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don't really know how i got here — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
I left a clouded mind and a heavy heart

Having a hard time remaining in the land of his birth he ventured to the muddy marsh. It had always been the next best thing after Jasper Rocks, a haven. Water, mud, and grass higher than a full grown wolf had always been enticing to him as a boy. It hadn't been too far from home as far as him and Ryvet were concerned. Briefly, there was a twitch of a smile. If Ryv were he he would be a brown wolf, not white. But, tis was also where he had gotten his first prey. It was here he thought he could single handily snag some sort of meal since he was beginning to miss them more often. Despite the hope that had flickered this morning the only other living souls were frogs, and Ren, despite his empty stomach, could only get two down before deciding against a third. They weren't quite worth the effort to catch them to have them stick in his throat and make his stomach grumble more. With no where else to go,as he still couldn't make up his mind, the rogue hung around for the good part of the day enjoying the coolness of water that seeped from the lagoon.

When the sun hung in the sky letting the world know evening was on its way he was hunched down in the rough, tall grasses of the marsh waiting. Dusk would bring something around, if not he would resort to more frogs. A sudden honk caught his ear, and above his head he saw a few pair of Canadian geese. Instantly, his mouth watered only thinking how good they would both taste. The rogue held his position letting them think they had reached the safety of an empty marsh.

(This post was last modified: Oct 22, 2014, 03:43 AM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
Thoughts are like burning stars and ideas
Whisper Caverns
They flood and stretch the universe
So very sorry for the wait!

Namid was out and about as usual, her wandering nature forcing her to take action. She had been to this place before with @Rook, the memory bringing a fond smile to her blackened lips. This place had been the start, the real start, of their friendship. It had also been one of the last stops they had had together before splitting for those few gruesomely long weeks. Looking around she could see the trail they had ventured along together, hear the laughs and feel happy.

As she looked her mismatched gaze caught a few out of place colors, pale tawny amidst the green reeds of the Marsh. For a split second she thought it to be her favored companion himself, her heart leaping for joy and her tail beginning a soft wag as this was what usually happened when they came together. Upon further expecting though with squinted eyes, she could make out an unfamiliar swirl of colors too bright to be his and a build too bulky to be the same. A bit of disappointment coated her emotions, but it was quickly passed aside by the prospect of meeting someone new. She considered moving forward and greeting them, but the stance that the male held suggested that he was hunting the geese that favored these parts. Her stomach grew hungry at the thought of sinking her teeth into the meat of one of the geese, but she wasn’t too fond of having to get through the feathers beforehand. Instead of upsetting the balance by a hunt of her own, she held back to watch and see what would happen with the situation.

Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
I left a clouded mind and a heavy heart

Golden eyes, hungrily focused on the winged prey, he had yet to notice anyone other souls around. The rogue had to focus on being still, letting them settle, and see everything was fine. The pit of his stomach reminded him why he couldn't afford to miss this opportunity. He had to keep his patience for the right moment. Since he was not a springing fox nor jumping bobcat, one would have to wander a little closer to his resting place.

The bones in his forelegs, and haunches started to ache. The further the geese came, searching for their own tasty treats. It was when a younger one seemed to question the figure in the reeds, did the brute pounce with open jaws, snapping at it's neck. Forcefully his black wing slapped his cheek, and the bird let out a great cry while the others took for the air. Ren made an effort to end its life abruptly by digging his fangs in further. It seemed to do the trick, his mouth warm, the goose no suddenly heavier in his jaws. As the wolf began to carry his prize, with every intention of heading to the forest, he saw the silver, and tawny dappled female. The Lyall didn't think twice. Sight narrowed, and the man raised both tail and head. He would have no one stealing his kill. Since he had a mouthful of feathers a sharp growl vibrated in his throat. As a loner he felt it better to see all others as enemies, at least in the case of food.

(This post was last modified: Oct 22, 2014, 04:03 AM by Renier.)