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Between the Hunter and the Guardian — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
( @Guiness. This thread will be on hold until Lightning is back and ready to post. )

The sun was out and shining warmly down on Senka's fur as she treaded on the banks of a newly found creek that was within the borders. Lowering her muzzle down to the water, she gulped down enough to quench her thirst. Fish flashed in the water, swimming away from the wolf above them but Senka held no interest in catching any of the slippery creatures at the moment. She was only there to drink and if the sun grew any warmer on her back, even to have a quick swim to cool off. Though as she lifted her head to study the fleeing fish and to shake off the excess water dripping from her chin, it occurred to her it wouldn't have been a bad idea to catch one to take back for the cache. The thought came too late now, as the fish knew she was there and surprise was no longer on her side. A good fisher as she was, without the act of surprise on her side, she knew it would be harder to catch them. Instead of stepping away from the creek and waiting patiently for the fish to settle down once again, Senka felt a lick of mischief fill her chest as she stared at the creek and its fish. It wasn't a feeling she had felt since her pup years yet it was too tempting to pass up for just this once. It was a nice day and either way, her coat was getting a little dirty and it needed a wash....

Shaking her head, Senka realised how childish she was being. Here she was, thinking of jumping into a creek for the sake of fun when she should have been doing something to help her new pack. Not only to prove herself to both her pack members and her leader as not only someone they could trust to rely on but someone who could help provide food for them. Taking a few steps back, Senka settled by the creek and waited for the fish to settle.

After half an hour, there were a small fish in a pile near the creek's edge. Senka's fur weighed heavily with water after her almost always successful catches yet she didn't mind. Deciding she had caught enough, turning towards the pile, it was quickly realised too many had been caught for her to carry back by herself. Restraining herself from cursing for not seeing it sooner, Senka pondered what she would do with the fish. It wouldn't do to take as many she could carry and leave those that couldn't fit in her mouth. And she wasn't about to leave them to go fetch someone to help her carry them. Something like a bear might smell them and eat the free meal while she was away.
(This post was last modified: Sep 25, 2013, 12:15 AM by Senka.)
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
Sorry it took me so long to reply.

The fact that his sister was still nowhere to be found was tearing deeply into his heart. Nothing had been said by him or Elettra concerning the matter and the Guard new better than to bring it up to his lady. He was the lead Guardian in this pack and it was his responsibility to guard the borders and teach the pups new skills. It was a task that he did not mind but when it came to his own blood he couldn’t help but feel the ache of Tempest not being by his side. It pained him knowing that something could have happened to her and he would not have been there to save and protect her. It was his job anyways, it had always been. Now that she was not here any longer though, it made him wander what he could do in his free time and today he was simply walking near the water’s edge, taking in the beauty that was nature.

The small stream that he and Tempest had fished in many times over the year was sparkling in the setting sun, with an orange tinge to it. He couldn’t help but stare at his beaten appearance with a small grimace. His ears of guarding had definitely taken its toll on his body; in a good way and a bad way. His once beautiful body was now filled with the scars from fighting and wars, his golden amber eyes which were once so filled with life now held the images of blood and death. In the process of all this he had become of the wiser and had gained much muscle. Now being known as “the tank” he was usually on the first line of defense in many situations. He wasn’t expecting to intrude on anyone new today, so he hadn’t tried much with his appearance. When he did end up coming across a new female, his eyes instantly snapped towards the heavy abundance of fish she had managed to kill by herself. Nodding his head in approval, he cleared his throat to let his presence be known by this stranger. It was obvious to him that he had been here much longer than her, as he had never met her acquaintance in the time he had been here. Perhaps someone new was just what he needed to get his mind off of his sister.

Pillar of Strength
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Senka Flint
allow me this moment of bliss so I may begin to miss the torment
Thinking herself to be alone and distracted by her thoughts on what to do with the abundance of fish laying at her paws, it was expected that she was somewhat startled when the clearing of another’s’ throat came by her ears. Lifting her head, she found she was peering at a much larger russet male who was looking back at her with his amber eyes. He must be part of the pack Her nose had scented the faint smells of Willow Ridge on him and looking over him him, she took in his appearance. His fur was messier then even hers and his body riddled with scars when she peeked further. Had he just woken from a nap and had come to the river to help clean himself, instead stumbling over Senka instead.

Yet it was his eyes she was drawn back to. They looked hard yet…sorrowful. Like he previously had gone through a tragedy of some sort and was still attempting to get over it. Lowering her eyes and head, both a sign of submission as she figured he was higher rank then her, since she had only just joined the pack after all though she wasn’t sure how much higher and to show she was no threat. She wondered who this male was. Whatever had happened to him, something told her that he needed the company. So deciding to introduce herself and ask why, she did. ”I’m Senka Flint, a hopeful hunter and recent member of the pack. Though I’m sure you’ve already figured that out.” This man had probably already scented her over the smell of fish and as she waited for his reaction, Senka wondered again what she would do with the dead aquatic creatures. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#fefefe;">

table by mimi
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben

The Guard faced the smaller woman in front of him, watching her with ease as she spoke to him, his golden amber eyes once again floating back to the plentiful amount of kill before her. As she lowered herself to him, he stepped forward and graced her with a light lick to the forehead, making it feel much more natural to be second within the pack again and not just the highest wolf within the hierarchy. Stepping back again, he listened to her name, his eyes narrowing in thought. The russet male had not heard of this female before and hoped that she had just recently joined, which she confirmed within the rest of her statements. His jaws parted slightly to speak and his soft, deep voice followed, "Guiness Thorben…"A comfortable silence settled over them then…or at least it was comfortable for the Guard, as being use to the silence did not mind it what so ever.

Then mentioning with his head towards the pile of fish towards him and then towards the Huntress, Guiness tilted his head to the side as if asking, Did you catch all of this on your own? Those tortured golden amber eyes watched the beautiful woman in front of him. Mostly scar free for the most part and still having much life in her, if the male had not been happy with his accomplishments, he might have felt envy. All he felt was a comfortable attraction to the woman. She seemed about his age and was definitely something familiar about her. If someone would look at them long enough, they could have easily been siblings, their fur coloring aside. Unlike most other wolves in his family, he had certain white and black tints along his back, along with small golden streaks flowing down his sides. His sister, Tempest, had much the same russet coloring as the rest of his family, including his other brother, Sloane. It made him feel different and Guiness had no such problem with that.

Pillar of Strength
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Senka Flint
allow me this moment of bliss so I may begin to miss the torment
<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#fefefe;">"It is nice to meet you Guiness." Senka spoke softly as she rose to her paws again once he had stepped back from showing his acceptance of her, though keeping her stance relaxed and mostly neutral. A comfortable silence fell on the two until the tilt of his head and the sweep of his eyes towards the pile of fish questioned whether she had captured them all. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#fefefe;">"I did, though I caught too many to take back by myself." If one was to see them together, it could be mistaken that they were siblings. He looked more like her brother then her sister did, as their colouring was much more similar than Neoma's dark colouring. Yet he reminded her somehow of her brother, quiet and large but he also was different in the same instant.

Unlike her brother though, she was sure the fact that he didn't talk wasn't due to nervousness with women but it was because he preferred not to talk if needed. Not that it was minded by Senka. So far, she liked Guiness. Even if when their eyes met for a moment and seeing the torment in his eyes, which Senka didn’t want to push him further into that direction, he was a handsome looking fellow. Whatever it was that was bothering him, she would not ask him about unless he brought it up. With a friendly wave of her tail, she decided to see if she could cheer the man up. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#fefefe;">"So Guiness, do you feel like some fish? I didn't realise how many I caught since the day more like a day to relax!"

table by mimi
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.

Look Out!

There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by a bear nearby. +10 Health

Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
The woman was quite respectful and answered her silent questions without needing prodding. Gui was slightly surprised that she seemed to understand his silence so easily and he found himself enjoying her company, perhaps more than he had enjoyed the company of someone else for awhile now and her essence was something of a joy. When she spoke he listened attentively and his eyes darkened once again. His sister had once been the Huntress that had fished for them all, and even though the warrior would never think of Senka as her replacement, it brought an unwelcome hurt to his veins. Clearing his throat, he stepped forward to take one fish from the large, an average sized one and patiently waited for her to take the first bite. He was a gentlemen and wouldn't be caught dead doing anything that was disrespectful to any woman.
When he was sure that the Huntress was definitely taking some of the food that he had pushed her way, Guiness comfortably settled down and took his own share of the meal. He did not take as much as he could though, but enough for his own substance. He knew that the pups would need the food for the upcoming winter and he knew that they would need something to gather their strength up. Though he was not a parent, he was definitely one of their caretakers and should harm come to any of them, Guiness did not know what he would do. He had grown to care for them and would give up his life to save theirs any day.
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Senka Flint
allow me this moment of bliss so I may begin to miss the torment
Senka smiled as he took the fish from the pile, only bending down to grab one once the large male had settled down with his. Taking a rather large one-she was hungry!-the fae lay down with the fish between her paws and begun devouring it with some delicacy. Normally, she would gulp down any food, especially when in the company of another but there was something to Guiness that made her want to show him that she wasn't just some crude woman who didn't care for her appearance or manners.

"You know Guiness, you remind me a little of my brother." The huntress murmured quietly, once they had eaten. "He was always so quiet and shy. Wouldn't talk to anyone and if he did, he stuttered terribly when he was younger. Especially if it happened to be a girl he was talking with." Senka couldn't help but chuckle affectionately as she remembered what her brother had been like, though the feeling of a sharp sadness fell over her soon afterwards. ”Oh, not that I’m saying you are shy or anything!” The dame quickly amende, hoping Guiness wouldn’t take offense to her words. ”Just that...” Senka trailed off, sighing heavily. Why was this happening? First with Elettra and now with Guiness.

Ever since there had been wolves to talk to when arriving after months of being alone, Senka had become something of a chatterbox. Her story was told to Elettra without much prompting and now, there was a feeling she’d rattle of any excuse to talk with Guiness. It didn’t help he was silent either, not that she minded. It was rather nice, truth be told. It did remind her of her brother but it was something more. t felt like safety, acceptance when they sat there in silence, neither judging each other. And Senka relished in it.

table by mimi
(This post was last modified: Jan 28, 2014, 02:02 PM by Senka.)
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
The strong man politely ate with the other woman, his golden amber eyes remained on her smaller form out of decency as he listened to her speak. In truth, he had not had fish since the last time his sister had fished with him, and that had been almost a year ago. Relishing the taste of the fish in his mouth, his ears flicked in amusement at Senka's words, taking them into consideration and memorizing them into his brain, the one that could easily remember each conversation he had, whether it be one-sided or not. Being compared to another being was not something Guiness was used to. Indeed, he did not talk, but he was not a shy wolf and was quite intelligent when he spoke. Flicking his tail back and forth, he let the silence reign over them, his golden amber eyes closing for a few moments so he could just listen to the nature that was busying itself around him. Suddenly wanting to share something with her that he had never truly shared with anyone before, he nervously glanced at her, hoping that she would have a morsel of understanding for what he was about to say.

Taking a deep breath, the man looked at her, pondering his thoughts silently, before finally making the decision, "I am not shy," his deep baritone voice finally echoed in the silence around them. He cleared his throat briefly to make his voice sound less gruff, "I just simply like to listen....close your eyes....and just listen." He remained silent then, his own eyes closing as he once again became in tune with nature around him. The sound of the water next to him softly streaming around...softly, just below a whisper, and if one listened intently enough, they could hear the rustle of the leave-less tree branches above them, bothered by the wind. This was his world when he was alone, which was becoming more and more often as time went by, and Guiness found himself accustomed to the company and found he didn't mind it. Someone might find him talking to a tree more than an actual wolf, and Guiness hoped he would finally find someone who understood.
Played by Silvia who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Senka Flint
Senka Flint
allow me this moment of bliss so I may begin to miss the torment
When Guiness said nothing, Senka half feared she had unwittingly insulted him and opened her mouth to apologize, yet no words tumbled from her mouth. What if she simply made it worse? Snapping her jaws shut, the fae stared down at her paws, fish bones scattered around them. When his deep voice flowed through the air, causing her ears to flicker forward at the noise, there was nothing in it that suggested he was insulted at all.

Instead, the male merely admitted he prefered to listen and asked if she could do the same now. The request surprised her for a moment. But Senka didn’t mind silence. As a hunter, she knew how important being quiet could be. Hell, sometimes Senka would escape to the confines of the nature when she could no longer stand the bumbling noises of other wolves. Wolves could be loud and cruel. Trees and bushes were much more forgiving than wolves could ever be. They never judged and they never sneered, all they did was simply be there. Guiness would certainly find a kindred spirit in Senka, when it came to appreciating all that nature could offer. Even if Senka did still enjoy the company of other wolves, if only those who were family or she considered friends.

Instead of answering Guiness with words, the dame followed his example and amber eyes were closed, ears perked as ears focused on the noises around them. A companionable silence settled between the two, broken only by the soft wind that tugged at the branches of the trees gently tugged at her fur, the rustling of the last few leaves that still clung to the branches stirring and where some might find the noise irritating, it was instead calming to the two wolves beside the whispering water. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#fefefe;">

table by mimi