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Hoping sorry isn't useless
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Played by WildOne's FallenWolves who has 15 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Liam Rose
(I don't mind if you post before {@Kiril} who is being played by Mell till adopted.)

Night of departure
It had been a cold chilling night, a rough south blowing wind rustling through the thickets of the beautiful territory. The stars lit dimly above in the velvet blue sky without the help of the moon as it seemed missing once again starting the cycle of it's phases. A light strange eerie mist blanketed the land as humidity filled the air. Resting under a small tree the dark furred red wolf slept, ribs raising and crashing shallowly. His left lime green eye ever so slightly opened glaring out at the alpha's den watching for any sign of danger threatening the young pups and mother curled up inside.

From the distance within the land just outside of relic lore a howl bellowed out of a massive wolf. His fur white as snow, eyes a cold blue river, Cane was his name. He stood nearly as tall as a Mackenzie wolf could grow with bulging muscles rippling under his coarse mid length fur. His howl had been a clear target for Liam, one asking for his help, mercy, and forgiveness.

Startled Liam jumped up with erect ears and a complete bristled body. His tail flagged high above his back before he started calming down. He wasn't sure what had awaken him from his cozy slumber but decided since he was up he'd take a nice stroll around the boarders checking for any unwanted guests attempting to creep into his home land.

Approaching the edge of the Secret Woodlands the howl called out again in a much more distressed tone. Catching his attention he turned his heavy with sleep head in the direction. Concern expressed itself on his face but he stood where he was looking over his shoulder. This was his family now, he told himself but looking forward he knew that the call was his brothers'. His younger baby sibling was calling for him...how does one say no? Easy right, but...So what if the wolf turned out to be bigger and stronger then himself..right? With a deep sigh he set out at a brisk pace wondering if he chose wisely and how bad he'd pay for this in the end of it all. With that it was by morning the handsome wolf disappeared from the land of Relic Lore.

Dawn of return to Secret Woodlands

Birds chirped high above in the trees as the sun began to peek above the edge of the horizon. A cool wind blew through the trees rustling the man's fur. It was a chilled damp morning with a few showers of light sprinkling occasionally pouring through to the dark soil beneath. The grumpy red man walked under the shadows of looming branches covered in summer green leaves. He didn't know how much more of Kiril's constant dreck complaining he could take: "I'm tired", "I'm hungry", "my paws ache", "it's too hot", "my stomachache is hurting again", and so on. The stench of puke on the boy's fur was already enough to make one want to stay away but his personality. Oh his personality! He was annoying, needy, and so ungrateful! That boy was driving Liam to his last straw quickly like a wrecking RV heading for a cliff. At least it kept his mind of the annoying flopping of his left ear and the ripping pain rushing through it.

Sighing heavily he slowed down to a stop, "The borders are near. We will rest here for a few hours before nearing them to get our strength up. When we request entrance to the pack we ARE to submit and be RESPECTFUL, do you got me Kiril?" He spoke empathising are and respectful in attempt to drill the information threw his skull and into his brain. His eyes stayed locked for awhile with the bi-colored ones staring back before he turned to look ahead. "Almost home" He whispered low under his breath in a quite mumble. Giving out another puff of carbon to the air in the form of a sigh he bent his front legs down. His hind fallowed in pursuit putting him in a comfy laying position. He set his muzzle on his paws and slanted his eyes lazily. He appeared asleep but if you stared into those thick black eyelashes you'd know better. The mix of shallow breathing and other tricks were all but a disguise to fool the folly minded.

(Alright he is NOT anywhere close to the borders. They are just faintly in his scent range.)
(This post was last modified: Aug 03, 2013, 03:17 AM by Liam.)
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
It was a steady limp, a solid limp, very sure. As if the black wolf knew exactly what he was doing with the limp. As if it had a purpose. Every stumble was meant to be and every wince at his paw touching the ground was done on purpose. Hollow's shoulder still ached, and at Nina's request he had stayed in the pack den for a few days, of course as soon as she and Azariah disappeared Hollow slipped out. Today he had something to do. He clumsily moved through his thicket home towards one of his small dens. He had stashed another antler for Bane so that the pup might have a matching set. That is if the boy even still had the first.

But just as Hollow reached his small den a scent made his hackles rise. Liam! Though he had struck a friendship with the male his leaving was still a sharp thought in Hollow's head. It had been from the moment the bobcat's teeth had first met his shoulder many days ago. So, antler forgotten, Hollow set a course for the border knowing full well that Nina may reprimand his actions now. But in the end he had to have an explanation, and in Hollow's mind, it needed to be a damn good one at that. The journey to the edge of Woodland territory took much longer than usual and when Hollow finally arrived. He found a good solid tree to rest against. It would give him a strong appearance and rest his shoulder all at once. No wolf scent besides the stales ones of Nina, Koda, and Iopah lay on the border therefore Hollow knew they hadn't been by here yet today.

Hollow's dark head tilted back and a half command, half question was sang into the wind.Liam, why have you abandoned us only to come back as a scent upon the winds? We still have ears, come and tell us if you are betrayer or hero! His song died away and the young male waited for Liam, and @Nina whom he was sure had heard his call. Hopefully no one hostile showed up or Hollow was nothing more than an appetizer.

O' Bravery, why do you lead so many to their deaths? Why do you put them in harms way? Bravery replied "They can live with either way, death or danger, for the love that burns within wards of the cold caress of death and fear. The fire of hatred so does the same. For love and hatred both carry bravery. Yet the hero is the only one who knows which is right." Let us see then how this story ends. - I totally made it up and thought it sounded relevant to this thread (injured guardian does his duty even though he could die, and Liam brings back his kin even at the risk of being shunned and left to die)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She had only been away for a few moments, going back to collect some other herbs to reapply to her patient. She found that within her new pack that Hollow was her favorite patient. Not because he listened, because he certainly did not do that, but because she had seen him so often. First it had been when he had been out helping Ashanti and then the bobcat incident. Though she did not like injuries within her tight knit family, it gave her a sense of pride and security knowing that Hollow had such commitment and loyalty to his pack. He had been with her from the beginning and she certainly would never doubt he loyalty. It was why when she came back to where she had left him, an angry expression crossed upon her face. Yes, she absolutely loved taking care of her patients and when they complied with her wishes, it made her even happier! But when things like this happened, when his patients defied her orders, she came beyond pissed.

Stretching her body, she laid the herbs she had picked out into the den and safely concealed them before setting off to a brief trot, following Hollow’s scent and having some weird voice in her head telling her that he was by the borders, just like she had found him last time he had suffered an injury. She rolled her eye at her amused thoughts and continued further, freezing briefly when she heard her subordinates call sound through the forest. Snapping her head in his direction, her paws took a completely different pace, flying over the ground easily and evading the thorns that stuck out of bushes easily enough. Eventually she came upon her still injured patiently and gently shouldered him aside so that she would not cause him pain. Then lifting her tail and head high, she waited, her posture all screaming power and dominance.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
It was far from lost on Koda that one of the latest additions to the pack had abandoned them. It wasn't a foreign feeling, several had come and left while he had ruled with Elettra in the south. But it left him with the familiar irksome feeling of broken trust. Their pack, their community, and the livelihood of the three-- no, four young wolves under his watch depended on only the promise of trust between each member. It was no little matter to simply up and abandon his pack, leaving both broken trust and worry in tow. Koda did care for each of his members, and even so much as a howl gone unanswered brought forth concern that something had gone terribly awry, perhaps even so much as the rabies having returned to the lore. Not really something Koda wanted to think about happening again.

Liam's disappearance was either a disappointment or a tragedy, either the young man had abandoned them or come to some sort of harm. Upon patrolling the border and scenting the wayward wolf -- plus a stranger -- Koda had to conclude it was the former option of abandonment. Shoulders rolling in a powerful gait and heavy head held aloft he followed Liam's scent, disappointment in him rising that Liam indeed had abandoned them if he managed to return only weeks later. It seemed that Nina and Hollow had beat him to the scene, somewhat surprising given Hollow's current state.

Coming up to stand beside Nina, subconsciously standing in the way of Hollow and positioning his body sidelong to obscure the injured subordinate from Liam and company. Koda fixed his honey-gold eyes on Liam, lips pulled back enough to show just the tips of his teeth as he clacked them together, an exclamation to his annoyance. Often Koda was content to let Nina run the show, but he had a particular bone to pick with Liam, having accepted the wolf under good faith before. "Liam," He rumbled, "I do not take it likely that you have simply vanished on us. I hope you have an explanation for yourself, otherwise I am not sure why you deemed to show your hide around here again."

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by who has N/A posts.

Kiril had a scowl on his face as he followed his uncle. He didn't want to be here,but he had been forced to go with the fire demon, whether he liked it or not. Which he certainly didn't, but he didn't get a choice. All that he wanted to do was lie down and get some rest, but the fire demon made him walk on and on, never stopping for a rest. Sighing loudly so that he could hear, Kiril spoke in a childish, whiny voice. "Liam! When are we gonna have a rest? I'm tired and hungry, and my paws ache. It's too hot to be walking around."

There wasn't so much as a twitch of an ear from his uncle, and Kiril snarled softly to himself. Why was Liam ignoring him? There was many reasons for that, but he should at least be recognised as a fellow being, even if he was being a brat. But lets face it. If he wanted something, he would keep asking for it until he had it, and right now, he wanted to rest. His paw pads ached from the constant walking over the past few weeks, and the fire demon didn't even listen to him when he asked for them to have a rest in the shade of a tree. Typical.

Water was also wanted. He was thirsty, and there was the stench of puke on his fur. He had been sick with something, as was usual. Kiril had a low immune system, and often got sick. He was also allergic to most flowers, and luckily none he had passed by made him sneeze or cough. Lifting his head into the air, Kiril stretched his neck, and felt satisfaction when he heard a soft crack. But it didn't last as they continued to walk onwards to who knows where. The grass was tickling his legs and making them itch. He continually paused to scratch his legs with his muzzle, and eventually started lagging behind.

Breaking into a trot, he slowly caught up to the fire demon until he was directly behind him, wincing every time his paws touched the ground. "My legs are itchy! And I'm thirsty. When are we gonna have a rest?" But just like before, there was no answer. Was he doing it on purpose? Giving an annoyed flick of his tail, Kiril gave another loud sigh, hoping to get the fire demon to react and speak to him.

It was only after what seemed like hours and constant whining from him that the fire demon sighed heavily and stopped, only to tell him what to do and what not to do. Glaring at him, Kiril mumbled to himself before speaking out in an annoyed voice. "It's Troy!" He snapped. "And who said that I wanted to join some dumb pack?" He heard the emphasis on the words "are" and "respectful" but he would do what he wanted, no matter the consequence.

A mumble coming from the fire demon caused Kiril's ears to prick, but nevertheless, he didn't hear what had been said. Grunting softly, he flopped down onto the ground and lay on his side, breathing out a contented sigh of relief. It felt good to rest his paws and legs, and he would gladly lie there for a week if he got the chance. His bi coloured eyes flicked lazily to where his uncle was, who he saw appeared to be sleeping, but Kiril knew better. The fire demon was still awake, and so he turned his head to look away and towards where they had been heading.

It seemed like only a few minutes had passed when a howl sounded from not too far away. It was of Liam, asking why he had abandoned them, and if he was a betrayer or hero. More like a fire demon. A dark shape was seen by keen eyes from his position in the tall grass that somewhat hid him from view, yet let him see what was going on. After a few moments, another shape appeared, but this one was much lighter, a light brown shade, and moved to stand next to the dark shape. Kiril held his breath as another shape appeared, although this one was lighter than the other two, appearing to be a silver or cream colour. His hackles raised slightly on his shoulders and his lips pulled back. "I see company."

His voice had lost its childish whine, and was now instead dark and adult-ish. A soft growl emitted from Kirils' chest as one of the wolves spoke, clearly stating that he was displeased at Liam's disappearance. He didn't much like that wolf, even though he hadn't even met him. Bi coloured eyes flicked over to where the fire demon was laying, and small smirk on his face. He'd love to see how his uncle would react to the wolf, maybe there would be a fight.

824 Words

What I need, I will want.
What I want, I shall get.
What I get, will be mine.
Played by WildOne's FallenWolves who has 15 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Liam Rose
(This isn't going to be the best post eva but it'll be quick so we can finish this. Also Ghoff nice! Love the o'bravery thing.)

The anger and frustration came bubbling up in a storm of raging fury. He was up on his paws too quick bringing a stinging pain to his wounds. A vicious snarl ripped forth from his jaws as the hurtful words began to pour out like a water fall," I am sick and tired of your worthless, good for nothing, disrespectful, ungrateful fucking attitude, no self! Do you want to even live, I swear boy-" He was cut off by the howling of @Hollow much to Kiril's safety. He would of taught him too violent of a lesson. The bristling of his fur smoothed though he could feel himself on edge still. He listened with a expression of emotional pain creeping onto his face.

He turned walking from @Kiril, all of before seemed to be forgotten to him. "Hollow" He started in a soft howl, "Ears you may have but forgiveness not to the foolish." He said starting to circle unsure as his confidence was drained. Stressed he started up again, "I bring the sick with me, my brother`s son is in dire need of healing. I'm not sure if it is contagious but I fear coming closer to the boarders in sake of Koda's young. And no I am not expecting your help nor mercy or demanding it. I`m asking you." As he spoke he left out Bane, for, he had not know of his existence.

He did not realize when @Nina came do to having no vision of them but @Koda made himself well know. He came forth into their view leaving the other two wolves to catch up. His body langue only added to the pain, the good feeling of making it home washed away completely. His words stung like hale pounding on your body. His head turned away in guilt facing towards Troy before titling to the ground. He could not bring himself to even look at his old alpha, let along into his honey colored eyes. His tail snaked under his body while his legs began to bend down. He rolled himself over on his good side before onto his back while grinding the side of his head without the torn ear into the ground. His blank green eyes looked over to Kiril, "No need to be hostile boy, cool it or I will help you." Threat laced with annoyance sprung from his words before he returned his focus back to the silver wolf. "Koda, I made a mistake. I should have ignored my brother when he pleaded for my help. I shouldn't have gone out to his son nor bring him back. I failed my duties to you and for that I am deeply sorry." His words, he figured, were all but worthless. Not in till the word sorry had be met his orbs but only for a brief moment...he was to ashamed to hold it.
(This post was last modified: Aug 31, 2013, 07:14 PM by Liam.)
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
He remained behind Koda but followed him as he moved forward to meet Liam, subconsciously not once realizing that he should be waiting for Nina. Had he been thinking he would have waited for her, but this was almost personal as he had trusted Liam and now here he was after having deserted them, pleading for re entry into the pack no doubt. No he had better have a beautiful answer to Hollow for if he could not suffice him with an answer fitting for this situation he had a solid chance of being sent off with a bite. His approach was made sure to keep himself held behind Koda, for there would be no quarter granted him if he blatantly stepped before an alpha a second time, and he knew it.

Still Hollow spoke after Koda, "You are right Liam, the foolish deserve no forgiveness for they are just that. Fools. I forgive the mistaken, the sorry and those willing to right their wrongs. I ask you the same as Koda, why have you deserted us?" Hollow spoke without threat, but with strength. Had this been someone else he may have been more wary, but Hollow was very sure that if one of these wolves became hostile he and Koda and Nina would make quick work of both of them. As much as the dark guardian wished to face Liam he knew he could not until he had explained himself, because before then Koda would not allow him around, so Hollow merely stood in Liam's peripheral vision so that he would still be visible.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
And here is something to surprise all of you with.

Even before Koda had come, she had made her presence known to Liam and it had been of the things that had been a fault on his part. Drawing back slightly and waiting to see if the boy remembered any manners, she watched in satisfaction as he sunk to the ground. As his words of sickness spread to her she turned to the other boy who seemed healthy enough to her. She couldn’t detect any sickness on him, but that certainly did not mean that he wasn’t. Perhaps Liam meant mentally ill, of which Nina could help much with, but she was too angry to deal with that right now and turned back towards her deserter his words of sickness causing the anger to rise in her chest even further. Without thinking too much about the witnesses that were here watching what she was about to do, she lunged forward, pushing Liam off of his feet and back towards before the mother was on top of him, pinning him hard into the ground beneath her. Lips pulled back and single eye angry, she snarled at him, her words coming out quickly, "And how does it make sense to you to bring a sickness anywhere close to my lands. Huh?"

Her voice rose with every syllable, her canines growing closer and closer near his face. They snapped a few times once they were close, letting him know the danger of the situation that he was in. Nina was in much better condition than he was today, or any day for that matter, considering he had not been within the safety of a pack for long and that it did him no use that he was here now and begging for reentry. If he responded well to her attack, then perhaps she would consider letting him back within the pack, but if he had another slip up, he would be done for, and if he returned then Nina would have the pleasure in at least attempting to ripping his throat out for once again becoming a traitor. Growling, she spoke one last thing before pressing him into the ground even further, "And just for the record, when you leave for a long time…it’s not on your own accord. You let us now before you take a pleasure trip. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.