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Bored of Adventure — Nightingale Palisade 
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Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
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Kova Lagina
OOC: Kova is still in the palisade, but headed towards the [Image: off.gif]Stonewatch Timbers. Dated 2/15/2015 Morning

Kova was so hungry that it felt as though his stomach was eating at itself. He'd managed a few rabbits here and there, but the child's health was rapidly dwindling. The art of fishing had been honed by the Lagina pup as he was close to moving water that didn't freeze over.So the opportunity to fish was always around. However Kova was rarely able to catch them since the fish were in the deeper areas of water. He swam the slower areas of the river a few times to catch fish, and truthfully those were the only times he was successful. One thing he was sure about was that if he ever found his way back and met up with Beren, Firefly, and Atlas; Kova would have to thank them many times over for teaching him how to fish.

Kova had roamed the palisade's two sides many times by now. On each side of the river he had wandered about looking for food and company. He searched around the steep ravines and meadows always looking for a way out. In a way, the child had found the way out a few times. The silver wolf had climbed higher into the rocks and hills that made up the last bits of the entrances or exits of the palisade. It was there that he looked out over the forest of tall old trees. However Kova couldn't remember anything of how he had gotten to the palisade in the first place. The snowstorm he had traveled through had made it so that the boy couldn't see where he was going. So Kova wasn't sure if he might have wandered into those timbers then down into the palisade or not.

He had also combed the area down the palisade that led into some other place. He had seen only the very edges of this strange place but dare not move any closer to it. Kova was too afraid to leave the land he currently knew and get lost in some new place. So instead he had doubled back again.

That logical bit of thinking was back when he had first found himself dropped down here, and when he still hoped for someone to find him.

Now he was at the edges of the palisade once more, on the rocky end that held a few scraggly pines and spruce. He gazed off into that strange densely forest land wondering if it would be safer to travel through there and search for his family himself. By now Kova held no hope for being found by anyone spare for loners and rogues. There were no packs here, and he began to understand that his parents weren't going to find him in this strange place. However there was a risk traveling through the forest. Kova wasn't positive about whether the river continued up into those dense trees or not. Despite wanting to do something and look for his homeland, Kova knew that the fish had very much been keeping him a live much like the few hare he had caught. If he left the river then he wouldn't be able to fish anymore.

Maybe I could just follow the river up as far as it goes into those trees until it dwindles to nothing? He wondered quietly. He could always find his way back to the palisade by following the river back, IF the river did continue up into that territory. As much as he didn't want to be here alone in this place, Kova knew that he had a slim chance of surviving the winter down where he could fish and hunt.

I wish @Noble was here... He sighed softly at the thought of his darker furred sister and wondered how she was. Sometimes he imagined her warm with the pack sleeping with the bodies of their pack mates around her. Other times he imagined her, Minka, and Tokino out searching the land for him. At least he hoped they were searching for him.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2015, 06:42 PM by Kova. Edit Reason: changed the date of said thread )