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Uninformed but Determined
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Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

The dark young man didn't know if he could walk any further. He didn't know if his paws could take the extra strain. Only one thing was urging him on, pushing him foward. A memory. A memory favored but long since forgotten in the dark corners of his mind.

Bane couldn't stop staring at her. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

"Hi! My name's Ashanti, but you can call me Asha!"

The boy could barely stutter out a response. "M-my na-name's M-Micc-Miccah. You can call me B-Bane."
Nice going you idiot, he thought to himself angrily. She'd never pay attention to him now!

But she had. Oh, she had. She had been his friend, he had even fallen in love with her. He was still in love with her, even after all this time.

His white-furred beauty was the only thing keeping him from collapsing because of his exhaustion. He could see her now. A weary chuckle rumbled deep in his chest. She'd probably rave and scold him for exhausting himself so badly for a while...and then she'd nurse him back to health. It happened enough when their were just Yearlings that he knew the routine by now. Or had known it.

But for some reason, he knew she was here. He could feel her here in these strange lands. And somehow, someway, he was going to find her. And he was finally going to make her his, like she had always been meant to.

The roaring sound of water distracted him from his thoughts and walk down memory lane. The sound of water was a relief to Miccah. He hadn't had a good drink of water in what seemed like days. Maybe it even was.

His tuned ears pricked upwards and his tired paws followed the sound of his safe haven. If he could get water, he could tough through the next few days.

The large beast came upon the tumbling creek. His eyes passed the beauty of the area and immediately he took care to wade himself into the water. All the while searching for any sign of danger. His ears still alert, Miccah finally bent his head for a much desired drink.
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
Long post is long xD

Yawning, Anouke’s salmon pink tongue emerged from his jaws and curled upwards, almost brushing against his upper lip before retreating back into his mouth. Bright, calculating amber eyes scanned the immediate area, and when they saw nothing out of the ordinary, he stood up and gave a quick shake of his thick, dark pelt. He had always been wary of his surroundings, as it was good to know if something was out of the ordinary, in that case he’d avoid whatever it was like the plague.

Padding forwards at a leisurely pace, the Young Hellion trotted into the unknown, just like he always did. Every day he was on the move, to where, he did not know. But what he did know was that it would lead to something interesting. Each day was different, even though they all felt the same. Something new happened, nothing was ever the same. Life went on, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

When the Young Hellion came upon a creek –but where it might emanate from, he had no idea- he paused for a few moments, eyes searching around and ears twitching for any sign of danger. A slight breeze brushed against his fur, and with it came the faint scent of a wolf. His dark, fluffy ears immediately pricked up into a forward position, while the corners of his lips twitched, almost breaking into a smirk, but not quite.

If there was a wolf nearby, then he could have some fun manipulating said wolfs mind, possibly getting an interesting reaction. But he would be wary of getting into a fight, unless if there was no way that he could lose. The last fight –or rather scuffle- didn’t end well for him, as he knocked himself unconscious by slipping on the wet grass and banging his head onto a hiding rock. Waking up the next morning had been painful, and the headache hadn’t left him for a few days. But that was over and done, next time, he’d be more careful. But that Rayne wolf, he’d have what was coming for him.

Breaking out of his dark thoughts, Anouke started forward in a brisk trot, padding close by to the creek, yet not close enough to fall in. He didn’t want to have a wet pelt when he came upon the stranger, it would be embarrassing with water dripping down to the ground and him looking like a half-drowned cat. That had happened once before, and he had never forgotten it.

At the sight of a figure in the center of the creek the Young Hellion paused briefly, his eyes scanning over the portion of the body that he could see. The figure was clearly a wolf –and male- with fur almost as black as night. There were no other marks or colouring on the male, but on further inspection he could see the dark blue eyes that were set into the dark face, as well as a scar that reached down from his left eyes down to his muzzle. It was most likely a battle scar, and Anouke stared at him for a few seconds before padding closer, a slight smirk on his face.

As he came upon the creek bank, the Young Hellion stopped, the tip of his brown tail twitched to the side as he lifted up his right leg –which was all white- and flexed it calmly. Whenever he met a new wolf, he always did that, but why, he didn’t know. “Having a swim, are we?” His voice was deep and soft, yet also full of volume, like a bass guitar. He would attempt to extract valuable information from the dark male, maybe even use it against him. But he wouldn’t jump straight into a fight. No, he’d see if the dark male had any past experience for fighting. Only then would he try to fight him.

Oh, today was a beautiful for the Young Hellion.

661 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
(This post was last modified: Oct 02, 2013, 07:46 AM by Anouke.)
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
Miccah was enjoying his drink when his ears took in the footfalls a bit a ways away. Lifting his drenched muzzle from the surface of the creek, the large beast carefully stood up to his full height. He didn't want to alert the male--since it was obviously a male by the scent--that he was on to him. It was never good to let your gaurd down, you always had to be alert, no matter how safe you thought you were.

That's how he got the jagged scar that ran from right under his left eye, all the way to his black muzzle. He had been fighting some rogue loner, who had tried to steal from the pack caches. Miccah lost focus for one second - one. A clean charge from the other wolf had caught him off gaurd. Next thing he knew, he could taste blood in his mouth. Nevertheless, Miccah still won.

Miccah only fought when it was absolutely necessary. Sure, he sparred for fun every once in a while, but that was when he was in the mood. If this wolf provoked him, he didn't know what he would do. His instinct and pride would tell him to retaliate, but then his logical side would kick in. His body was not in the condition to fight. He was too tired from his basically non-stop travel. He wanted to find Ashanti with him being in one piece.

That was the thought that cemented his future actions. Ashanti would want him in one piece.

All through his mental muses, his mind and body were still reacting for a possible threat. His ears were so intent on the sounds around him, he could hear the other wolf getting closer and closer, until the wolf himself had waded into the water.

“Having a swim, are we?”

Miccah did not turn immediately to the sound of the man's voice. From the corner of his trained blue eye, the man gauged him. He was large, similar to Miccah's size. They were both large specimens in their own right. And by the scars riddling the other male, the man was a fighter. The winner or loser of them, that was something yet to be determined.

Miccah turned his head to the man. Opening his maws to speak, his strong, deep timbre resonated through the forest. "A drink actually," he responded dryly. The twinkle in the dark pools that were his eyes was warm, contradicting his earlier dry humor.
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
Extremely sorry for the long wait! :c

I do it because I can, I can because I want to,
Anouke Kasekhemre
I want to because you made me.

The Young Hellion could see that the black male didn’t turn immediately at the sound of his own voice, and the corners of his lips twitched up in an almost smile, but not quite. He hadn’t properly smiled in almost a year, and any smile, grin, smirk or whatever else was forced and not the real deal. He was as cold and dark as the night itself, with the cunning of a fox and body of a fighter.

After a few steady moments of silence where the only sound was the rushing of water flying by them, the black male turned his head and spoke in a deep voice that resonated through the air. ”A drink actually,” His voice had a slight dry tone to it, but there was a twinkle in those dark blue eyes that were the opposite.

Staring warily at the black male with bright, calculating amber eyes, the Young Hellion stayed quiet, contemplating on what he was going to say. Should it be friendly, mean, or mysterious? It was just a moment until Anouke stepped back from the creek bank and looked at the black male, his head cocked to the side again. His posture was friendly: ears pricked but not forward, head lowered to shoulder height, tail at leg height while wagging ever so slightly from side to side. He didn’t want the black male to think he was a cruel and unforgiving wolf that sought to conquer everyone, even if he really was on the inside.

With a forced smile on his face, Anouke spoke in his rich voice, a slightly mysterious tone to his words. “Then why have you partially submerged yourself in the depths of the creek?” He was intrigued by the black male, as he was with all other wolves that he had met. It was just a part of his destructive nature to know about other wolves.

How could he deny the personality he had been given?

327 Words