isn't a good thing? That I look like him, I mean." he asked with a tilt of his head, eating up the words of a complete stranger as if his very life depended on them. Sure, Valiant might have been lying... but he wasn't going to turn away any chance at information of who he was and where he came from. No matter how suspicious the messenger and his motives.
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 08:59 PM by Adonis.)