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Stupid two-legged mouse... — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
Quote:OOC: @Beren The wolf scent was intended to be yours just so ya know. And feel free to have Beren have watched Fly's face plant into the mud and joke with her about it:)

Fly had decided to spend the day exploring the Ghastly Woods again. Most wolves might have been creeped by the eerie silence and the way the branches seemed to hang low enough to drag along your spine and Fly certainly was at first. After a couple of trips through the woods during the day, however, she had become accustomed to the silence, actually enjoying it every once in a while. And dodging the low hanging tree branches had become a source of amusement as she tried to familiarize herself with the woods. She never wanted to get lost here at night again. That was scary.

Fly was strolling through the woods, casually testing the air every now and then to see what she could find. All at once, two distinct scents hit her nose. The first was that of a wolf, though this scent was stale. Fly assumed it must just be another wolf exploring the forest as she was. The second scent was that of a two-leg mouse (prairie dog). Fly smiled as she remembered tirelessly trying to catch them as a pup. There had been any of them in the forest where her brother and she had spent their first six months. They were the first prey that Fly ever tried to catch. Tried being the key word. She hadn't actually caught one until she was over a year old and it wasn't soon after that, that she was separated from her mother and brother and eventually joined Black Thorn Downs. Overcome with some mix of nostalgia, happiness, and excitement, Fly immediately started tracking the odd mouse that could stand up straight on two legs. Forgetting completely about the wolf scent, she dropped into a crouch and started slinking along through the forest until she came upon her prey.

She saw the furry two leg mouse nibbling on something it had between its tiny paws and as far as she could tell, it did not see her. Quietly and expertly, she moved forward one paw at a time until she was close enough to end the hunt in a single bound. Thankfully, the low hanging tree branches gave her good cover and the mouse did not see her until she was already where she needed to be. Still, these mice were particularly fast, and by the time Fly had launched herself at her prey, it was gone and Fly landed face first in nothing but dirt. She didn't need to look up to know that the two leg mouse had scampered away and she could hear it crying out to alert his friends. And everyone else in the area, Fly thought bitterly as she rose to her paws and shook her muzzle to dislodge the mud. She sighed heavily, sad that her hunt had been unsuccessful.
Pack Pride
Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn

He had grown use to these woods. Their branches raking his fur, the off sound winds, everything about these woods he had grown attached to. In all honesty Beren was the guardian of the Ghastly Woods. So it was no surprise that he was prowling around watching out for anything dangerous to him and his home.

The scent of another perked his interest and the bear like male was quick to follow after the trail. It seemed he had just shown up in time to get a good laugh too. It all happened to quick but enough for him to follow through with it. The ginger hued female went after the prairie dog but was untrained in hunting in these woods. Her unreadiness had caused her a great fall and a face full of mud. His chuckles of amusement were the only thing truly revealing his presence. "Truly a great show you put on if I do say so myself Miss."

Moving forward to expose himself more openly to the strange female he offered a polite nod of his head. "Might as well be welcoming to guest when I get them." Sitting down onto the ground he looked her over quickly. She was of good medium build and looked like she was built to run, unlike himself. "It's nice to get company finally in these woods. It gets lonely out here sometimes." His eyes looked around to the trees. Of course they would always keep him company but he also craved the company of other wolves.

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
Fly jumped, surprised to hear the chuckle of another wolf resounding in the quiet woods. She turned to see a rather large wolf with bright orange eyes looking her over. "Truly a great show you put on if I do say so myself Miss." He commented, clearly amused by her failure. Embarrassed, Fly used her paw to try and scrape the mud off of her muzzle and gave her crumpled chest furs a few good licks. Her embarrassment was quickly overruled by her excitement, however, when the stranger kindly commented that he was happy to have company. Finally, someone as excited to make new friends as she was!

As her new friend moved out form the cover of the trees and sat down in front of her, Fly took another look at him. He wasn't as large as she had originally thought, though he was larger than her. It was more that his body was just thick and well-muscled rather than that his overall size was big. Like a Bear, Fly thought as she tilted her head curiously, fascinated by the comparison. "My name is Firefly. I've been exploring these woods lately to see what else is out here." She raised her head confidently and said this with pride, believing that what she was doing was a great undertaking. "Yours must have been the scent that I picked up earlier!" She exclaimed, sampling the scent of this new wolf and coming to the satisfying conclusion that she was right. "Earlier when I was exploring I caught the stale scent of unfamiliar wolf but then I also caught the scent of two legged mouse and I used to love to try and catch those when I was a pup. I am a much better hunter now though, so I wanted to see if I had gotten any better at catching them. But then I forgot all about the wolf scent. Well until you showed up just now, just in time to see that awful hunting attempt. I promise I am usually much better than that." Fly's voice seemed to rise in pitch as the long explanation stumbled out of her mouth. Finally, she paused for a breathe, and realized that it might have been rude of her to not ask for his name. "What's your name?" After she asked for his name, she waited eagerly for his response, russet-hued tail wagging a mile a minute.
(This post was last modified: Oct 20, 2014, 01:49 PM by Firefly.)
Pack Pride
Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn
The dark yearling was glad that she reacted friendly to his small tease. "My name is Firefly. I've been exploring these woods lately to see what else is out here." Beren's ears twitched a bit at this. Although he knew better than to be a bit upset about someone exploring these lands, since they weren't truly his lands yet, he couldn't help but feel a bit taken back. Somewhere in between a bark and a growl he answered her greeting. "We'll you wont find anything important out here so I suggest doing searches elsewhere."

"Yeah it must have been." The words were an airy mumble under his breath. Listening to her fully his eyes widen a bit about this "two legged mouse". Beren assumed she must have been talking about that Prairie Dog she was going after. "I would hope you would be a better hunter than that." He offered a sly smile that might leave the other female confused whether he was joking or not.

Looking down at his paws he was a bit tossed between decisions. He was truly sure if he wanted to give this chatty female his name yet. Perhaps it would be best just to use his nickname... "The name's Bear. Like the giant ravaging creature." The dark yearling shot her a glance hoping she would play along. Perhaps she wouldn't though he think that he was a total jerk. Especially after his little grumble earlier. Though he wouldn't apologize for being over protective of his woods.

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
Firefly giggled as the dark wolf introduced himself as Bear. "Well that's a fitting name. You certainly seem like the giant ravaging type." She replied playfully. She had been a little taken aback by his reproach when she boasted about exploring the forests. Its not like these woods belonged to him or anything. Even if they did, it would be nice to share. Still, he quickly pulled her away from these negative thoughts when he made fun of her for missing the mouse. "And I am a better hunter than that. I would be happy to show you if you don't believe me." Fly leveled her warm brown eyes on Bear's and with a smirk added: "Then again, you already made it clear that there isn't anything important here. Nothing worth catching, I suppose." Fly let her eyes drift to the woods around them, wondering why Bear would be so protective of this place. It didn't seem like land that anyone else would want to claim; it had even taken her a few days to adjust to the silence here. If this was where Bear lived, then he must be lonely. Fly wouldn't be able to live here, though she did like visiting. Curiously, she wondered why Bear would make his home here and why he didn't seek out a family. She wanted to ask him, but she also didn't want to scare away her new friend.

"Oh and just so you know, I am doing searches elsewhere. Ive been searching all of the lands surrounding my pack's territory. I just want to know what and who else is out here." Fly explained, hoping to ease his worries about her invading the woods, she had no intention of that, and to see his reaction when she mentioned a pack. Would he want to join hers if he knew about it? Or was he out here alone because that is what he preferred?