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Role Model <3 — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
Quote: @Minka hope you don't mind Fly totally idolizing Minka. lol Feel free to suggest whatever you want to do in this thread. Fighting lessons, hunting lessons, or just hunting together...orr anything else you can think of:)

This morning Fly was really excited. She had taken to Minka, the alpha who had welcomed her into BTD when she approached their borders. But she had not seen much of her since those first days in the Downs. Of course, Fly was trying to be understanding of Minka's situation: she was the leader of a pack and had two pups to look after. But Fly was just a yearling so what did she know about those kinds of responsibilities? She just wanted to hang out with the strong, kind, independent she-wolf she had met that first day. And Minka had promised to spend time with her today.

For a brief moment, the thought of her mother crossed Fly's mind. Fly couldn't ignore the feeling of guilt that started to bubble up in her stomach. But Fly couldn't help the fact that she looked up to Minka way more than she ever looked up to her own mother. Her mom was scared of other wolves and wanted to keep her small family isolated; Minka was a leader that knew how to command respect. If Fly had to choose, she would without a doubt choose to follow Minka's example. One day, Fly would find her mom and her brother. But for today, for this winter, she just wanted to be apart of Black Thorn Downs. She wanted to spend this next year learning how to be as confident and respectable as Minka. And her first lesson was today.

Fly bounded across their camp, tongue lolling out to one side, searching for Minka.
Pack Pride
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Hope you don't mind the minor pp <3

It had surprised her but the night before their newest yearling had come to her asking if they could spend some time together the next morning. It had been nearly three weeks since Firefly had come to stay within Black Thorn Downs and it pleased Minka immensely that she seemed to be settling in comfortably. Most of all she had been thrilled at the result of her pairing with @Couth, the creamy male had seemed distant before and had little if any socializations with the pack, now at least he had been seen with the younger female even if just for training. Despite her surprise at the request the alpha had immediately agreed and promised that after her morning border patrol she would seek the teen out.

Pleased with how strong the border's scent already had been, @Bane had taken perfectly to guarding under @Tokino's mentor, her patrol had been quick. Stopping only once to mark her claws against the bark of the tree it was a mere trot around the border lines. Having come full circle Minka paused to glance around for sign of the young woman who she would now be spending the rest of the morning with, that is with any luck. Being an alpha meant that a lot of the time she didn't get to do what she wanted to do for very long before being pulled away into other responsibilities or god forbid emergencies. Following the fresh trail of scent her pack member had left behind she moved farther and farther away from their borders until she was standing in the fields just south of the Downs. Golden eyes flicked around until they found their target and with a chuckle she saw a tongue lolling from the girl's mouth. Still laughing she called, "Firefly!" The woman's voice carried easily across the relatively flat land, with a confidence she had grown into since the previous winter.

Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
Firefly stilled and turned her head in the direction of Minka's voice. There she was! Laughing at Fly of course. Feeling slightly self-conscious, Fly pulled her tongue back into her mouth and settled for an excited smile instead. Fly darted over to where her leader was standing, coming to an abrupt halt a few tail lengths in front of her. Fly touched Minka's shoulder with her nose respectfully before backing up and setting her brown-eyed gaze on Minka. "So what did you have in mind today?" Fly asked in her normal soprano tones, light brown head tilting attentively. "We could hunt together?" Fly offered. She had not gotten a chance to hunt with Minka yet, since Minka had not been there for the moose incident. Without giving Minka a chance to answer, Fly quickly added "Or you could teach me how to fight! I really need lessons for that." Fly admitted bashfully. She truly did need to learn how to fight better in case she ever really needed to defend her pack or their territory.

Fly had to quiet down to think of other suggestions to make. Once she did, she realized she was probably talking way too much so she clamped her jaw shut and studied Minka's expression carefully, hoping not to get scolded for being so excited. Her mother used to snap at her when she asked so many questions all at once. For a moment, Fly's eyes met Minka's golden orbs and Fly could see tiny flecks of grey in them. She hadn't noticed that before and thought that they made Minka look even more pretty. Then, Fly quickly looked away hoping that Minka hadn't taken the eye contact as disrespect. Oh boy, Fly thought exasperated. She was off to a poor start if she wanted to spend the morning impressing her leader. With a deep breathe, Fly tried her hardest to calm her mind and start acting like her mother had actually taught her some manners.