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in fear and faith — The Wildwood 
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Played by Bridget who has 6 posts.
Hover over the French for the English translation.

J'espère que personne n'est là devant moi, he muttered quietly. Each time he opened his mouth his breath swirled about his face, a misty cloud in the frigid morning air. S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît, he prayed to no one in particular.

The scent of a distressed deer pulled him from his home in the Ghastly Woods, and he followed the trail of anguish, terror, blood, and death deep into the Wildwood. He moved quickly, following the path that wound through thickets and gullies, down rolling chasms, and into the thicker parts of the forest. The metallic scent of impending weather filled the atmosphere and further ignited Rievaulx's bloodlust. Precipitation in any form would extinguish the scent trail, and his relentless hunger made Rievaulx mad with anxiety and fury. Two days had passed since his last meal of a skin-and-bones squirrel. The fatigue was beginning to set in, and the ache in his empty stomach was becoming unbearable.

Flecks of blood on tree trunks, rocks, and the forest floor became more frequent as he progressed through the wood. Licking his lips with anticipation he quickened his pace, and he inhaled deeply as the scent grew stronger. As he crested a small hill, he stopped and looked down upon a glade surrounded by thick evergreens. In the meadow the wounded deer lay in a pool of her own blood. Hunched over her in a protective pose and feasting upon the fresh flesh was a cougar.

Rievaulx lowered his ears. Je n'aurais pas dû, he growled and began to weigh his options. The cougar, who had sensed his presence, turned his head and looked at his unwanted guest. Pulling his lips back, the cougar exposed a row of teeth stained in fresh blood. With a growling stomach, Rievaulx turned and retreated down the hill, muttering and cursing under his breath as he went. All hope of chasing the cougar from its meal were pushed from his mind. After being on his own for weeks he had come to the bitter realisation that he needed help in order to catch large game like deer. His logic was nagging at him to find help.

I don't need help, I don't need anyone, he spat.

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Awesome! I get to practice my five years of French classes! Let's see how much I remember..

Her nose had caught the scent of an easy meal. It would allow the female to take back a significant amount of meat to Willow Ridge's caches. That was the least she could do for Elettra as her time in the Willows was quickly nearing its end. She just hoped the deer didn't attract other creatures looking for the same. An easy meal to fill their bellies. The young woman did not know of the large cat scent that was blowing away from her and towards the other stranger. Nor did she know about that other wolf stranger also honing in on the easy meal.

Her movements were quick as she plodded on through the forested land. Cedars towered over the woman as she sped along under the shadows of the arching branches. The old snow still frozen hard under her paws. Recent rains only further hardening the snow into ice-like patches during the still frozen nights. Only one good thing came from that. It was easier to stalk over hard ground silently than it was to stalk over noisy crusted semi new snow.

Her ears caught an alien sound to her. That of a grating screech which hurt her ears causing them to fold back into her head. It came from the direction the scent was coming from. Her paw steps slowed as she neared the scene watching carefully from the bushes. An enormously huge...cat? Was crouched over a freshly killed deer. She watched quietly from the shadows as the cat hissed its annoyance, but it was hissing at another snowy figure.

She watched as the male wolf raised his body and tail in challenge and bared his fangs at the huge cat. Surprised in the white wolfs boldness Nari looked over the cat again from her hiding place. Now that she was closer she could scent both of them. Her bluish purple eyes widened in surprise. The cats scent was the same sher had scented back in Fireweed Rise so many weeks ago. Only now she had an image to put with the scent. A mountain Lion.. She raised her own gray lips revealing healthy pink gums and sharp daggers. Sloane had told her what this animals name was, and she already knew that it was very dangerous. The males scent told her that he was close to her age, but he had no pack. This piqued her interest, but was pushed to the back of her head in order to deal with the current situation.

Not thinking of the danger she was putting herself into Nari stepped out of her hiding place snarling at the cougar. Her fur bristled making her body seem twice as large as normal size, and her own body and tail raised trying to intimidate the large creature. She knew one wolf wouldn't be much danger to the big cat, but two wolves might make it nervous. She would help the male scare off this formidable foe whether she got a meal out of it or not. Then maybe afterward they could chit chat when they were both safe. She switched her eyes to the white male and nodded a greeting before turning her stare back to the tan feline and snarling at it.

Played by Bridget who has 6 posts.

For a moment he felt himself paralysed under the gaze of the mountain lion and he felt his heart palpitate as the cat rose its head. With blood dripping from its bloody muzzle the mountain lion pulled back its lips and hissed. To Rievaulx it was a sound that was less frightening than he had originally anticipated, but he stil found himself frozen where he stood. After being on his own for weeks now, he had confronted other predators and fought over prey. Independent, he was desperate. He had learned his limits, and a mountain lion was most definitely out of is league.

His stomach growled, breaking the intense staring contest he had with the cat. He remembered his hunger. He inhaled, his lungs filling with the scent of deer, blood, and death. He felt the bloodlust return and rekindle his fury.

Seemingly out of nowhere, for Rievaulx was too preoccupied with his enemy to pay attention to his surroundings, another wolf revealed itself -- herself he discovered as he inhaled again. He made a move bfore a plan could be calculated (not that Rievaulx was the kind to plan anything out, really; acting on impulse suited him best). While the attention of the mountain lion was briefly drawn towards the other wolf, Rievaulx let his body and instincts take over. Before he knew it he was at the bottom of the hill, feet from the deer and mountain lion. Without thinking, without considering how ridiculous he would look, Rievaulx did as best he could to plow into the cat.

His underestimation of the cat's size and weight resulted in Rievaulx slamming into the cat with his shoulder and bouncing off almost comically. With the wind knocked out of him, the young wolf fell to the side, landing on his side in the pool of deer blood. As he pulled himself to his feet Rievaulx opened his eyes, which locked with the mountain lion's.

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
I will change the post if you don't like it. :)

The big cat looked in her direction with the glint of anger within its yellow orbs. A shiver ran up her back as she looked upon its bloody maw and long stained fangs. Even so she kept her position stepping forward slowly banner held high, fur puffed out to her maximum size, and snarled out a few curses to the creature. Then she watched the white wolf dart forward. Was this male stupid? Even being a large wolf like herself Nari knew that no wolf would be able to body slam that big of a cat.

"Don't!" Her call fell upon death ears. Or was ignored. Either way the male continued to hurtle towards the feline.

As he rammed himself into the creature she jumped forward to help. There was no way he would be able to get away if the cat decided to swipe its razor-like claws at him from that distance. Her blue gaze watched as the white wolf bounced off the stone hard muscle along the cat's shoulders. Then he lay there staring up at the hissing creature.

The mountain lions head whipped around and stared threateningly into the white wolfs blue gaze. It uttered a mighty shriek roaring at the two wolves then picked up its claw to bat at the downed male. Nari got there just before its sharp claws swung downwards and snapped her teeth around the outside of its elbow. Her weight pulled the clawed arm down and distracted the cougar from its first opponent. It shrieked again turned away from the male and cuffed at the silver wolf with its left free arm. She tried to dodge but she was not the fastest wolf. Her ruff was caught by the claws and she went flying a few feet away into the dirt.

Fuck.. She snarled bringing up that blood lust she usually used for hunting and snapped her jaws in defiance at the cougar. The top of her ruff bled from three long scratches given to her by those sharp claws. Some of her silver fur in clumps along the ground where she stood. Had the male taken the chance to back away to a safer distance? She knew that the cougar could not fight both of them at once. If they worked together they could scare the beast off, but only if they worked together. She hoped the male wouldn't just run into danger again by himself.

"Together! She barked at the male casting a glance in his direction. Then she waited to see when he was ready for a second try.

(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2013, 04:10 PM by Narimé.)

Played by Bridget who has 6 posts.
It's fine! And sorry for the delay!

There wasn't a moment to plan or argue; when Rievaulx heard the lady wolf call to him — Together! she had called — he acted without thinking. Hunger, frustration, and bloodlust filled his head, and all conscious thoughts were cast to the side as his instincts manned the helm. As he looked about he noticed everything happening so fast, and he moved quickly to keep from getting killed. The cat's attention was now divided between the two wolves, and Rievaulx knew that a wrong move on his part would render tragedy.

A sudden sharp pain was felt in his left shoulder, and he realised he had been hit with one of the cat's outstretched claws. Flexing his shoulders he moved forward. He paid his wound no mind; his shoulder hadn't been dislocated, and the scratch would heal.

He looked to the female and saw that she was ready to move with him. With his ground recovered, Rievaulx lifted his head and puffed out his chest, trying to make his skinny body appear larger to the intimidating cat. He advanced forward with teeth bared, a growl deep in his throat, and a darkness in his eyes. Courage or stupidity — or perhaps a bit of both — filled him now as he closed in on the cougar. With its tail lashing back and forth agitatedly, the cat pulled back its blood-stained lips and hissed at the wolves in a final desperate attempt to hold its ground.

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Finally they were making progress. The Mountain lion continually bared its fangs at the two wolves as they crept forward. Narimé could see the fur along the cats spine sticking up with nervous prickling energy. A few paw steps forward from she and the white male made the cougar spit back in defiance at them. Then it took two steps of its own sideways. Away from the deer carcass.

She noted the big cats tail flicking upwards and twitching side to side. Much like the bobcat she had once come across with its hare. The tail flicks seemed to show what the animal was feeling. (Of course the bobcat only had a stub for a tail.) Even so she could understand that it was indeed beginning to back down. The lion should know that where two wolves are there is a pack not far behind (in most cases.) It knew its chances against a pack versus a loner.

A few more steps forward from the wolves brought a snarl to the cat and a few slaps from its dangerous paws to the ground in warning. Then, the cat quieted, turned, and pounced away leaping into the underbrush leaving the two wolves alone in the clearing with their prize.

A relieved sigh issued from the gray female as she calmed herself down. She stood there for a minute or two just relaxing and checking for the creature to return. Then she sat down and began grooming her ruffled fur. The sting burning on the top of her neck from the cats claws. It's only a few scratches though.. She rolled her head back to peer at the wounds as best she could then gave up. They would heal soon enough. Her first battle scars.

Pride for herself blossomed in her chest. She had taken on a cougar! Without Sloane her protector being near. Though she was only helping the white male. A cougar! The young woman stopped grooming herself and lifted her chin smiling to herself Glad to know that she could protect herself or others when needed. Then she turned to look at the male. He had gotten an injury too.

"Are you okay?" She spoke with a worried expression for the white wolf she didn't even know.

Played by Bridget who has 6 posts.

Pound, pound, pound.... pound, pound, pound, rang his heart in his ears. Turning his head, Rievaulx watched as the cat stalked away in defeat. Any sense of triumph he would have felt was overshadowed by the throbbing pain he felt in his shoulder. Groaning and looked down at his shoulder, wincing at the movement and growling when his eyes fell upon his blood-soaked pelt. From this angle it was impossible for him to judge the severity of his wound, but the deep pain combined with a sharp, dagger-like sensation running down his left forearm was enough for him to conclude the wound was no laughing matter. Rievaulx sighed.

The scent of the deer's blood was still heavy in the air, but it had begun to mingle with the scent of his own blood, which made Rievaulx's stomach turn. He walked gingerly towards the deer -- his prize, all that he desired now -- wincing with each step as the imaginary dagger drove deeper and deeper into his opened flesh. He lowered his mouth to begin his feast and stopped when his aquamarine eyes locked onto the female just feet from him.

Are you okay? The words sounded distorted, as if she was calling to him from down a tunnel, or far off in the wood. Noticing her English, it took him a second to switch linguistic gears. You talking to me? he thought as he looked at her unmoving. Inhaling, he felt the pain jab him again. His head was beginning to feel faint, and everything felt like a dream.

What's it to you? he managed to get out, his voice thick with anguish. Why does she care? She doesn't know me. Is she going to fight me for the deer, now? Rievaulx's muscles tightened at the thought. No. It's mine; I saw it first.

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

She pressed her ears forward listening to the males uncertain voice. He seemed suspicious of her, even though she'd just helped him out. The silver wolf could see that his injury was a hell of a lot worse than her little scratches. Not life threatening no, but bad for a loner to have. Her heart went out to the white wolf who padded towards his prize, the deer carcass. How was she to help him?

"I was just a little worried about you that's all. I guess... I know how dangerous it is to be weakened as a loner...and an injury is not going to help you right now." She sat down in her spot giving him space to eat from the carcass in peace. It was not like she needed it anymore than he. If anything now that he was injured the white wolf would need it more.

"You were very brave... You know.. If you were in a pack, I could see you becoming a great guardian." She hinted fluffing out her tail a little and forcing her head a little higher. "And you'll need a pack to help out wounds like that. " The idea had formed in her head and now Narimé was sure of it This wolf would make a grand guardian protecting their borders from dangers.

"I can offer you shelter, healing, and a pack. " She finally spoke up letting her voice stretch across the open ground to the white wolf. "If you are looking for a family of course, or perhaps... a place to prove yourself to others." The silver wolf watched him closely interested in his answer. Then remembered something, she hadn't told him her name yet.

"My name is Narimé Lagina Thorben, and in a few weeks time I will be forming a pack of my own with my mate in Southern Eden. I extend this offer to you knowing that you are strong and independent, but sometimes even lone wolves get lonely." Narimé had to force herself to be quite. That old talkative self of hers bubbling to the surface once again. Right now it was time to be quiet. Be quiet and listen to his desires.

Played by Bridget who has 6 posts.
As the female began expressing concerns over his wounds, Rievaulx lowered his head to the deer's opened side and began to pull at the meat. The taste and smell of flesh and blood made his eyes water and his stomach turn with anticipation. Too long it had been since he'd had a meal this fine. Blood dripped from his red stained mouth. He enjoyed his first few bites as he ravenously pulled at the carcass. He had temporarily forgotten about the pain in his side, and he relished the moment. Rievaulx kept his large ears pointed towards the female, listening to each word but not responding immediately; his luncheon was too much of a distraction.

Rievaulx swallowed a partially-chewed mouthful and winced as the pain in his shoulder flared up again. I can offer you shelter, healing, and a pack, the female offered politely. He narrowed his eyes, but considered what she had said. The irrational side of him -- the part that took up most of his brain and made up the majority of his actions -- was screaming at him No, this is a trap. She wants something from you; she knows that you're a loner, and she knows you're hurt. Too hurt to go far from this place. She's trying to lure you into something. Trust equals death. But there was also a rational side to Rievaulx -- however small, insignificant, and often ignored it was. It began to nag at him, reminding Rievaulx the reality and seriousness of the situation. This is bad, he thought of his injuries. With every breath he took a sharp pain underscored the constant dull ache that had begun to radiate down his leg. Rievaulx thought to his den in Ghastly Woods, and knew it would be a long and tedious trip home. And home to what, death? Anything in the woods can smell my blood. I might as well shout "Dinner!" at the top of my frickin' lungs and wait for the feeding frenzy to start. But I can't just go with her. I have no idea who she is. Oh merde, this is bloody perfect.

I extend this offer to you knowing that you are strong and independent, she said, and Rievaulx replied defiantly, You got that right, bijou. I'd be absolutely fine if that mad salope hadn't of cut me up, he said, referring to the cougar. Now look at me -- literally a bloody mess! And what would you do about my cut, anyway? It's fine, anyway. Thanks, but no thanks. I think I've got this.

Rievaulx took two steps, first with is good leg, then with his bad leg, before crying out in agony. His shoulder seized, making any movement on his left side almost impossible. Merde! You have got to be frickin' kidding me! was all he could think. The fragile damsel in distress was not a part he enjoyed playing.

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Nari had to think about the wolfs words. How was she supposed to help his injuries? It wasn't like she had a pack yet, and with no healer around she couldn't possibly find the right herbs to treat him. The only herb she knew of was Hellebore after what that Triell guy had taught her. Or told her, he didn't really try teaching her about it. What does Hellebore help again? She wondered quietly trying to think of a way to help the guy. Even if he didn't want to join she wouldn't just leave him the way he was.

"I know a plant that grows just South of here in the marsh. Maybe I can find some thawed bits for you that will help the pain..." She was pretty sure it would help pain. If not it was bound to help something that was wrong with him. The silver wolf closed her eyes trying to remember precisely what Triell had said. It was so long ago that the memory was hard to bring up, but she remembered him saying that the plants grew in wet area's. So hopefully she might find a thawed one in the marsh. If of course it wasn't frozen over.

With a dip of her head and a slight wag in her tail Narimé gestured goodbye to the wolf. The gray wolf would quickly get the plants from the marsh if she had to dig and claw them out of the ice just to help. "I'll be back in an hour or so with the plant that can help you. Trust me everything will be alright." She wouldn't take no for an answer. However just before the she wolf dashed off Nari froze scenting the air. Making absolutely sure that the big cat was long gone.It would be easy for the creature to attack either one of them when they were alone.

A few minutes later she deemed it safe to leave and began running south towards the edge of the woods where the Marsh would be. Not only would her absence give him time to eat but time to think as well.

(She's going to come back after you post)