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All the King's Horses — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer

The Young Slayer Girl had decided to go hunting away from Cut Rock River’s territory, a chance to see if she could find some prey in another place, but she also didn’t tell anyone that she was leaving for a day or so. Her independence said otherwise to telling another of her plans, and so she didn’t. She didn’t care if they were angry at her afterwards, as she hadn’t done anything wrong. A wolf was free to wander off for a couple of days, as long as they came back. It wasn’t like she was stealing anything and running off with it, or actually leaving the pack without telling anyone. She was a free wolf, and she would stay that way. No one could change that.

When she came upon a creek Adsila paused, lifting her muzzle into the air and glancing around in a one hundred and eighty degree angle to see if there was anyone close by, but the wind told her nothing as it blew in her face, and she was very sure that no wolf had been behind her as she was walking. Padding to the bank, she lowered her muzzle and drank deeply from the cool, clear water, and when she had had her full, she lifted up her muzzle inches above the water, staring at her reflection. As she smiled, her reflection smiled, when she frowned, her reflection frowned. Giggling, the Young Slayer dipped her muzzle back into the water and blew bubbles, feeling the water froth and splash up into her face. Throwing her head back, water sprayed up in an arc like a rainbow, and she giggled yet again as it fell to the ground with soft thumps.

Shaking the water from her face, she stared back at the creek, only now noticing the silver shapes underneath the surface. With a playful growl, Adsila swiped at the water with a paw, hoping to knock one of the fish out onto the land, but it was too quick and she only ended up splashing herself. Blinking the water out of her eyes, she crept forward until her paws were partially in the water, and leaning forward, her silvery green eyes searched the creek for another fish. Spotting another – or was it the same one? – instantly, the Young Slayer made another swipe at it, but this time she unbalanced herself, and with a yelp, fell face first into the creek.

Just great.

409 Words

Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint
Myrrhis Flint had already begun to the land she had been in for a few days now. It looked like a plentiful place and she already had passed by one border smelling strongly of wolves, which the elder wolf had dutifully bypassed. Though she made sure to note its location in case she wanted to go back to it.

Now, with her throat feeling parched from her travels and her body calling for a rest, Myrrhis scented water nearby and was slowly making her way towards the bubbling creek. Twisting around the trees, the grey beauty smiled when she spotted a flash of the creek but what truly got her attention were the sounds of…giggles? Myrrhis frowned. They sounded like a pup giggles, or a young wolf who had just out of puppy hood and was transitioning into adult life. Myrrhis couldn’t stop the smile from crossing her face even if she tried. Some yearlings still tended to act a little like pups for the first few months, which brought great amusement to Myrrhis whenever she had to teach an interested wolf about herbs but they got distracted by something and would ask a million and one questions.

Stepping out from the bushes, Myrrhis’ orange eyes swept over the opposite bank of the creek before her orange eyes settled on a small dark figure near the water.

For a moment, Myrrhis’ heart lurched as she stared at the wolf, who could almost be mistaken for her own daughter due to the dark colour of her coat. But after a few heart pounding moments and careful studying, Myrrhis was confident that it wasn’t her daughter. After all, the girl was too young and Neoma would never have giggled like before…

Myrrhis was brought back to reality when a yelp and a splash was heard and in an instant, her protective instinct rose up but when her eyes settled back on the girl, she had simply fallen into the creek.

Chasing after the fishes, I’d say. the elder thought as she bent down and quickly quenched her thirst before slowly rising back to full height and stepping into the water. ”Are you aright my dear?” Myrrhis questioned kindly as she waded through the water towards the wolf, relishing in the cool feeling of the water as it also washed away weeks of dirt from her fur. ”Took quite the tumble there.” The elder’s paws rested comfortably against the creek bed as she came to a stop a few feet away, the small rocks that laid under her feet rolling when she had walked over them.
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer

Spluttering and coughing, the Young Slayer Girl stood up in the creek, the water splashing at her body as it ran past towards it destination. She shook her head and sneezed, ridding herself of the clear liquid, at least around her face. Growling softly to herself, Adsila turned around, not believing that she had just fallen into the creek. Not that anyone was watching, otherwise she’d die of embarrassment that someone had seen her trip and fall.

A kind voice questioned Adsila if she was alright, and she spun around, her eyes wide. Oh great, so someone had seen her during her ‘finest’ moment. Muttering under her breath at how unfair life was, she grimly nodded. “Just a bit wet,” she mumbled, averting her eyes from the female’s face. She didn’t want to see the laughter in her eyes or the smirk on her face. It was bad enough that she had just been seen, never mind being teased about it.

However, the female didn’t tease her at all, in fact, after she had drunk her full, the grayscale-coloured female waded through the water, stopping a few feet away. Raising her eyes, Adsila only saw kindness reflected in those orange eyes. At the female’s statement she nodded. Yes, all for a fish. Although, it was nothing compared to some other scrapes and bruises she’s had before, and so apart from someone seeing her in action, she thought nothing of it.

“Who are you?” Adsila queried, wanting to know the name of the female. She hadn’t met many friendly wolves in her life, only those that were backstabbers or left her behind when she needed them the most. Even though she had forgiven them, it still hurt to think about it. Maybe if she’d spent more time with them they wouldn’t have left her. “My name is Adsila Slayer,” she added quickly, a hesitant smile on her lips.

317 Words
Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint
Myrrhis chuckled slightly at the young girl's murmur that she was fine before asking who she was. "My name is Myrrhis Flint, Adsila. I am glad you are fine." Myrrhis answered warmly, stepping out of the water and motioning for Adsila to do the same. "Best if you get out of the water lass. The water is cool and you might catch the sniffles sniffles you stay in there too long. And I know having the sniffles isn't pleasant at all." the grey dame suggested to the younger as she turned on the bank after shaking her fur out and settled down on the ground.

"if it is not too rude to pry, what are you doing out here all on your own? Practicing your hunting skills?" Nodding towards the creek where she caught flashes of silver just beneath the surface, Myrrhis waited patiently for a reply before an idea came to her. "because if you would like, I could teach you how to catch them. I used to be a very good fisher, back in the day before young kind wolves like yourself would bring me food in return for teaching them herbs and healing." Myrrhis hoped she didn't come on too forward to Adsila. While a healer first, Myrrhis did know the basics of hunting and she wasn't lying when she claimed to have been a good fisher as a young wolf. It ran in her blood, her mother and grandmother having being hunters who practised exclusively in hunting the slippery animals.
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer

A hesitant smile crossed her lips at the older wolf’s response to the Young Slayer Girl’s query for a name to go with the kind voice. She was unsure of how to answer, and so stood there uncertainly until a motion from the older greyscale-coloured female caught her attention. Ears twitching at her wisdom-filled words, she slowly followed her onto dry land, shaking out her fur until it became a big, thick fluff surrounding her lithe body. Splaying her ears to the side, she glanced up at Myrrhis through wide eyes, curious as to why she was showing such kindness to a stranger. All her life she had been met with distrustful, snarling wolves that took dedication to prove to them she could be trusted with the simplest of things, but now that a wolf was doing the complete opposite, her mind was exploding with questions.

“Uh, yea, I came here to get away from everything going on in my pack, hoping for somewhere secluded to practice on smaller prey. I didn’t think anyone would be nearby though…” her quiet voice trailed off as she looked down at her paws, half-sitting on her haunches. She didn’t know how to act around the older greyscale-coloured female who showed her kindness that she had never experienced before. Submit to her; act neutral as if nothing was wrong; return the kindness; or something completely different?

She was surprised when Myrrhis offered to teach her how to catch a fish, and glanced up at her, an astounded look in her silvery green eyes. No stranger had ever offered something remotely like that to her before. It was always something simple that they wanted her to repay by doing something for them. Never before had another wanted to give something or even teach her without gaining something else in return, unless if she counted her brother or those that took pity on her. “If-if you want miss,” she said, a slight stutter to her words, betraying how surprised she was at the immediate kindness of the woman.

Adsila stared at Myrrhis for a few moments, her mind whirling with unanswered questions and thoughts until she couldn’t not say anything. “How do you do it?” She blurted out. “How do you act so thoughtful and be full of such kindness for a wolf you’ve never met before and offer them something without expecting anything in return?” She was so confused at how the older greyscale-coloured female did it. The Young Slayer Girl knew that she could act as such, yes, act, but could never mean what she said or did. Her views on the stranger was always mistrustful and wary, as she had grown up to believe all were never as they seemed, but now she doubted that, and wanted to know how she could change her ways to actually mean those words and actions.

479 Words
Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint
Myrrhis was surprised by the reaction of the young wolf, frowning slightly at the astounded look on her face and the stutter within her voice when she offered to teach her how to fish, as if it was a foreign concept to her. And her question not a few moments later, it was something of an odd question to ask, especially from one so young. Had she experienced such little genuine kindness that it came as a surprise to her when it was shown?

“Because why should I act any other way then who I truly am?” Myrrhis answered back, slight confusion and surprise evident in her voice, though she sighed slightly afterwards. This was something of a common occurrence, a wolf becoming surprised at her kindness. It had happened a few times in her past and Myrrhis could never understand why others were so surprised by it. Not all wolves were of the deceiving and distrusting sort, yet she could also understand those who were wary of those who showed too much kindness and thoughtfulness. Most believed it to be fake and accused her to want something from them, even if she had adamantly denied the fact many a time.

“It is simply who I am and I expect I will not change any time soon, I should hope. To be kind is to be a friend to others and if they do not want it and shun you for it then, why stay around them? That should not mean you cannot try to be kindly and thoughtful to them, at least for a while but if they do not change and are harming you with their words and teeth, then you have done what you have.” Myrrhis tried to explain to her, in the best way she knew how. “Yet something like kindness is something that cannot be taught, not really anyway. It should come from your heart, like all of your actions. I want to do things for others because who knows what has happened to them in the past? I want to make sure others are happy and a small act of kindness and thoughtfulness might very well change their day, or even their lives.” She spoke lowly, with a twitch of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. Memories of those she had helped, whether by healing their open wounds or the ones hidden in their hearts, flashed in her mind before settling on one in particular.“There was a child I knew once, much like you. This child had been abandoned by their parents, for the pup wasn’t strong and was often belittled for the size that had been gifted to the young one. I found this pup and raised the young one until adulthood. The question that often left their lips was ‘Why did you help me? I was nothing and never will be. My own parents didn’t even want me. So why did you?’ Do you know what I told that young one, each and every time?”

“I told this child I had risen like my own, though they were not, that ‘You don’t have to be the strongest, or the brightest wolf in the world. You simply have to the kindest and most thoughtful one out there, as much as you can be and come what may, others will one day respond in turn. What I did for you was out of the kindest of my heart, always know that and for that, know I will always love you like my own.’ I have lived by those words my entire life and never have I been proven wrong as of yet.” Myrrhis opened her eyes, not realising she had closed them in her small speech and tried to smile at the girl before her. Those memories were tinged with a bitter sweetness that Myrrhis would never wish to replace. “And so I will tell you the same thing. Be as kind and thoughtful as you can and one day, you will be rewarded. Do not be troubled by those who appeared in your past. Do not live by the actions you committed in the past, no matter how ugly or pretty they once had been. Live your life as it comes, day by day and give out as much as you possibly can. Try as hard as you can and all will come out well in the end, I promise you.”
(This post was last modified: Jul 17, 2014, 10:03 AM by Myrrhis.)