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This is not what it is, only baby scars — Pitch Pine Trail 
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Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
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Anyone is welcome to join sad Capella, set some time right after being re-accepted c:

Pale paws moved across the familiar ground, searching for Pitch Pine's den site. It wasn't sleep she was after, it was knowledge. She wanted to inhale the bitter sweet scent of her missing family members where it would likely be strongest, after all if she couldn't really smell them, did they even exist? A bad case of solipsism had taken hold of her, and the creamy fae had to question the world around her. How was it so easy to lose everything, and if you could lose everything, then did you ever even have it in the first place?

Her homecoming had not been one filled with open hearts, and happy faces like she imagined. Instead it was painted with suspicions and anger. Her dandelion colored eyes stayed trained on the ground, easily remembering every dip and turn of the land, waiting for the welcomed feeling to come, but it never did. The last time she passed along here it was home. It was where she belonged, and now she wasn't sure anymore.

Lachesis' scent hit her nose the hardest, but still it was so faint. She had missed him by miles, and there was no getting him back this time. Memories of her ghostly companion hit her square in the chest, and she realized just how pathetic she was becoming. Everything was different now. Time and distance, life and death. It was all sufficient in tearing apart her soul, her life. Did he hate her? Did Shade pass on to whatever came after this life despising her? He had protected her in a time when she needed protecting, and how did she repay him? A choked sob broke free from her throat as she thought of her dark leader. She promised a long time ago that she would follow him, trust in him, until the end of time, and now he was gone.

What was she going to do now?

New scents already laced the air, taking place of the old. Once again she found herself thinking how strange it was that life went on. Even without her, things would continue as if she never existed. Focusing in on the new perfumes, she noted that there was a new male, and a female. Were they going to hate her? Every time she looked upon them would she find her own betrayal staring back at her? She wondered if she would ever look at Karpos or Adsila again, and find the innocence she had left them with. Would they ever learn to rely on her? Of course they wouldn't accept her fully back into their lives, not yet. She abandoned them when they needed her the most. It was her fault. All of this was, and it was on her to find a way to fix it. Of course she wasn't sure if it would ever truly be fixed, and even if it was, it would never be the same. They were all broken now, cracked, and dry rotted with age. Yes, everything was different now, wasn't it?

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[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3