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A Guest for the House
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Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
Note to self: This thread is right after the pups moving thread as well

what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you

It had been a long walk indeed for the gray man and his little follower. So far they had not encountered any of his pack mates yet while traveling into Whisper Caverns territory. Though the scent from an evening patrol was very fresh. So Kino guessed that they had missed it by only minutes.

Pausing every few minutes in case Aphrodite was tired Tokino wondered what would happen to the girl. He could only bring her to someone who may recognize the girl or her scent. A part from that there wasn't too much he could help the child with. It would be up to the higher level wolves in his nieces pack who would determine what the young pup would have to go through next.

Will they know where her pack is and return the girl? Or will they keep her within their ranks? Tokino let the thoughts float aimlessly around his skull as he plodded along. They had passed the "golden meadow" which Kino had told the girl about only a few minutes ago on their way into Whisper Caverns. Now the pair were within the mixed willow, oak, and cedar tree forest that made up the packs territory.

Other images of more savage packs ran through his head. Images of the alpha male tearing a part the pup that was not his. As much as that was the way of the wild Tokino hoped that Narime's mate was not the "wildman" type. The gray male still had not met the alpha male of this pack which quite annoyed him. His job was to find out about the pups heritage. Kino knew Nari's family, but he still had no clue about Sloane's side of the family.

Thinking about that is needless right now... Aphrodite is a little more important at the moment. Shaking off his annoyance and planting a smile on his maw Tokino turned to welcome the white youth into his land.

This territory here is my packs land. They are called Whisper Caverns. You can ask the adults here about you parents once we get to the cave. Tokino gestured to the forested hills to his right. They were nearing the caves entrance though it lay hidden from sight behind the green hills.

You can PP him if you want of them getting to the cave itself. :)
(This post was last modified: Aug 02, 2013, 06:38 PM by Tokino.)

Played by Bryony who has 39 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Aphrodite Moon
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#A4A1A0;"><b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#96E1D6;"><b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#4F673B;">
They'd been walking a long time. A very long time, at least that was how Aphrodite felt about it. Her little legs ached, especially after the tiring walk she'd taken the day before with Aunty Nai. The little girl just wanted to curl up with her mother and brother, and sleep. But that probably wouldn't be happening anytime soon. For while Tokino was wondering the girl's fate, Aphrodite was only hoping that somehow Athena would be at the end of this journey. Her mother was the queen! And certainly the queen would always know where her daughter was. She was glad to have Tokino, who so far seemed a lot more trustworthy than her "aunt" had been. But Tokino didn't know who her mother was. Who didn't know the queen? Aphrodite found this a little suspicious, but what was to be done?

They passed the golden meadow, which got the child very excited. It was a lovely place, and her nose tipped up towards the paused Tokino, and she yipped. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#4F673B;">"So pretty!" Her little tail wagged with excitement. They were almost there now! The little game they'd played had been helpful to pass the time, even if it hadn't distracted her from her irritated legs. But apparently the meadow wasn't exactly the end, because they kept walking. The princess groaned, but quietly, and kept walking. Something smelled very strong and they walked right through it. Although she wasn't entirely sure why, she felt her little hackles rise. It felt unsafe, but she kept close to Tokino.

Whisper Caverns was the name of these lands. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#4F673B;">"I only have one parent." She said carefully, picking through the words. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#4F673B;">"Only queen Athena." She nodded, but said no more as they wandered towards the cave. She was kind of excited to see who would be there to greet them, hardly aware of the fate that could befall her should they not be so welcoming of another hungry mouth.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
He was awake and extremely bored. Titan was getting used to his mothers outings and how he would wake up with only his siblings around. Though it was boring when mom or dad weren't in the den because then he could only play with his brother or sister. Most of the time he would scuffle with @Malia while @Yuka sat watching them from wherever. Now his siblings were nowhere to be seen and Titan wanted something to do. Maybe something that he could help the adults with.

I'll guard the den then! Titan scrambled to his paws tripping on a large rock on the caves earthen floor. Looking down at the rock Titan growled at it then pounced on the elevated end sending the rock skittering across the floor. Chasing the new toy and momentarily forgetting about his "guarding of the den" job Titan caught his triangular stone and nipped it.

It was really hard and biting down on it hurt his teeth. So the boy quickly flicked his head upwards and let go of the stone to watch it fly towards the entrance of the den. The rock bounced once then slid right to Tokino's paws as the gray man entered the cave. Titan paused chasing his rock and looked up at the silver wolf. At first he thought it had been mother returning to the den with her coat of light and dark grays. However Titan's blue eyes glanced up to the old man's icy gaze realizing that this was not his mothers loving gaze. This was some old geezer probably checking up on Titan and his siblings. He hadn't met this man yet. But momma's scent is on him. He is pack. Titan smelled the mans scent noticing that the gray wolf was not alone. There was another scent with him. Another pup!

Forgetting about his stone chasing completely Titan watched the white wolf pup pad into the cave. Her coat shone like the sun in the darkened cavern. His dark ears swiveled catching the girls comment to Tokino. "Only Queen Athena." Who's that? My momma's the only queen here... Titan looked over the girl seeing her eyes that glowed like lightning bugs. Then he remembered that she was a stranger.

"Stop where you are!" Titan thought that he was going to guard the den while everyone was gone. "Who are you mister?" Titan's blue eyes switched from the pretty white girl to the elderly wolf who seemed to be leading her to the den. "and who is that. "Titan let his head rise and puffed out his chest to look intimidating while gesturing to the stranger girl.

(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2013, 06:54 PM by Titan.)
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
@Minka Don't worry Ghost, Aphrodite's all yours:P

Something was awakening her from her slumber. One ear cocked slightly forward, and her muzzle took a sniff of the scents all around her. She was now in the world between dreams, and reality. Blinking her eyes slowly, the young woman awoke. Standing on all four legs, she stretched, arching her back, a yawn escaping her maw.

The girl was now fully awake, and taking note of her surroundings, looking for any sign of danger automatically, while also searching for the sounds that woke her up. While taking a deep sniff of the scents of her slumbering pack mates, the sound of a small yapping voice drifted into her ears. It was one of the pups, obviously.

They had recently joined the pack in the main cavern, and Inali padded silently to the entrance of the cavern. It only took one look to know that the male pup currently interrogating Kino, was not Yuka. This boy was larger, and his tone held a more...assertive sound. She had grown quite attached to the young boy known as Yuka, so that helped in recognizing him alot. This one must've been Titan.

Her normal happy, playful grin spread across her maw, and she padded eagerly toward the duo, her blue eyes took notice of a another small member, standing right beside Tokino. "He's family darling, he's no threat," she announced to the young boy as she reached them, in the caring, playful tone she reserved just for children. She hadn't had a moment to meet the boy so they could get aqquanted, but she guessed now was a better time than any. She didn't know if he remembered her from the moving, so she decided to introduce herself. With a gentle, playful nudge of her muzzle, she said, "I'm Inali."

Giving one last smile to the boy, she turned toward the older man with a slight bounce. The playful woman happily licked his muzzle in hello. "My old geezer's back!" The young woman hadn't noticed it yet, but she had begun to start seeing the older man as a type of father figure, hence the my that she hadn't noticed she had uttered.

Her eyes flicked towards the small girl beside Kino, and she smiled at the girl with a polite, but warm grin nonetheless. It was obvious that the girl wasn't of Whisper Cavers, and she didn't smell of Willow Ridge, so who could this girl be? Her eyes locking with Kino, she craned her body slightly so her muzzle was at his ear. For his ears only, she spoke softly. "I'll just wait out here with you for the rest of the pack, so you can explain..and soon."

Moving away from Kino, she playfully swatted at the girl with a gentle smile, before turning around and heading back to the main cavern. With a loud 'woof' echoing through the cavern, she hoped at least some of her pack mates were in the cave and hopefully hurry up and step outside. If they didn't, she'd just have to howl.

Turning back to the trio, she planted her haunches beside the older man, and waited. Looking at the man, she asked curiously, "Should we howl, Kino?"

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Jut posting this here instead of making a whole new thread. Post here was approved by TABs

A restless sleep had fallen upon the white woman, giving her little shut eye during the night. However, she still rose early to catch the sunrise on that crisp, early morning. Licking the crowns of her young beneath her, Athena set out before the two could wake. One day she'd take them with her, but today she needed some alone time. As she entered into the equally darkened world outside their den, she smelled two others within the dens around hers. Knowing that her children would be safe for now, she trotted off into the darkness and followed her trail up into the mountains to her ledge. Everything was fine, as far as she knew.

The sunrise came and went, but the exhausted mother had fallen asleep and didn't wake until late afternoon. Not knowing that her daughter had long been taken from the enemy, she took her time descending the mountains, even taking time to catch a young fawn that had mistakingly crossed her path for her cubs. Blood and deer clogged her nostrils, so as she passed the trail of Naira and Aphrodite, she didn't catch their scents at all. The fawn still fought for life within her grasp as she crossed the borders and into the den area. Dropping the fawn onto the ground, she placed her paw on the fawn's side, stopping it from going anywhere, she released an announcing bark for her pups. She waited a moment for the two of them to come to her, however, nobody came.

Barking once again, she became more urgent and panicked. When nobody came once again, she reached down and broke the fawn neck with a snap of her jaws. Prowling forwards towards the den, she looked in and saw Eli sleeping within the darkened den, but no Aphrodite. Shaking her head, she walked back out and made her way towards the lake. That girl... Growling to herself, she escaped the poisoned path and looked out across the shores. Howling out for her daughter, she searched the lakeside, but saw nothing. A few minutes went by before she howled again this time more panicked. With no answer, she put her nose to the ground and searched for the girl's scent. But, the scent that she came upon was not one that she expected. Snarling loudly at the sudden appearance of Naira's scent, she prowled forward until she also scented Aphrodite. Panicked thoughts raced through her mind at the thought of her baby girl being taken by Naira. Following their scents until they both joined and began to head away from the lake, she paused a moment to howl out to whoever was close that Aphrodite was taken and she was going to go get her back.

Snarls continually escaped her maw as she followed the trail towards Sacred Grove. A couple of times, the trail became too faint to follow and she had to frantically search for the trail again. At one point, she lost the trail and she ended up in between Dropping Willows and the Fireweed Rise. By the time she regained the trail it was the middle of the night. She couldn't think about sleep, even though her body screamed at her to stop and rest. Athena wouldn't; she couldn't. However, she became so tired that she kept wandering off the trail. Telling herself that if she didn't rest, she'd get off the trail again and she could lose the scent trail all together. Settling down under a tree, she closed her eyes, but made sure that she didn't fall into a deep sleep. However, sleep overtook her once again.

The morning sun broke the horizon, waking the white woman from her sleep. As soon as her fiery eyes opened, she was off once again following the trail. By the time he finally arrived at the tree where Naira and Aphrodite must have stayed for the night, she already missed the Whisper Caverns male taking her little girl. Now with three scents clustered together, it took her a moment to decipher which way Aphrodite went. With Naira's scent disappearing the other way, she followed her daughter's scent the seemed to followed the pack male. Not knowing which pack this male was made her quicken her pace into a run. As the scents grew stronger she knew that she was almost to her little girl. Releasing a howl for her little girl, knowing that she could possibly hear her, but her howl was cut short as the ground collapsed beneath her. And then the world went black.

Athena Moon
i bleed just to know that i'm alive
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Thoughts of the stranger's plight plagued the huge alpha as he headed back towards the den. He wanted to talk to Narime' right away about the trapped wolf. She may not have been one of his pack mates and she may have been trespassing, but that didn't mean that he wanted harm to come to her. For all he knew it might be too late, but Narime' knew the underground labyrinth better and perhaps she would have an idea of where to start looking for the trapped woman.

As he neared the den other scents met his nose. Once of a male that he'd scented around, but had not had the chance to meet yet. If he was correct in what he smelled and heard, this man was related to his mate and had been accepted into the pack by her. He looked forward to finally meeting him as the opportunity had not presented itself yet, though he should have made more of an effort himself. There was another scent mingled with the older male's. It was yet another stranger within his lands, but this unknown female was a mere pup.

His pace quickened until he reached the small group outside of the den, just in time to hear Inali call out for anyone that might be nearby. A grin quirked his mouth at his firstborn's bravado before a more serious look found it's way to his countenance and he moved to stand by his son, giving Inali a brief smile and standing tall before the silvery male, giving him a once over and lifting his head and tail as befit his station as leader.

Then he looked down at the small bright-eyed girl-child. She was not one of his and did not belong here, but her bedraggled appearance and his own curiosity had him giving her a gentle smile and a single wag of his russet plume, before turning back to the male with a questioning look as the little one seemed to 'be' with him. "What is going on? His words were brisk, but not unkind. It was obvious that this pup had met with some kind of trouble to have landed in the middle of a strange pack, all alone.

Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
Tokino was greeted by a few wolves. Though the most important members appeared first being a small dark pup which set his tail wagging erratically. So this is one of my grand nephews. I wasn't here in the cave the last few nights. Narimé must have moved the pups over recently. Tokino smiled warmly down at the dark bundle who already showed an interest in guarding. The pup obviously did not know the gray man but Tokino would quickly change that.

It was just as he was about to tell the child of his name that Inali came forward from the shadows. She spoke warmly to the pup conveying the message that Kino was family. He nodded his head in "hello" and gave her a warm look. Then the silver wolf spoke to the dark boy.

My name is Tokino Lagina and I'm your uncle. It is an honor to meet the heir of Whisper Caverns. He spoke with a noble tone addressing Titan as the prince he was and dipping his head in greeting to the boy. A better first impression than with young Narimé I suppose.. Kino reminded himself of the first meeting with his niece where he had blown the first impression by offending the girl. Then again how was I to know that speaking ill of a traitor would offend her? Kino closed his eyes and sighed quietly then looked to his pack mates around the cave. Inali spoke to him asking of an explanation to which Kino thought it better to save it till the alpha's came. Though her name surely wasn't something he had to keep hidden for now. Answering Titan's previous question Kino flicked his tail towards Aphrodite protectively.

She told me her name is Aphrodite Moon. He explained to the darker cub quickly then looked around the cave slightly bored.

Another figure appeared from someplace. Tokino had not been paying attention so he wasn't sure where this well built figure had appeared. Doesn't look like we need to howl.. He answered Inali. The gray male warily watched the russet wolf pad towards him and, noting the males dominant stance, took a low position as the male stopped before him. With his head and tail lowered Kino looked even shorter than usual.

So your Nari's beloved. I am proud to see she took such a robust healthy male as her mate. He dipped his head in greeting to the man. Kino had to get on his good side at least in order to learn more of the russet males family. So that he could learn of their history and whether they were respected and noble enough to even take Lagina wolf into their family. My name is Tokino Lagina and it truly is a pleasure to meet you. This here is Aphrodite Moon. Or at least that is the name she gave me. I found the pup in the middle of some forest to the north east of here. To my knowledge there are no packs near there, so I knew she must have been lost. Kino lowered his head knowing that it could be an offense (depending on the laws of a pack) to take in pups that were not the leaders.

I couldn't leave the girl out there to get eaten by who knows what. So I decided to bring her back with me. I thought the alpha's might recognize the scent on her and know which pack she belongs to. Maybe so we could help Aphie find her home. Tokino finished his quick explanation though his interest in this alpha male was tugging at the back of his head.

If I may ask, simply because I'm new. What is your name? Kino knew by the russet wolves body language that he was the alpha but that did not help him at all when it came to names. It wasn't like he could read minds at all.

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
His hard stare bore into the gray man's own icy eyes. Truth be told it was actually really hard for Titan to do this. He kept fighting off the urge to look away from the elder wolf. Probably because he was used to doing that out of respect for the family he already did know. Finally the scent and sight of another adult wolf switched the young Thorben's attention from the male to the approaching female. She was tall and lean with a striking tan or rust hued coat which brought out her pool blue eyes. The woman spoke to him in a gentle tone but Titan flinched away from her smiling muzzle.

He heard the lean tan woman speak her name "Inali" and tried to remember it. To his nose Titan could smell his mother and fathers scent on both the adults standing tall above him. Which meant that they were family. The woman's words did allow the pup to loosen his rigid stance some though. Especially after noticing the red hued woman's obvious happiness at seeing the older gray man. It seemed they were very friendly with each other.

Titan tilted his head to the side glancing at the white pup who hadn't spoken much. Right now he thought of the girl as a quiet one. Like his brother Yuka. It was a breath of fresh air compared to Malia's incessant yapping. Titan waved his tail in a friendly way hoping to catch her attention until a deep voice made him jump.

Looking around wide eyed Titan realized that the gray man was talking to him. Introducing himself even. Looking back up into the "Tokino" man's light gray blue eyes Titan finally regarded the elders dominance by dipping his head and looking away like he was supposed to. At least the guy answered hhis previous "who are you" question. He was fine enough.

"Hello Toe-keen-oh and Ee-nall-ee." He answered simply avoiding each of the wolves gazes until another very familiar scent appeared. However the boy didn't have the chance to turn and greet the newcomer while Kino introduced the white girl to him. "Hi Aff-roe-die-tee.." This name he struggled with more than Tokino's name. Then Titan turned around to see the wide shoulders of the oncoming wolf.

The dark boy's tail shot up wagging as he spotted his father Sloane coming towards them. "Hi daddy!" Titan grinned from ear tip to ear tip as the russet form glided to a stop next to him. The young Thorben leaned into his father's strong legs as he listened to the adults conversation and stole small glimpses of the other white pup.

(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2013, 06:54 PM by Titan.)
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
The unknown male was quick to move into a submissive posture and this pleased Sloane, as did his comment about him being a robust male. He was not vain, but a small sense of pride still welled up in him at the look of respect. He was not a tyrant of a leader by any stretch. Truly, once you got to know him, he was a big softie. However, it would never do to show that side of himself to a stranger. Something about the silver male did somehow seem familiar though and this confused the russet wolf. At least until he introduced himself and the white pup at his side. Lagina, eh? So this man was somehow related to his beloved Narime'. He would have to be sure to get the rest of the story there another time. Right now, it seemed that the priority was the little lost pup, Athena Moon.

He took a small step forward and lowered his great head, gently sniffing at the small fae, careful to move slowly so as not to frighten her. Again, a sense of faint familiarity rose in him.... which made even less sense since she was certainly not related in any way. He looked back to the Lagina man and gave him a nod. "I'm Sloane Thorben, mate of Narime'. But you already knew that! You did the right thing, Tokino. I would have done the same." Then he softened his tone as much as his deep voice would allow and asked Athena, "How did you come to be alone in the forest, child?" He wasn't sure what sense would be made of the ramblings of one so young, but maybe she could shed some light on her situation, somehow. Tokino had made the right call in bringing her here. She would have been easy pickings left alone. Her parents could have been minutes away or days... or they could be dead...

Knight of Honor