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Starlight fireflies — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint

It had been some time since she had last set foot in theses lands, not after what had happened with the accidental kidnapping of the young pup and her casting out from the pack that she had taken shelter in. For a brief moment, she wondered how the pup was doing. After giving him to a familiar pack member from his pack that obviously had been worried over the pup, Myrrhis had disappeared from the land so she had no idea. The guilt had wracked her ever since she had picked up the small wolf and after everything had happened, Myrrhis needed some time away from it all. From the memories that plagued her every night and each time she remembered, she couldn’t help but shudder. It should have been easy for her to take the pup back to his pack, instead of going to hers and causing all the trouble that it did. But no, the young child had reminded her of her own children at that age, an ache that she thought long gone having raced back into her heart at the sight of a pup so young.

However, she was back now. Everything was in the past now and surely the pup had grown up, forgetting Myrrhis and getting on with a life all his own. That was what Myrrhis has to do. Forget what had happened and simply get on with her life. That’s why she was back here, in the Lore. Another pack could take her in, a healer that she was, one that didn’t know what she had down hopefully.

Yet staring up at the sky, the blood moon shining down on the grove of trees she was standing in, Myrrhis couldn’t stop the shiver that ran down her spine as she stood in the fog. There was a kind of power in this groove, the one she had decided to rest in for the night for whatever reason, coupled with the blood moon, made her double think her decision. The fog would difficult to navigate through and while Myrrhis wasn’t a particularly superstitious wolf, there was something off about being in this groove tonight. It felt like ghosts might come out to haunt the woods around her, dead wolves with nothing better to do but scare old, senseless wolves...