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Breathe — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer
Here you go @Ashton! <3
April – Spring – Afternoon – Partly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 39° F/4° C

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

Silvery green eyes stared at the landscape far below her, as she sat on a rock on the steep incline that was the Mountain of Dire. She just wanted to get away from everything and be by herself for a day or two. No interruptions from other pack members, no sob stories or complications in their lives that they had to tell others about, no, none of that anymore. The Young Slayer just needed to be away from the others for a while until she could get her own emotions and life under control.

Ever since her father had died, her whole life had just slowly sunk lower and lower until it could sink no further, but she didn’t hold it against him. It wasn’t his fault that Willow Ridge woman had killed him, but she blamed everyone else in Pitch Pine Trail for just disappearing. They had been the ones to leave her when she needed them the most.

But worst of all, Karpos was among them, and she didn’t know if she should be angry, sad, disappointed, confused or all of the above. Her own blood brother, who had stuck with her until that moment, was gone without saying anything to anyone, and she couldn’t figure out if her heart wanted her to be with him, or without him.

Sinking down into a sprawled, lying down position on the smooth rock, Adsila let her head hang limply, half off the rock’s edge, staring at the landscape that was slowly turning greener as spring came closer. Soon there would be pups, and she would reach her first year, officially not a pup anymore, but not a full adult. She could then fully practice her hunting methods and skills, and once she reached two years, have the chance to be given the hunter role. It was the only role she was really good at, with her stamina and speed, and medium frame.

Closing her eyes, the Young Slayer let her body relax as she felt the soft breeze brush by her, and listened to the sounds of twittering birds that flew past to their destinations. It was so peaceful up on the mountain where there was barely any wolves around, and she loved it. Sighing softly, she let herself fall into a light nap.

384 Words

Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok
Sorry, I'll have to be a little vague since he's in the middle of a join thread x.x

Intent on the mountain before him, Ashton began admittedly less careful than he should have. Burly paws had almost reached their final size; Thick and sturdy, the male was far from delicate. Although his journey had come to an end, it had been this looming obstacle he had battled with the most. Each day it watched over him, pointing the dark boy in the right direction, and each night he wondered if he should cross.

Unfortunately, Ashton's struggle had been voided once he arrived at Secret Woodland's borders. Why hadn't he moved on? What brought him back? He wasn't sure anymore. Maybe he wouldn't ever be, but for some reason he needed to know. His driving force was simply to stand atop the vast cliffs, and look down on the other side; What could have been. He must have been insane, traveling for days to reach this particular destination, but hell, they were all crazy these days. He chose not to think on it too much, as he did with most things. Life was easier this way. Ignore your demons, and they will leave.

Accompanied by only the soft crunching of Earth beneath his paws, Ashton pushed farther, nearing what he assumed to be the top. Mossy orbs brightened only a touch, as the anticipation took hold of him. Only then did a strange scent billow down from the mountain. Was there..? Another wolf happened to be crossing in the same spot as he had? Padding lighter on freshly cracked paws, his intention was not to alarm the wolf, but rather size them up before an altercation could occur.

Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer
It's okay @Ashton <3

She had not meant to really fall asleep, but starting awake unexpectedly the Young Slayer arched her head up high, eyes wide and her nose and ears twitching madly for the reason she had so suddenly awakened from her accidental deep slumber. She had been less careful than she should have, for falling fully asleep was a dangerous thing to do when no one whom was a friend or ally was near, and she had just done that very thing. But where was the reason she had awoken so suddenly? Adsila’s silvery green orbs could not see or smell anything strange, but as she looked all around, her eyes caught a dark shape that was ever so slowly heading up the mountain. Ears pricking forwards, she strained her eyes to look at the figure, and when she knew it was a wolf, her lean, lithe body slowly lifted up into a sitting position.

The figure looked young, almost as young as herself, but she couldn’t be sure until he or she came closer. It was often one met wolves on the mountain, as it wasn’t a place where there was much food or shelter, and that was the exact reason she had climbed the mountain: for some alone time. But apparently the fates did not want her to be alone, and it seemed that the figure had already caught her scent as it started padding at a faster pace. The Young Slayer could not leave now, not when the wolf knew she was there, but maybe the encounter wouldn’t turn out so bad. It had been a long time since she had met another wolf near her age, and she felt almost excited at the prospect of it. So sitting down upon the rock she had previously rested on, Adsila waited for the wolf to reach her, and only then would she call out a greeting.

316 Words
Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok

Bulky as ever, the young Hervok's attempt at sizing up his opponent was halted as her dark head bobbed up on the horizon. She was young, likely around the same as as himself, and sporting a height similar to his own. He couldn't help but wonder if Danica would ever reach that size, but shrugged it off with a simple shake of the head. Nearing her spot atop the cliffs, he barked out a small greeting. "Hullo." Maybe, just this once, he could enter on the right paw. For some reason it seemed he had the worst luck making a good first impression; The 'princess' he had toppled over inside of the cave being a prime example. Of course, this probably had something to do with his propensity for jumping into everything headfirst, without giving much thought.

Anticipation ate away at his stomach, but his face remained a stark mask of indifference. Unease settled within his paws, as he wondered how this encounter would go. Had the last fae he'd met been physically able, she probably would have tried to tear him limb from limb, and unfortunately this girl seemed in pretty decent health. "Didn't think I'd seen anyone else up here." Casual conversation, keeping the air light.

Halting a few tail lengths before her, he made sure his posture remained neutral. Although Ashton was sure he could take her if she tried anything stupid, he would rather it not escalate to that. After all, there probably wasn't a medic for miles, not one he trusted anyway.

Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer
I am so very sorry @Ashton! School got the best of me ,-,

Silvery green eyes watched intently as the figure padded closer and closer, until he had neared the rock she sat upon, and barked out a greeting. Dark ears twitched at his voice, and she breathed in deeply, inhaling his scent. It was of his own, but there might have also been others on his pelt that she couldn’t smell, but she did not care to know at the moment. Dipping her head in a cordial greeting, she smiled lightly at the dark brown male with his mossy green eyes. “Hello,” she responded quietly, her voice smooth and clear. She was a wolf of few words in some circumstances, usually when the other wolf did not speak much, but otherwise she was fairly normal, speaking as much as she needed to, but never rambling on and on unnecessarily.

Adsila watched as the male casually stated that he did not think anyone wolf would be up on the mountain, before halting a few feet away, to keep some distance between the, was her guess. As she did not know him, she felt almost grateful for his consideration, or maybe he felt the same about her? Nodding at his statement, she glanced around, almost as if she was looking around for any other wolves that may be lurking around. Satisfied that there was no others prying on their conversation, she turned her dark head to look back at the male. “Same here. It can seem quite lonely up here, but once you reach the top the view is amazing.” She breathed out the last word, and looked past him at the landscape of greens, browns and many other colours below.

It took her a few moments, but the Young Slayer eventually realized that she had yet to introduce herself, and splaying her ears apologetically to the sides, she took her eyes off the land below to look at the dark brown male - and now that he was closer, she could see silver flecks throughout his pelt – a shameful look on her face. “So sorry, my name is Adsila Slayer, part of a pack on the other side of the mountain that goes by the name of Magnolia Glen. You are…?”

368 Words
Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok

Following her words, the male looked over the edge. It truly was amazing, with fog covering some areas, while rivers seemed to carve out others. Vast numbers of trees lined the Earth, as if to grasp at the sun. "Wow." He hadn't even realized that his surprise seemed to fall off of his tongue, for if he had, the male would have felt shame lace his pelt. Ashton wasn't the type to wear his heart on his sleeve. In fact, he felt those who did generally came across as annoying.

Brought away from the wonder by her voice, Ashton allowed his mossy gaze to return to her. Although he did not avert his eyes from her, his body language spoke his neutrality. "Ashton Hervok, only remaining heir to Secret Woodlands." Why had he worded it like that? 'Remaining' could only mean that there were others before him. Ones that for whatever reason no longer held a claim to the land.

Finally moving his orbs away from her dark pelt, and back on to the land below, he allowed the comment to roll right off of him. Ashton was not very good at over thinking things, especially ones as small as his previous mistake. Not when there were much larger problems eating away at him each day. No, this was simple enough to push away. "I live way over there," He nosed towards the corner of the lore where Secret Woodlands was sure to lay. "You can barely see it, but it's there." Unfortunately.

(This post was last modified: May 17, 2014, 06:21 PM by Ashton.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer
Should we have them notice the food opp, @Ashton? ^^

The Dark brown male followed her gaze to the breathtaking landscape below, and after a few moments she heard him voice his amazement. A small smile adorned her darkly furred face at his word of surprise. At least he could see the beauty in things, and not only see in shades of black and white like some wolves chose to, but maybe they didn’t know how? Either way, it was nice to meet a wolf like that, one who she could perhaps converse easily enough with, without wanting to snap at them or run away as a few others had made her feel.

As he looked away from the view and back to her, their eyes met, but his body language told her he was not trying to act aggressive, and so she didn’t react as she usually would; let her feathers remain unruffled, as one would say. An eyebrow raised infinitesimally at his choice of wording as he told her his name and rank in a pack. Only remaining heir… what had happened to the others? She knew better than to ask though, as wolves were often very touchy when it came to siblings, family or personal pack complications. She certainly was.

The Young Slayer smiled shyly at the dark brown male, before speaking in her soft voice. “It is nice to meet you up here, Ashton Hervok.” His mossy green gaze shifted from her own body, and back to the landscape below, but her own silvery green eyes did not leave his face, and she was almost surprised when he spoke again. “All the way over there?” She questioned, incredulous. He must be crazy to trek so far away from home. “Why did you come all this way to the mountain if your home is so far away?”

300 Words
Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok

He mulled over her words, content in the silence that followed them. Why had he come so far, to gaze upon the other side of the mountain? He wanted to say it was no more than blatant curiosity that egged his paws on, but that was a lie. A lie he couldn't even tell himself. Those were the worst kind, and so he chose not to say them.A moment of vulnerability passed through his facade, one that no other had been able to experiance from him. "Do you ever feel, like your supposed to be somewhere else?" It was vague, but something about it felt good. As if a weight was lited from his heavy shoulders. Supressing a sigh, the male began to elaborate. "Like home isn't home..?" He wasn't sure where it was, but he was positive that it wasn't the thicket. Maybe somewhere he could see the sky, or breath fresher air. Maybe not.

Turning his gaze back towards the girl, he found her face, watching as the words soaked through her. She might not have understood the meaning behind his words, but he didn't care. In fact, she might have thought him insane. After all, home was supposed to be where your den was located, was it not? Home was with your family, or wherever you were born. At least that's what he always assumed it was. How could such a young soul even begin to realize that just maybe, there was more? In truth, Ashton had yet to think about it much, but he knew something was off already.