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All Beauty and Truth — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

It had been sometime since she had really stretched her legs and had taken time to breath. Her mind was clouded with the recent events that had happened. With @Athena's appearance, Silver's stupidty, and the anger of Ash and Narime it was obvious the dark female needed time to think. So out she went to the one place she could find peace. Fireweed Rise.

Walking out to the middle of the meadow she found a soft plush space to lay down on. The rain had stopped just long enough for her to soak up what little sun would make way through the patchy clouds. Silver knew this wouldn't last long though. Sooner or later the cold rain would come back and dampen her pelt. It wasn't that she had an issue with the rain, in fact it was more enjoyable than the sunshine some days, but she wished for the summer to linger all year around. The sunshine brought happiness and joy to the land of Relic Lore it seemed. She had grown to like the spots where the sun would shine and where she seemed almost untouchable in those moments.

But nothing lasted forever. The winter was slowly creeping it's cold harsh fingers around her. Silver was waiting for the day where she woke up to a snowy ground or an icy lake. She knew better than to wish that the winter would stay away she had come to the terms with reality. The winter would be and was an ugly beast ready to snap at anyone brave enough to face it.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Everywhere she walked she saw red. Not the blood lust that she gets from hunting, it was deep, unsettling anger that rain red through her veins. She was angry. So angry. At herself, Ash, Narime, her father, and just the whole world. This was truly her breaking point. Instead of leaning on a shoulder and crying, Athena was up, leaning on only herself. There was nobody to lean on anyway. She was alone. This time there were no tears, instead she saw red. What hurt her the most was the fact that her own daughter rejected her because of the scars that marred her face. Rory didn't recognize her anymore. This was all her father's fault, but there was no way to take revenge for this hurt since she had already killed him. As she stalked out of Hush Meadow, she instantly went towards the place where she could think and possibly calm down. The Rise.

If there was a way for her to turn back time, Athena would take that opportunity in a split second. She wouldn't go back to the start, but just far enough where she was still with her Rory, in their den like they should be, cuddling and loving on each other like mother and daughter should. An angry snarl ripped through her chest as she stalked towards the meadow. She couldn't believe this was happening to her, but she didn't know what she could do. They wasn't a way to change or erase the scars upon her face. She could try to get close to Rory again, but she was frightened of her appearance and she was certain Ash or Narime would have no compassion for her and would chase her off away from her own child. She didn't know what she could do.

As she walked though the fields, she didn't even notice that Silver, the black cloaked woman that had tried to stick up for her, was lying within the meadows as well. But when she saw her, she had no hard feelings towards her or anger towards her either. She had tried to help and she was thankful for that. Before she knew it, Athena plopped down right besides the woman without a word and basked in the peaceful meadow and sun that warmed their backs.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

It wasn't long until a familiar pale faced female made a spot right next to her. Watching Athena take a laying spot next to her Silver's tail quickly started wagging. Offering a lick to the woman's chin. "Athena." Smiling wide Silver looked down to there paws side by side.

To be honest, Silver was happy that it was Athena who decided to grace Silver with her presence. In fact Athena was just the woman she wanted to see. "I'm so happy to see you again. You are just the wolf I wanted to see." With that familiar smile lazily sitting on her dark lined lips Silver wondered what exactly Athena was doing out here in the meadow. Perhaps she was out here to get away from reality just like the dark woman was. They both had lots on their mind surely so maybe they could find comfort in each other. When everything started falling down it seemed they were finding content comfort in each other. Two semi strangers with comfort in each other. Strange how that worked.

"What brings you out here? To find comfort like myself?" Silver decided it might just be best to ask instead of being silent and staying in her own thoughts. Sooner or later she would have to find out more about Athena. Especially due to their small meeting with the other Whisper Caverns wolves the two woman had a lot of discussing to do. Although if Athena wasn't open to speaking about everything then Silver wouldn't push her.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
As she lied besides the dark female, she was graced with a lick upon the chin and a greeting of what only could be one from a friend. "Silver," she greeted with a lick upon her crown. They have come a long way from their first meeting where Athena was high ranking second and Silver was asking for acceptance as a lone wolf. However, now Athena was the low ranking female, while Silver was the high ranking female. Though, Silver had respect for Athena and treated her with such. Athena was thankful for that as she never meant to leave Whisper Caverns and give away her high rank. It seems like Silver was the only one that understood that.

Silver went on to speak her happiness of Athena's presence and with her words, a smile graced her ebony lips. At least someone was happy to see her nowadays. Her daughter surely wasn't happy to see her, nor was her former love. She had hoped that she could fix things between her and Ash, but that was no longer on her mind. He had no compassion for her kidnapping and frankly she couldn't love a man that didn't fight for her or have any compassion for the truth. She has realized that he had shut her out and Athena couldn't find anything in herself to try to fight anymore for him. He made his decision about his relationship with her, but he made a mistake from trying to keep her daughter from her. That was something that she was going to fight for, however. Her children were always something to fight for and how dare he do that to her. Ash crossed the line and he was going to pay.

With Silver settled on her blind side, Athena felt somewhat comfortable being able to see her surroundings on her unguarded side. She would be able to see anything coming towards them on her side, but there was no way of knowing what was coming towards them on Silver's side. With a smile, Athena turned towards Silver in order to actually see her face with her good eye, she began to answer her question that seemed to have a hidden inquiry. "The Rise is always where I've come to think and collect my thoughts and I've come out here to think about my future."
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

"The Rise is always where I've come to think and collect my thoughts and I've come out here to think about my future."

Fair enough reason. It was the exact same reason found herself out here. "What do you mean your future? Are you gonna make a pack or find another home?" Silver hated even saying that (as Athena was growing on her) and it showed in her eyes too. Sadness slowly made way into those golden eyes of her's. She didn't really want to see Athena leave. It was if she had just found someone who could understand her and now they were slowly being pulled away from her. This wasn't good at all.

"If you go somewhere I want to go with you." She looked into Athena's eyes softly. Looking at her only the way a close friend would or could. "I mean...that is if you don't mind. I haven't really had company I enjoy within the last year or so." It was true. Silver hadn't found a fondness in anyone since the falling out of Pitch Pine Trail. Still thinking about it brought a tug at her heartstrings.

Laying her head down on her paws lightly she looked out into the field waiting to her the, hopefully, kind voice of Athena speak to her. Silver didn't have much more to say. Truly the way this conversation went laid in the pale paws of the woman next to her side. The dark woman could only hope this conversation would grow into a bright idea with each word they spoke.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
I do very much LOVE this post <3

As soon as she finished, Silver instantly answered with an underlying shock and sadness in her voice. This woman was a very good judge of character and it shocked Athena. She chuckled slightly when she asked if she was going to create her own pack. It was something that she was thinking about doing, but she was alone and winter was fast approaching. No one would want to join a pack with a woman with one eye and barely anyone following her. But Athena did need to find her home. She was beginning to realize that her home really wasn't here. The man she loved, no longer could look at her. Her daughter no longer knew her and was frightened by her very face. There was no compassion in the hearts of the Caverns wolves aside for Silver and Kassander who tried to stand up for her. She didn't belong in the caverns. She belonged in the mountains.

Then the dark woman said something that she never thought she would hear. Silver wanted to go wherever Athena went. Did this mean she wasn't really alone like she really thought? This woman who she had only met twice, was looking to her like she was a life long friend. Something Athena hasn't had since Ava and Naira. Looking into the gold eyes of her companion, "I do plan on going back to my real home. I don't belong here anymore," she began, her gaze turning towards the open field ahead of them. "My own daughter doesn't recognize me and is frightened to even look at me. The man I love, can't even look at me anymore. I don't know what I can do. I don't think there is anything I can do, besides make a new beginning for myself," she finished, her eyes glancing back towards her friend besides her.

"I would love for you to come with me, but I couldn't do that to Ash," she trailed off. In her heart, she knew how much this would hurt Ash if she welcomed Silver and part of her wanted to make him feel the hurt that he gave to her when he took Aurora from her. But what about Narime? Could she do that to her? She showed some compassion for her, but she allowed Ash to take Rory away. She was a mother, she would know how that would feel. Especially if she was in Athena's situation and was unwillingly taken from her child. The more she thought about it, the more her care and compassion died. They held no compassion for her, why should she hold compassion for them? It wasn't like she had offered Silver anything, Silver had been the one to say it. A seriousness fell over Athena and her path became clear. "However, if you find my company more appeasing, I can't stop you," she said, turning to Silver with a smile. Now was the time for Ash and Narime to understand that when you poke at the nest, you'll get the swarm.
(This post was last modified: Oct 06, 2014, 02:47 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Listening to that voice she wished to hear she took it all in. Athena wanting to go home, her losing her daughter and the man she loved, the pale woman wanting to start new. Somewhere inside Silver could feel the pain of this all. Feel the pain that the moon woman was going through.

Relapsing in her own mind Silver couldn't remember how many times she had been hurt. Losing the trust and bond with Karpos, losing those who she loved in the Trail, losing Ace, and to top it all off she had just lost Rayne. Funny how two woman could go through almost the same thing. Perhaps it was fate playing a sick joke on the two.

Though the next words were a bit shocking. Making Silver pull her head up from her paws. "I would love for you to come with me, but I couldn't do that to Ash," "Athena, think of it this way. You wont be the one doing that to Ash. I'll be the one doing that to Ash. I'll be doing the dirty work." Silver couldn't help but let a small chuckle roll out from her lips. Nudging Athena's shoulder lightly with her dark damp nose Silver could feel a change happening between the two. A change for the better.

"In fact, I am growing to love your company Miss Athena." Smiling wide to expose her ivory teeth she let her tail wave against the ground. "If I may ask though. Where exactly is home?" She was mental chomping at the bit to find out where this new chapter in her life may take her.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Before she knew it, Silver was on her side. Athena found her new partner in crime. Ever since Ava, she only had Ash, and now that Ash has blocked her out, Silver was the one coming into her life. She had compassion and understanding, qualities Athena was fond of. She was no longer alone. She now had Silver. Who knew they would become friends when they first met. As Silver soothed her worries with her words, her cynical side came out. Part of her wanted Ash to know it was her that Silver was choosing, not him or Narime. Though, she needed to be smart and lie low. Eventually, he would know and Athena would relish in her revenge.

At Silver's laughter and nudge, she chuckled out loud as well. "We're going to be great friends, you know." She said, returning the nudge. Silver then went on to express her love for her company. Smiling a toothy grin, she turned and licked Silver upon her cheek. She never thought they'd have this instant bond. Like she always said, things happen for a reason. It was fate and perhaps Silver was her lucky charm to tell her to keep going even though her life looked so grim.

Then Silver inquired where Athena's real home was. She turned and motioned to the horizon where the mountains ruled. "The mountains have always been my home. For years I lived within the mountains with the Poison Path pack. We lived close to the Lost Lake and for the most part of the pack history, I ruled. I loved it there and have always been pulled to those rocky ridges. And thats where I plan to settle."
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Her tail was only picking up the speed of wagging when Athena spoke of their friendship she nodded. "Only the best of friends!" With a wide smile she stuck her nose up in the air as if boldly proud of their tight bond.

Accepting the lick her her cheek Silver was feeling more joyful then she had in months. Not even the reuniting with Narime or Rayne made her feel this way. It was something about Athena that made her blossom with joy on the inside and out.

"And thats where I plan to settle." Shooting Athena a look that involved a sheepish sly smile and a wolfish wink Silver opened her jaws to speak. "I think you mean where we plan to settle. Remember, where you go I follow." Rising to her feet Silver stood over the pale woman, Athena. Her prance wasn't tall and regal as if to over power Athena but more as to say that she was protective over Athena. Looking over the land her eyes stared to where the mountain laid in the not so far distance. "We need to take a trip their sometime. Perhaps soon before the heart of winter comes in." Looking down underneath her Silver made sure Athena was okay with not only this new pose but also the topic of taking a trip. Who knew if Athena would want to take the trip with Silver. Perhaps Athena might want to go alone at first. Better to be safe and ask than just assume things.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
With the thumping of Silver's tail, she couldn't contain her own and together the beating of their tails created a rhythmic bond between the two of them. They were both happy with each other's company and they both knew their bond could only get stronger. Athena needed someone and it turns out that someone was Silver and here she was. Where Ash abandoned her and Rory no longer knew her, there was Silver standing in the light. She was the light in Athena's darkness.

A chuckle escaped her ebony lips at her correction. "Of course, excuse my mistake. I'm just not used to having someone besides me like you," she answered and sheepish grin upon her maw. And that was when Silver stood up and stood above her. In her previous years, she would have taken this as a threat and would have reacted instantly. However, as she turned her good eye up towards her back chest above her, she knew Silver's intentions. She was protecting her, guarding her. If this wasn't a sign, she didn't know what was.

Silver went on to talk about a trip they should take to their future home. Nodding, she looked out towards the horizon before she answered her dark companion. "Indeed, we shall. I can show you the many places I loved about the mountains and perhaps we can find others to support us." She never would have thought that Silver would be the one to get her thoughts rolling about creating her own pack. However, she was thankful for this outlet. She was thankful for Silver entering into her life.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||