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Starting from scratch it began with stones — Nightingale Palisade 
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Played by Adopt who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pacem Hervok
@Noble - This is gonna be funnnnnn

Panic and fear had set in as the blizzard started to die down on him. His mind was frazzled and his ears were beating from the sound of blood rushing through his body. He was freezing cold and looking around the landscape, he had no idea where he was. Normally he'd be fine with not knowing and see it as a sense of adventure but it would appear that Pacem was not in luck. He was terrified because not only did he not know where he was but he also had no idea how he had gotten there. His paw prints had filled in during the blizzard and it appeared he was stranded in this brand new land. He looked behind him to see nothing but the cliffs that served as the edges of the ravine. With a deep breathe his mind came back into focus.

Pacem, if you're stuck here you might as well find a place to set up. Use Iopah's skills to hunt and find a place to sleep until you can find your way home. Silently his mind instructed him about how to go about this wonderful predicament. He immediately started to look for rabbit and mouse tracks to figure out if he could discover where the nearest source of eatable food was. He found rabbit tracks and scents but they were too faded to go after. He raised his head as he looked out as far in front of him as he could to see nothing but the large expanse of trees and other things stuck between two large walls which formed the ravine. Perhaps he could find a pathway out and from there find a place with a better food source. Soft, white snow blanketed the ground before him. What had Pacem Hervok gotten himself into this time?

[Image: Pacem-greysig01.png]
Played by Emma who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Noble Lagina
@Pacem! headdesk Noble is pathetic

It was one thing to travel through strange lands with her mother and brother. She craved adventure, but feared the unknown. Having their reassuring presence nearby tempered the excitement of the unknown to a safe level. Despite all her pretended bravado at home, Noble was still rather unsure of herself.

This was another thing altogether. Noble flung herself at the wall of snow, making only a few feet before pulling down a small avalanche with the weight of her body. There was long undulating skid-mark where her uncoordinated form had slid down the embankment hours earlier. A mound of trampled snow, flecked with blood from her paws, was all she'd accomplished in the lonely hours since. With a quavering whine the dark girl backed away. The sight she found upon turning around held no reassurance. There was nothing but a smooth untouched expanse of white. No tracks, no meals, no family, nothing. Completely alone. Another whine, this time with more than a trace of a sob. The dark girl could think of nothing to do but walk out into it and somehow hope to find her way back home.

Each step sank her into the snow up to knobby elbows and she looked back after a few moments to watch her lonely tracks trailing after her. What if she was the only one down here? Who would rescue her if there was no one to find her? She was much too sheltered to consider saving herself. All her short life there had been others to care for and protect her. It would take at least a few more hours to built the determination to help herself.

(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2015, 08:26 PM by Noble. Edit Reason: silly, nit-picky tags... )
[Image: ROWtwloha2015-btd.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Adopt who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pacem Hervok
@Noble - Sorry for the long long wait! Life has been hectic.


-Pacem Hervok-
vade in pacem

The young boy continued his search only to find a trail of blood and a mixed scent of deer on the ground. He pondered what had happened as he followed it, figuring that perhaps he could scavenge from whatever might remain. He saw a mysterious figure in the distance that was shaded with hues of ebony just like he was. A small grin caught his face as he ran forward, bounding through the snow. “Hello? Hello out there! What’s your name?” He shouted out the words from a distance. The curious golden eyed boy slowed down into a walk as he approached the figure, his mind racing with ideas. “Hello there, I’m Pacem. Pacem Hervok, prince of Secret Woodlands. Follow me, I think I found food.” He introduced himself with a dipped head and a smile.

He was bouncing with energy as he sprinted towards the blood trail once more and followed it to find the scent of a dead deer fallen. There was a decent amount of meat left on it. At least enough for the two pups so he would begin to take a bite, savoring each morsel because he knew that with winter around, prey would be scarce. There was a certain hunger gnawing at his stomach that soon disappeared with the meat falling into his stomach for digestion. The ebony fur blob that was a prince by birth shivered a bit as the cold started to reach down into his pelt. He took a deep breath as he looked around for the girl he had seen.

[Image: Pacem-greysig01.png]
Played by Emma who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Noble Lagina
@Pacem *sigh* eventually here Noble will grow a spine

One more time she turned to look at her tracks winding through the wide expanse of nothingness and something occurred to her. Dark, awkward ears fell to the side in uncertainty. She'd come a good ways, and couldn't see the slope any longer. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. She slowed and turned partway in her tracks, considering forward or backward. Her breath huffed as she cast her gaze back and forth.

It might be a better idea to stay at the slope. Her parents would follow her trail, an entitled part of her insisted they had already started. If she wandered away they would have to search longer and Noble did not want to spend any more time here than was necessary. Slowly she started back, checking once that no one was there to witness her drawn-out moment of indecision.

Her countenance fell again as the steep slope, and her skid-mark, came back into sight. So, she would just have to stay here.  Noble reclined to her haunches and a second passed before she looked around skeptically. Stay here and do what?

“Hello out there! What’s your name?”

The voice made her head snap around, hackles half-raised in alarm. Pacem bounded towards her and Noble stepped backward. He was a stranger and there was no one here to vouch for his trustworthiness. The boy did not seem to notice her hesitance. Just as soon as he approached her, he was racing away. Noble trailed cautiously after him, this Pacem of Secret Woodlands. It was a deer carcass. The dark girl watched as he fell to it. Her suspicion was greater than her hunger, what if he should change his mind? She stayed well back, watching with the quiet patience of beggar.

[Image: ROWtwloha2015-btd.png]