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Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
@Adsila <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
There were some things that always came unexpectedly to Ana but there were always little surprises during the day that she greeted with a smile. Although Lachesis was usually off with Capella when she herself was watching over the youngsters, she understood his desire to have a friend his age. They could share things together and do things without Anastasia’s supervision. It had only come to her attention recently that maybe eventually her friend would only see her as a leader when she saw him as a friend first and foremost. Would it ever come to that? Would he be afraid that something he said or did in her presence would get him in trouble? Could he even do that?
Shaking off that feeling Anastasia continued her move forward, not realizing she had stopped in the middle of the woods, and weaving her way around the trees she headed towards the pack den. It was just about sundown so Shade would likely have brought the kids back from their adventures (or wherever it was the kids had been in previous hours). Nothing brought more joy to her day than being able to hang with one of them. Kids made her happy and knowing that they liked her looked up to her and saw her as a friend made the experience all the more exciting. Every moment she spent with them, she felt that much happier here. Upon approaching the den and catching scent of them, she couldn’t stop her tail from wagging and a bark escaping her lungs.

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Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer
Careful of Adsila, she may bite xD

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

Adsila held back a whine as she lay down at the mouth of the den. Father had herded both the young prince and princess into the den as it was becoming night time, apparently there was bad things out there. But surely there was no difference between being out during the day and night? Stifling a sigh by biting down on her tongue, the young princess looked behind her, into the den where her brother lay. He was sleeping, and was still coughing. Worry filled her at the sight of him, why was he coughing? She was too young to understand why he was, but she knew that he would need help in getting better. Sadly, she couldn't do it, an adult was required to make his coughing go away.

Growling softly to herself, she turned her head to look back out of the den at the lowering sun. It wasn't that low in the sky, and no one was near to be seen. Maybe she could sneak out until it became dark? Karp wouldn't notice, he was too tired to notice anything that happened when he fell asleep. Getting quickly to her feet, Adsila looked back at her brother once more to check if he was still sleeping before she scampered out of the den and into the bushes. She was careful not to step on a gobbet of leaves, grass, dirt or anything that would make her fur all sticky. Looking around, she made sure there was no one nearby before a sly grin formed on her face. The young princess frolicked in the bushes; swatting at bugs flying by and pouncing on small creatures, sometimes catching them, sometimes not. When she did catch a creature, she let it squirm under her paws before letting it go and watching it run as fast as it could away from her.

The young princess was having so much fun that when a bark echoed in the air she gave a loud squeak and looked frantically around before running for the safety of the den. Had a monster found her? Was she going to be eaten? The thoughts swam around in her head as she ran for the den, but instead of looking forwards at where she was going, her head was looking back behind her to see what had made the noise. In doing so, Adsila didn't watch where she was going and ran straight into a large, furry object. A loud yelp escaped from her jaws as she stumbled backwards, desperately trying to get away from the monster. Her whole body was shaking with fear as she looked up at the furry thing with wide eyes.

It took her a few seconds to realize that the furry object she had run into was Anastasia, and she calmed down. Still quivering slightly, the young princess got to her feet and sat down, staring at Anastasia. Was she the one that has made the noise? Now that she thought about it, it had sounded familiar. Her denim blue eyes scanned over Anastasia, and she saw her tail wagging and a smile on her face. Did she think it was funny? Growling softly, Adsila had to clench her teeth together to stop from screaming out her frustration. She hated it when other wolves made her do something she didn't like, and Anastasia had definitely done that. It didn't improve the thoughts Adsila had about her, it just made them worse. Staring at Anastasia with a cold look in her eyes, the young princess awaited her so called "mother" to speak first and apologize to her.

603 Words

Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
So crazy packing for a two week trip ;_; <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
From the moment that she had abruptly decided that she and Nineteen were coming here, she had not expected any of this. Anastasia had never expected to become a temp mother over night, nor had she expected to be promoted from an assumed Subordinate to an Alpha. Being an Alpha was something that she had never expected to come out of her future and sometimes she did believe that it wasn’t for her. She was always more laid back and unlike Shade (whom she believed had this specific quality) she couldn’t determine someone from first impression. Unless someone outwardly expressed ‘I’m evil, I will murder you and steal your soul’ she would never know. She was blissfully ignorant of all things.
As she called out for the two youngsters she was surprised to suddenly be greeted with a squeak that resonated elsewhere. With her ears lifted up and her eyes now looking around for the noisemaker she spotted a frantic pup running to the safety of the den. So there was a culprit that had come outside the den when they were supposed to be inside, huh? Silly. The pup landed right into her, resulting in doing nothing to Ana but Adsila was pulled back consequentially. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Did I startle you?” she asked, moving to inspect the youngster to see if she hurt though spotted nothing when inspecting from afar, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“I’m sorry. What were you doing in the bushes?” Certainly not anything that Shade knew about, that was definitely a good start.

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Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer
It's okay :) I'm gonna start packing to move houses in a few weeks too :P

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

Adsila scowled as Anastasia moved closer to her, as if inspecting to make sure she was fine, and asking if she had scared her. Well there was an obvious answer: of course she had been startled, and she was fine too. No broken bones, maybe a bruise on her shoulder from the impact, but otherwise completely fine. Sighing softly, the young princess stared up at Anastasia with denim blue eyes that shimmered in the dark light of the setting sun. Her dark, fluffy tail curled around her small paws, and her head was held high, just like an alphas' would be. She sat like that for a few moments, before opening her little jaws and speaking in a tone that clearly stated her question hadn't needed to have been asked. "A littleh bit, but I'm fineh."

When Anastasia apologized, a smile came upon the young princesses face. She forgave her for that, but only because of the apology. But as soon as she asked what Adsila had been doing in the bushes, a look of suspicion came upon her face, along with the slight pulling back of her ears that her instics made her do. Why was she asking? But there was an answer for that. She was either curious, was looking for her, or both. Looing down at her paws, the young princess pawed at the ground, not sure what to say. Should she lie and say that she was looking for her, or tell the truth and admit that she had been breaking the rules? Lieing was the easy escape route, but it could lead to complications later on. And although telling the truth was much simpler, she didn't want to be seen as a troublemaker. really, all she had wanted to do was have some fun.

Torn, the young princess looked up at Anastasia, unsure of what to say. And even though she wasn't her mother, she had the motherly feel to her. But even so, the thought of treating Anastasia as her mother was repelling, only Ma was to be thought of like that, and ever since she had abandoned her and Karp, the young princess had hated her. She would never be their mother again, and Anastasia could never fill the abyss in her heart that had formed when Ma had abandoned them. It was just something that she would have to live with for the rest of her life.

Sighing softly, Adsila decided to tell the truth. Whatever happened, she deserved it. Looking back up at Anastasia with a defeated look on her face, her head lowered slightly and the shimmering in her eyes dulled so that they were just plainly blue. For a few seconds she sat there, before opening her little jaws to speak in a soft voice. "I....I snuck owt to playeh b'cos I was borded....And thereh was n'thing to do."

482 Words

Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
There was a lot of coaptation within the pack and Anastasia had done whatever she could possibly do to make all of it easier for everyone. Be it a friendly face, a pleasant conversation or just some company she would do her best to make others feel at home and as if they belonged. That was what she was there for as a friend and not just an Alpha. She wanted others to see her as an Alpha but also someone who was on their level and looked at everything like they did. They were all equal here, there was no need to feel threatened by one another as they were a pack who would work together as such.
Although her relationship with Adsila was somewhat rocky she always held her head high and believed that things would work out. It couldn't be this way forever and she understood that being the step-monster wasn't exactly the ideal role, she knew it would have to do in the meantime. Anastasia wasn't a big fan of liars, but was also pretty bad at catching lies, she appreciated Addy telling the truth (or what definitely seemed like the truth). <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">Well, she answered with a mischievous smile as she lowered her head down, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">what would you like to do so that you're not bored?
She certainly didn't want either of the kids to be bored but she also didn't want them to be so bored that they stuck out of the den so far that they left the Fen. That wouldn't quite be such a happy moment and she wouldn't enjoy scavenging and tracking them down like a game of extreme hide and seek.

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Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer
@Anastasia Extremely sorry for the long wait! Had no internet, I still don’t have proper internet :c

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

The young princesses act of being displeased didn’t last long as Anastasia lowered her head with a mischievous smile on her face, asking what she wanted to do so that she wasn’t bored. A grin formed on her face and she giggled softly, staring up at her step-mother with wide, denim blue eyes. What did she want to do? Well, Adsila wanted Karp to feel better so that they could play games like hide ‘n seek or catch the mouse. But the young princess doubted that Anastasia would want to play those games as adults just didn’t see the fun in them. Plus, playing hide ‘n seek with them was unfair because they could see, hear and smell much better than her or Karp, so those two options were crossed out. That left just one more….

Lifting up a foreleg, Adsila batted at Anastasia’s muzzle with her small paw. She was much smaller than her, and she wanted to see what it looked like to be bigger than an adult. But that was impossible unless if the young princess stood on something that was taller than her step-mother. Giggling again, Adsila put all four paws back on solid ground and looked at Anastasia. ”I wish that Karp was feelin bettah so that we could play games toogether, but heese no fun when he coufs all the time.”

Her speech was improving, but it still had a while to go before it was perfect. ”Can weh hunt somefing Ana? Please?” Whenever the other members of Pitch Pine Trail brought in fresh meat Adsila also wondered what it was like to hunt something. Other than birds, mice and voles of course. The young princess wanted to hunt something bigger, like deer. But she was too young. Maybe they could hunt something else, though.

301 Words

Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
not to worry :3 <3 <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
All the Starklen woman had ever wanted since coming here was acceptance and friendship from those that she met, including the two she looked after. The lore was a completely different place than her birth pack; its traditions were easier to control and understand. It was here that Anastasia understood their tactics and liked them. At least she had the respect that she deserved as a woman—Adsila would get to grow up pretty free of high expectations. Sure, Shade would wish for her to be respectful, mindful and likely independent. However, that wasn’t what Ana meat. Adsila would get to make her own choices and decide her path, whereas where Ana came from her future was decided for her.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“I wish he was feeling better too then we could all go out and play,” she said happily though she was sure that everyone was doing what they could to make sure that Karpos would be up to his normal shenanigans in no time. By the excited mention of a hunt, Anastasia smiled and nodded. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“A hunt, huh?” she couldn’t help but feel happy that Adsila was interested in going for a hunt. Then again, it was probably normal for a child to be interested in something that they couldn’t exactly take part in just yet. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“How does rabbit sound?” It was just about the biggest thing they could hunt aside from a deer that Adsila could actively be involved in. Anastasia couldn’t take a deer down by herself so unless Shade’s daughter had a better idea, it’d just be rabbit for them tonight.

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Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer
Urgh, short. Long day at school >.>

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

A smile graced her features as Ana spoke her wishes of Karp getting better. The young princess knew that she cared for her and Karp, but the fact that she wasn’t her real mother made it hard for her to accept Ana as anything but a friend. Only Rose could be a mother figure in her eyes, but when she disappeared, a void took place in her heart of where a mother should be. She felt hatred for her birth mother, for abandoning her and Karp, and yet, she also wanted her to return. To come back to her family.

When the hunt for a rabbit was spoken Adsila’s tail swayed back and forth furiously as she jumped to her paws. “Reahlly? Can we?” Grinning, the young princess thought of how they would catch it. Should she track it or should Anastasia? Who would pounce on it? Would they herd it between them before each attempting to grab it? So many questions swam around her mind in circles.

Staring at Anastasia; nose twitching and tail flicking, Adsila smiled. “We shood goh into the for’st to hunteh a rabbit!” Giggling, the young princess sprinted off into the trees, only checking behind her shoulder once she reached the tree line to make sure that Anastasia was still following. Lifting her muzzle up into the air, Adsila tried to catch the scent of a rabbit, but there was either no rabbits around, or her sense of smell was just very bad. Looking at Anastasia with wide, denim blue eyes, the young princess wondered if she had caught scent of a rabbit.

268 Words

(This post was last modified: Sep 09, 2013, 10:07 AM by Adsila.)

Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
no worries, do you want to end this with your next post or continue with a hunt? <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
Ana would do whatever she could to make the young Adsila at least look to her like a friend. If a friend was all it came to then she would be just as happy as ever, because mother was a far term that even she had never meant to be. Shade had not and would not love her like Rosealia had, that she would never take from Adsila, so if just being there for Adsila was what it was going to be then she would appreciate it. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Sure we can!” she exclaimed, glad that the young pup was at least excited about the prospect of going on a hunt for something a little larger. It was all Ana wanted, for the young girl to experience something a little different to know that her independence wasn’t completely strangled.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Lead the way!” she again exclaimed, motioning for the navy-eyed girl to frolic and for Ana to jog behind her at a leisurely pace. They would hunt something spectacular that was for sure. Adsila would pick their target but first, she wanted to see if it was possible for Adsila to at least scent it. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Do you think you can ignore all the different smells and sounds of the forest to find a rabbit?” she asked, slowing down as they reached the forest and put their noses to the ground. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Search for it with your sense of smell. Close your eyes and focus,” she advised in the hopes that she would find it easily but if not then Ana would be quick to help or go track it down if necessary.

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