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The Archer Empire
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Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,812 posts.

The Archer Empire.

Far beyond the reaches of Relic Lore lies the land of Torbine - a peninsula which is well-guarded by both a high mountain range (often called "the Gate" or "the Wall") and a body of treacherous water - the home to a singular, large pack of white-furred and fair-pelted wolves called 'The Empire.' Though various bands of wolf gypsies, rogues, and nomads (after seeking permission) reside among the wolves of Torbine, the Empire made it very clear that they are the only one to lay claim on the land - and they have been very adamant and successful in keeping it all. Made up of a variety of members - hunters, sentries and scouts who spend more of their time wondering the lands, and the central-dwelling (within 'The Heart' of the land) medics, priestess, teachers and the Royal Court - the Empire has forged themselves to be a bloodline to reckon with. Though superstitious, vain, selfish, ambitious, and wholly traditional in their ways, for years the pack thrived and survived.

The first Archer to take and secure the throne was Romanov Archer. Together with his mate Lilith Cirillo, they constructed and birthed a dynasty that still stands to this very day. However, the Archers' reign would be as peaceful or as orderly as it had been in the dynasties before them. The day Roman Archer, a well-loved son of the Archer family, took up a near solid black-coated female - Sansa Auguste - as his mate was the very beginning of The Revolution, when old traditions were challenged and threatened to be put to rest for the sake of love.

Torbine tradition stated that prominent and outstanding males were to only take the lightest coated females for mates and breeding. Sansa, with her stark midnight coat, was said to possess a dark, immoral, or sinful soul just by the color of her fur. Though many loved Roman, not even their reasoning and faith could overrule the protocols set in place; the Elders, Shamans, and Priests even went against Roman in order to prove their loyalty and take a stand against treason towards the King. Regardless, fortune favored them as they ascended to the head of the Empire and the Old Rule of favoring aesthetics towards light-coated wolves and mate selection was abolished.

In March of 2008, Roman and Sansa welcomed their first litter of five cubs - Hextor, Hexxus, Deacon, Elettra, and Asher. However, Asher, the youngest and weakest of his litter, would not survive to see his yearling days. Blinded by his jealousy and ego, he conspired against his sister Elettra and, in an attempt to kill her, died at her jaws instead. At the age of three, Elettra set off on a journey away from Torbine, eventually finding herself recruited into Grizzly Hollow and, later, the matriarch of Willow Ridge.

Elettra's brothers, the twins Hextor and Hexxus, on the other hand, were regal and handsome, choice guardians to Roman's legacy, until their younger brother Deacon obtained the title as King of Torbine and the Empire in early 2013. With his mate, Celestial, they ruled in peace for sometime until The Rebellion struck the Empire in the winter of 2013. Now-rebellious elders, who still believed that the Old Rule should be used to cast out the sinners and bring purity back within the heart of Torbine, gathered their followers and made an attempt to turn the Empire 'right side up.' Hextor was killed; and, Hexxus, who had been directed to lead the group facing off The Rebellion, blamed himself for his twin's death, believing he had mot made it in time to save him. It was by luck, however, that Hextor was survived by his bastard children; though all four litters had been borne between three different women, all of them, even without titles among the Empire's royalty, are recognized as Archers by name. The Rebellion, a poor attempt of a white vs. black kind of battle, was crushed with the Empire prevailing over those who sought their downfall.

Today, the Archers' have made their mark within Relic Lore through one of their reigning princesses, now a self-made Queen, reigning Leader and prominent matriarch, Elettra. Joined by other members from the Archer empire within Torbine - Xetor, Adele, Nicolo, and Sorya - and flanked by her children - Asriel, Skoll, Morganna, Deacon, Castiel, and Greer - it would seem that Elettra's line is here to stay...

Notable Facts

  • The family motto is "Sola bona quae honesta." which translates to "Those things only are good which are honest."
  • The Archer family is known to have large litters of pups, containing mostly males which average in medium to large physiques.
  • In their immediate family, coat colors range from medium to dark gray, splotches of black, and lighter shades of grays, to even a solid black. Timber wolves and solid white come as a rarity, if any at all through recessive genes or members who have 'married into' the family.
  • Archers are often distinguishable by their pale eyes which come in a variety of natural tints and starkly contrast with their darker coats.
  • By nature, most Archers seem to adopt a Lawful Neutral personality, though other alignment variations are common as well (Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Good, Neutral Good).
  • "Twins" - litters which have two identical/similarly colored cubs - run in the family.
  • Archers, by primal definition, have strong moral values and an undeniable, innate sense of loyalty and duty to serve their family and honor their ancestors.
  • The Archers, in 2014, forged bonds with another Relic Lore family - the Lyalls - through Elettra's kinship with Angier Lyall.
  • Most Archers, most especially those who hail from Torbine, believe in deities called the Old Gods - those of the earth, the sea, the sun, the moon, and the like. Though Angier was brought up with a different outlook on religion and religious beliefs, he upholds and has conformed to Elettra's spirituality in believing in the Old Gods so that his own children, Archers by blood, will be blessed and guided by them.

(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2023, 10:38 PM by Eros. Edit Reason: reformatted )
Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,812 posts.

The First Royal Archers

Successful in their quest for power and sovereignty, these members of the Archer family brought the family's name into precedence within the empire of Torbine.

The First in their Name (2005)

Romanov Archer

Romanov Archer was the very first Archer to rise to prominence within the Empire and the common ancestor all Archers share. Prior to coming to Torbine, it is unknown as to where he had been born, raised, or where he had practiced his skills in diplomacy and potential leadership. As per the Old Rule and standing tradition as the reigning King of Torbine, he chose the fair Lady Lilith Cirillo as his mate and, together, they shaped their realm into one of influential power and might.

Relatives by Mateship

Lilith Cirillo (Mate to Romanov)

Lilith Cirillo is the chosen mate to Romanov Archer, the first of his name and bloodline to rise to royalty within Torbine. Much of her past is unknown and whether or not she had resided within Torbine before Romanov's time is unclear. Time would see her come into her own as the mother of one of Torbine's most beloved princes.

The Breakers of the Old Code

Elettra's parents marked a distinct turn in Torbine politics, almost as notable an accomplishment as rearing one of Relic Lore's most legendary inhabitants.

The Second in their Name (2006)

Roman Archer

Roman Archer is the son of Romanov Archer and Lilith Cirillo. As one of the first Archer princes of the Empire, he was well-loved by many and seen as a promising heir to his father's throne. From the very start he was a determined and ambitious man; and, when he met Sansa Auguste, he went so far as to plead his father and mother - the King and Queen of Torbine - and the Royal Court to understand his outlook which went against the courting of light-pelted females by superficial means alone. He lobbied for them to accept that just because tradition states fur color represents the colors of one's soul did not mean Sansa, whose stark black coat raised many a brow, was not a dark or unholy woman (in fact, she was the very opposite). Eventually he was bestowed his parents' and the Royal Courts' blessings and the Old Code was abolished, which allowed Sansa Auguste to become the first dark-coated woman of Torbine royalty. At the age of three, he became the father to his first litter of five healthy cubs; and, he and Sansa would enjoy four more litters of thirteen children (though some of whom did not survive or remain within Torbine). To this day he remains within the kingdom of Torbine, living out the rest of his days under the care of his daughter Lucia.

Relatives by Mateship

Sansa Auguste (Mate to Roman)

Sansa is the daughter of Sylvec Auguste and Astrid Moretti. Chosen as Roman Archer's mate and princess bride at the age of four, she would become the second Queen Consort to a reigning Archer of the Empire. She would also come to bear 18 cubs in her five-year reign as a Leader, some of whom eventually found their way into Relic Lore. She was succeeded by the Lady Celestial, her third-born son Deacon's mate.
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2023, 01:19 AM by Eros. Edit Reason: reformatted )
Posted by Skoll who has 448 posts.

Elettra's Generation, the First in Relic Lore

Born to Roman Archer and Sansa Auguste on March 4th, 2008, these members of the Archer family were brought up within the Heart of Torbine, destined to fulfill their fates as they chose. It is noted that Sansa bore five litters with Roman from 2008-2012, bearing a grand total of 18 cubs. A full list of the litters and their names can be found here.

The First Litter (2008)

Hexxus and Hextor Archer

Roman and Sansa's first- and second-born sons are identical twin boys. From the color of their eyes, their physique, their coat coloring, and perhaps even how they move, Hexxus and Hextor could quite possibly be the same identity. However, where their personalities are concerned, they could not have been any more different. While Hextor was a charming lady's man, Hexxus was far more gruff (think: Game of Thrones' 'The Hound') and cared not for a woman's affections even when it came directly to him. While it is unclear if Hexxus has had cubs back within the reaches of Torbine or a little beyond it, it is known that Hextor has sired four litters (from three different females). When Hextor was killed in the 2013 winter 'Rebellion', Hexxus only found it right to blame himself for his twin's death. And, after losing his other half, Hexxus became a far more spiteful, hateful and self-loathing sort of man...

Deacon Archer I

Deacon is Roman and Sansa's third-born son and the third-born in his litter. He is modest, noble, and just, and was considered to be Elettra's favorite brother. When his older twin brothers were chosen to become apart of their father's Kingsguard within Torbine, Deacon saw an opportunity and seized it to become the third Archer male in his line to uphold the family name as King of the Empire.

Elettra Archer

Elettra Archer is the fourth-born child of Roman and Sansa and is the first-born princess of the Archer bloodline. She would later become the reigning Queen of Willow Ridge (Relic Lore's fourth pack) and the mate of Angier Lyall. She is said to be "wild," "dangerous," and "powerful," and many who cross her path dare not to forget her name. When she first came to Relic Lore, she was recruited into Grizzly Hollow by Vlarindara and soon initiated into the pack by the Leader Jaysyek as a Medic. She soon rose to a prominent member with the pack, but with the disappearance and reappearance by Borden, Jaysyek's mate, and the pack being pushed to the brink of disbanding with four cubs in question, Elettra had had enough. Wanting nothing but the best for Jaysyek, even if she could not turn a blind eye towards the foolhardy ways of her mate, she announced her leave and became the sole founder of Willow Ridge. Misfortune and poor timing saw her struggle to obtain and maintain a suitable mate, and it was within Kiche (who had crawled away from the crumbling empire of Grizzly Hollow) who would help her secure her bloodline, producing three cubs - Asriel, Skoll, and Morganna. In the Spring of 2013, Angier (Borden's wayward brother), after promising her on several occasions that he would "come back to her" and "return to serve as a part of her pack," came to Willow Ridge and, by mid-September 2013, became her mate and consort. With Angier's help, she would see her lineage continue to grow and thrive with three headstrong sons, all Archers by blood and Lyall by name.

Asher Archer

Asher is the last-born of Roman and Sansa's first litter. He was said to harbor a Chaotic personality, characteristically jealous and selfish. Being the youngest of his siblings taught him early on about envy and spite; and, it was his sister Elettra's luck to have been the first on his hit list. His plan was unsuccessful, though, as Elettra saw through him and ultimately foiled his treacherous plan. The skirmish between them would not end well for Asher, as he would not live to become a yearling, killed by his own sister and his villainous greed.

The Third Litter (2010)

Adele Archer

Adele is the eleventh-born cub of Roman and Sansa, King and Queen of Torbine, and is the second-born of the five cubs in her litter. In her youth, she took interest in being a Priestess as apart of the Empire's Royal Court. She learned all she could of the God of the Sun, the Moon Goddess, and the son of the Sea and daughter of the Earth. However, as she aged, Adele soon longed for the knowledge of something more real and practical. At the age of two she began her practice as an artful Hunter within the pack, becoming quite a renowned Tracker despite lacking the sheer bulk and power of executing the final moves to take her prey down. She is exceptional in seeking out prey even in the toughest of times; if there is food about, she will find it. Unlike her age-mate brother, Nicoló who sought a wife and children, Adele developed a restlessness to travel; and, after conversing with him (being very close comparatively to the rest of their siblings), they decided to stick together as traveling companions. So when Adele left the Torbine behind, Nicolò so willingly followed.

Nicolò Archer

Nicolò is the Historian of Torbine, a specialized and well-taught Scholar. Ever since his youth he took an active interest in the history of Torbine and, in all his years of living there, has learned many a valuable tale, legend, fable, and lesson. He even taught his younger siblings, nieces and nephews of the pack's history and had every intention of staying within the Heart of Torbine for the rest of his days. Though, his a lifelong dream and goal of settling down, finding a mate for himself and supplying the Archer line with new blood as his brothers and sisters have before him did not last. When his age-mate sister Adele decided to leave the Empire, he found he had no choice but to accompany his closest sibling...

The Fourth Litter (2011)

Lucia Archer

Lucia was born along side two other siblings, a brother and sister, both who did not survive that years harsh winter. She is a patient, selfless, sitter amongst The Empire who has revoked rights to mate-ship and breeding in order to take up the position of 'care-giver' to her parents as they fall into their frail, elder age before an inevitable death.

The Final Litter (2012)

Sorya Archer

Sorya is the only surviving cub of her litter and is the last-born of Roman and Sansa's 18-cub brood. Every inch the typical Torbine princess and Archer heiress, she decided to shed her figurative crown and cape when interest in her older sister Elettra's whereabouts piqued in 2014. She was unknowingly followed by her nephew, Xetor, and eventually met up with him again when she came to Willow Ridge where Elettra was residing with her three newborn sons. As apart of Willow Ridge, she has taken up her duties as an Archer again, serving her sister as best as she can to ensure the Archer legacy will prevail.

Relatives by Mateship

Lycus Corvius (Mate(?) to Elettra)

Not much is known about Lycus Corvius apart from the fact that he was the Leader of a wandering band of lone bachelors who resided within the lands of Torbine. According to Elettra he was "dark, charming and mysterious" and her heart was immediately taken with him. The puppy love did not last, however, when she soon came to realize that he was in, all actuality, cruel and opportunistic in his lust for her. All he had wanted was her title, to be her mate if only to seize the Empire for himself. Through Elettra, he was able to procure four cubs, but it was not meant to be as Roman, Elettra's father, and his Head Guards came and seized the them. The children were killed and disposed of; and, what became of Lycus soon after is unknown...

Kiche (Mate(?) to Elettra)

Kiche, also known as "Fatman," was originally bought from a wolf-dog breeder as a cub and was raised by a devoutly religious Christian/Catholic couple Mark and Cathy Walters. The neighbors complained however and Kiche was seized by local animal control services. When the vehicle containing his crate crashed en route to a local wolf sanctuary, he was accidentally released into the wilds of Canada. He soon found himself within Relic Lore, lost and under the influence that his God has smite him until he gained the favor of an individual called Aisling (whom he affectionately nicknamed "Angel"). The two were quick friends and were prominent members of Grizzly Hollow for a time, but Aisling eventually disappeared and Kiche soon followed after her. When he returned to the Lore, he accidentally crept onto Elettra's doorstep at the edges of Willow Ridge, without his Angel and without even a shred of the devout man he had once been. Under the Archer Queen's rule he was forced to rebuild not just himself, but the foundations upon which both his human-bestowed faith and his innate sense of self as wolf was built. He soon became a prominent member within the pack, acting as the pack's Lowest member for a time before ascending in rank as Elettra's Second. In the Spring of 2013, Kiche became the father to three children - Asriel, Skoll, and Morganna - but, in his shame and incredulousness over what he had done for his liege, he would not even had the chance to see them or be there for Elettra at the time of their birth as his wanderlust and denial bore him well away from both Willow Ridge and Relic Lore.

Angier Lyall (Mate to Elettra)

Angier is Borden Lyall's younger brother and is the second of his family to arrive to Relic Lore. A follower by nature, he left his family and pack with the desire to foil whatever plans his brother had made for himself. By luck alone (and perhaps some coincidence), he, too, found employment under Alexander Dieudonné; though his position as the pack Scout did not last long as the pack ultimately fell when Alexander sacrificed himself to save his children's life in the face of an angry cougar. For a short span of time, he entered in a secret romance with Vlarindara, hopping from pack to pack while he waited for her to shed her ties to Grizzly Hollow, Jaysyek, and his brother. His involvement with her, and in time Elettra Archer, caused him to compromise his place within the Swift River pack, and he was forced to travel and join Grizzly Hollow as a means to survive the winter. When Borden and Jaysyek moved their family outside of Relic Lore the following spring, Angier aided them in bringing over their two sons while Jaysyek traveled with her daughters and Borden searched for Taima, the daughter he had misplaced. When he returned to Relic Lore, he finally joined Willow Ridge and worked his way up in rank only to be bested (but also proven worthy of Elettra's companionship) by Guiness Thorben. With Guiness' permission and Elettra's grace, he was granted permission to step up in rank. He is the current leader and patriarch of the wolves of Willow Ridge.

Celestial Archer (Mate to Deacon)

Celestial Archer is the mate of Deacon Archer and is currently the reigning Queen of Torbine and the Empire.

Wisteria Solace (Mate(?) to Hextor)

Wisteria Solace was one of three women whom Hextor selfishly loved. Though she was never officially his mate or considered an Archer or even a royal by relation or association, she bore Hextor an heir, Xetor, in 2012 and, a year later, three more bastard children to his name. After the death of Hextor, Wisteria joins The Empire with her children.

Enoki Archer (Mate to Nicolo)

Enoki is truly a beauty to behold. Her pelt is an array of blacks and whites adorned in a pattern most commonly known as piebald. Settled within the ebony mask of her face is a pair of dark amber pools that sometimes one can confuse for orange for how brightly they burn in the right setting. Along the left side of her muzzle lays three claw mark styled scars, a souvenir from defeating a raging wolverine who had plans of hurting the Willow Ridge prince, Deacon Archer-Lyall.
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2023, 08:26 AM by Chan. Edit Reason: reformatted )
Posted by Skoll who has 448 posts.

The Second Generation of Archers

These wolves were the first to be born within Relic Lore with the Archer name.

Elettra's First Litter (with Lycus, 2010)


Four cubs were born to Elettra from the misdeed of Lycus Corvius; none of them were accounted for, named, or even properly seen to. Shortly after their birth, they were taken from Elettra by her father Roman and her older brothers Hexxus and Hextor, and immediately jettisoned.

Hextor's Second Litter (with Wisteria, 2012)

Xetor Archer

After seeing his father killed on the winter of 2013, Xetor had had enough of the inner turmoil within the empire. As it was Xetor had been the smallest, though wittiest of his litter. This had the other members of the guard thinking he would only be useful as a scholar, but Xetor wanted more than that. He gathered up the courage to leave after seeing Sorya slink away towards "the gate" knowing that she too had probably not been given the okay by the higher ups to leave.He is barely able to pass through the gate before realizing how hard to survive without pack mates to hunt with truly was. After numerous distractions along the way, including hunger, thirst, and other creatures, Xetor follows only Sorya's constant 1 to 2 day old scent all the way to Lore. He does not catch up to her until they reach the new land.Life amongst his aunt Elettra's pack is not kind to him- he was ultimately murdered by his cousin Skoll for his mouth.

Elettra's Second Litter (with Kiche, 2013)

Asriel Archer

Asriel is a keen observer, an aloof judge and a proud prince. The boy has an ego, as the son of Elettra Archer- Queen of Willow Ridge and the role model of his life. He is quiet but not without curiosity, and already has plans to become an exceptional individual within the pack. There is a haughtiness about the young prince which would suggest the arrogance of youth, but something about the depth to which it has tunneled into his heart suggests that this is the beginning of his true character, not the mark of a childhood phase. As he has been raised by a powerful female figure, Asriel has learned more respect for them than men, and has a maaaajor Oedipus complex developing.

Sköll Archer

A trickster, built quick-witted and with a silver tongue to boot. Sköll is the more likely of the brothers to toss himself into the 'line of fire' without care. Likely to uphold a bad reputation, he does his brother's dirty work, often following his brother's commands than any other. The two brothers have the potential of gaining some 'brotherly conflict' due to Asriel's 'using' of him. In the event that Asriel had gone missing, Sköll's confidence skyrocketed; and, in being given the opportunity to search for his younger half-brother Deacon, who had been accidentally taken away by a wolf of Hollowheart Keep, he seized the chance to prove himself to Elettra. Ultimately, Morganna returned Deacon home, but Sköll did something in attempt to show his true colors and capabilities. During his time away from Willow Ridge, he stalked the edges of Hollowheart Keep pack lands and, when the moment came when the pack's Leader Mapplethorpe was vulnerable, Sköll struck him down. He returned to Willow Ridge and lobbied for his mother's favor. Soon after, he was forever changed, seen and deemed as an individual capable of assassination, nearly undetectable espionage, and zealous and rather unfavorable desires.

Morganna Archer-Lyall

A little devil, feeding off of the submission of others and walking on air of unshaken confidence. She has a desire to get what she wants, when she wants it and is not above using manipulation in order to gain these desires. Protected under her large brothers' watchful eyes, the world cannot touch her. She reasons with law, though when it crosses her, may find ways to bend the rules in her favor.

Elettra's Third Litter (with Angier, 2014)

Deacon II

Deacon Archer Lyall is named after Elettra's favored brother who also sports a black coat with a white patch on his chest and highlights of both silver and gold flecks; it would seem that even the color of his eyes, an orange-amber hue, was passed down. Angier and Elettra's first-born son is, no doubt, a noble and knightly breed - protective, compassionate and chivalrous in behavior. He is a true-born Lyall (and Archer), being that his dominant and his level-headed nature makes his leadership skills quite easy to follow be persuaded by. Though he does not particularly wish to be looked up to, Deacon often knows what is best and does what is willed and asked of him. He will grow to have a bit of a wanderer's heart and wish to see the whole of Relic Lore and, perhaps, the world beyond it.

Castiel Archer Lyall

With no doubt, Castiel is the largest of the group and yet, the most meek, giving meaning to the term 'Gentle Giant.' Though he does not exactly look like his father, being much darker, Castiel is the only of his siblings to inherit the trademark Lyall timber/agouti markings, complete with the traditional washed-out mask. He does, however, have the same pale gold eyes of his father, Angier. He is happy, friendly, and readily takes to the role of making the rest of his siblings at ease. He enjoys having a job or task to fulfill, and readily upholds commands; though, he is by far a push-over and, with his size, little dare to test him and his ways. He is especially close to Deacon and trusts his judgement, even when Castiel, himself, lacks his abilities in making sound decisions. Castiel, in time, will grow to become quite protective of his older half-sister, Morganna.

Greer Archer-Lyall

Greer, whose name means "the watcher," holds himself on extremely tall proportions and possesses a thin, stream-line figure which mimics his older half-brother Skoll's physique. His speed and reflexes are something to behold and is quite light on his feet once he masters his motor skills. Everything about him as an adult is dark and intense, which emphasizes his pale gray eyes and deep, solid black coat. He is a shadow. He is the darkness... Quiet, cunning and observant, Greer will grow up to be a swift Scout or, perhaps, should his mother and father require one, a deadly assassin. He craves respect yet lacks the drive for leadership. Leadership, in his eyes, holds the spotlight and this particular male is far more interested in being in the shadows and being free. He is likely to have more in common with his older half-siblings Skoll and Morganna.

Elettra's Final Litter (with Angier, 2015)

Niles Archer Lyall

Niles is Angier and Elettra's fourth-born boy and the eldest of his litter. In time he will be a good listener and a loyal follower due to his sensitive, quiet nature and growing reputation for being reliable. He loves his sisters; any place they are, he is typically not too far behind, and when left back at the den he patiently waits for them to return before trying to find them on his own accord. As an adult, he will physically take after his father, burly and tall; he will also acquire his mother's integrity and resilience, striving to continually uphold the structure and ethics of Willow Ridge in any way he can.

Ravenna Archer-Lyall

Ravenna, even with her startling white fur, should come as no surprise to any wolf who is well-acquainted with the Archers or Lyalls - as she inherits her thick and curvy build, pelt color and "scruffy" fur texture from Elettra's father and grandfather, Roman and Romanov, and Angier's only sister, Dove. She is, without a doubt, her mother's daughter in looks and in interests with an affinity for rough-housing and exploring, as well as a gift in the art of herbalism. She is also a tomboy in the sense that she plays dirty with her age-mate brother and is considered as "one of the boys." Despite this, though, she coddles and protects her sister Isolde.

Isolde Archer Lyall

Isolde is Angier and Elettra's last-born cub, the youngest in her litter and the youngest girl in her family and pack. Her pelt coloration takes cues from her father's side, boasting an array of earth-toned hues with traditional white markings found on a typical Great Plains Wolf. She has a more poised and delicate build than her older sisters, being slender and subtly curved all around with long legs and soft tufts of fur that characteristically shape her head and neck. When she speaks her voice is light-hearted and airy, making it soft and sweet on the ears. She is said to share similar mannerisms and a reserved demeanor with her older brother Castiel. She is eager to please and will do whatever she can to make her family proud of her. Though, due to being the new "baby in the family," she is more than often looked after by all of her older siblings, prone to becoming over-protected, sheltered, and perhaps a bit too confident when kept within Willow Ridge and insecure when outside the territory..

Sorya's Only Litter (2016)

Sovanna Archer

Sovanna is an adventurer, and she doesn't like being held down in one place, especially against her will. She's a free spirit who isn't afraid to fight for her right to do as she pleases. Power suites her, and control over her own life is what she desperately seeks. It's why she left Torbine, and it's why she never settled down in another pack, feeling like they were clipping her wings.

Pietro Archer

With a pelt the shade of spilled ink, Pietro can occasionally look like a walking shadow. That is, as long as one overlooks the dark chocolate brown of the fur on his legs, and the splotch of white on his chest. Coupled with his extremely pale silver eyes, it all gives the boy a striking appearance - if not a haunting one. Not necessarily conventionally handsome, but certainly interesting-looking enough, Pietro is a very tiny male with low strength, but good speed and stamina. Skinny, lithe, and lean, it is clear that the dark-pelted wolf is not truly built for fighting, but rather to be fast and able to go for long periods of time without rest. Which just so happens to be a good build for a healer.

Diego Archer

Lawful and dutiful, but likes to complain about it.

Nicolo's Only Litter (with Enoki, 2017)

Romanov Archer II

Following closer to their mother in appearance where Adeltra followed their father, Romanov will be born with a midnight black body similar to his younger sister but as time passes he will gradually grow into a unique individual in his own rights with a pattern to his fur that mirrors Enoki's although less predominant. Ivory patch covering the right eye and front left paw dipped in a similar style, Romanov will surely be a handsome fellow that easily catches the eye with such contrasting fur.

Adeltra Archer

Born with a body of black fur with specks of brown like her sire the only other splash of true color upon her body is a pair of eyes that fit perfectly between the smoldering amber of her mother and the pale yellow of her father. She'll grow up to be a little on the heftier side, but just enough to tell that she is certainly well fed and from a prosperous pack. There is nothing significantly beautiful about this archer. In fact, she's really more of a plain jane sort of character. But what she lacks for in looks she makes up for in heart.

Relatives by Mateship

Piety Santoro (Ex-Mate to Skoll)

Nothing about Piety is truly extraordinary. Her arctic roots lend her ancestors' stark white fur - which is particularly wiry and short during the summer and thick and fluffy during the winter season. Her eastern timber predecessors, meanwhile, have given her prime physique points in Speed and Stamina; she possesses long, lissome limbs which lend to her characteristic nimbleness and clumsiness. Her eyes are a rather plain earthy color, likened to that of dry dirt commonly found not even a stone's throw away from a babbling creek. Anyone who might see her for the first time might take note of her wide ears, the tan fur that lines the insides of her ears, her gray-tipped tail, her birdsong-like laughter, and the way her fur takes on a sort of pale yellow glow in the sun.

Hecate Liar (Ex-Lover to Skoll)

Hecate is the classic teen runaway. She lived with her parents and three siblings. Her sister, the polar opposite of her, was her accomplice. The two were thick as thieves, always whispering secrets to one another. When Vincent was caught up in rivaling packs, Hecate took the opportunity to leave with the intention of coming back. Obviously, it never did. The young traveler met up with Angier Lyall, Alpha of Willow Ridge at the time in which he graciously offered her board. She quickly befriended the pack's wallflowers, Greer and Sven Archer. Greer and Hecate went through a short-lived romance until his older brother captured her attention. Skoll Archer(father of Sven) was seemingly perfect for her, sparring physically and mentally to keep them both sharp. Spring of 2016 it was revealed that she was pregnant with his child, but apparently, it wasn't the only child he had sired that season. Hecate left to have her child born somewhere else, receiving help from Sven here and there until Attica Grace Archer was born. Hecate's proudest achievement, a daughter of her blood. Although briefly after that, she left to look for answers, leaving Sven to take care of Attica. She returned briefly which insinuated a run in with the white Archer boy. He told her to never come back and so thats what she's trying to do.

Elle Asurn (Adopted by Enoki)

Elle, the child of Eirian Asurn and Asha Maren, was born within Drooping Willows with one older brother who was a stillborn. The birth was a rather big tradgedy. With Asha unable to feed her children it was obvious matters were dire. A dark female named Eek came onto the scene offering her help. The desperate mother turned away the offer but luckily Eskil came onto the scene. It was there that the monochrome mother and Willow Ridge subordinate decided that he would take Elle back to Willow Ridge with hopes of Enoki caring for the child. For a time, she was raised as apart of the Archer family before wandering off on her own.

Renier Lyall (Mate to Morganna)

First born son of Jaysyek and Borden Lyall's second litter. He grew with protection and security, where he was always sticking to the fine line of listening to his guardians, and out right disobeying to discover the world.

Kyna Argyris Archer (Mate to Greer)

With a pelt of spun honey, Kyna's appearance is a perfect blend of the Argyris and Aquila clans, though one would not know it when looking at her parents. Creamy ivory paints along her underside and muzzle. While her pelt is a myriad of warm hues, her most striking marking is the rich cinnamon that weaves its way from her forehead to her shoulders in the form of a stripe. Graceful and lithe, Kyna exceeds the size of many females and takes after the large size of her father, though maintains her willowy nature. The true sign that Phineas is her father rests in her eyes -- which blaze the same fiery hue as his own. Despite the trauma of watching her father die, Kyna has grown strong and carved out a place for herself next to her mate Greer on top of the mountains that she had grown up loving. She leads Aurora Heights with a firm paw, and her father's legacy lives on in her daughter Revon.

Lekalta Baranski (Mate to Deacon II)

Dusky golden, Lekalta's fur is an iridescent blend of silver, cinnamon and ivory. Slender and feminine in build, Lekalta moves with an easy grace, though it is her eyes that are truly captivating. Bright, apple green eyes look out to the world, much like her father's, though untainted by the world, they dance with mischief and amusement. With her non-identical twin sister as her best friend, Lekalta finds herself easily drawn in to Inna's antics -- if not trying to encourage her own.

Celandine Argyris (Mate to Skoll)

The third and last born in the litter. Celandine has a pristine coat of white with bright amber eyes. Considering herself the princess to the Glen, she often believes herself to be above the law set by her parents and pack and is quite the mischievous imp. This start lays the groundwork for her to grow into a cynical but clever woman. Having found a close friend in Morganna and taken in the orphaned Maeve, she was unable to inherit her father's legacy but now securely leads Pookastone Scowle.

Castel Lyall-Noor (Mate to Niles)

Castel knew her fate and lived for adventure in spite of it. She and Niles fell hard for one another, but commitment for a few scant months was all they would end up being able to have. Castel passed away from leukemia in November of 2017.

Blitz Mizuno (Mate to Ravenna)

Born in Bella Coola with his family, which was at risk of elimination from a mysterious, un-identified outside threat. Along with his sister Niqx, he was re-located to Relic Lore, where he ultimately became a part of Willow Ridge and won the heart of Ravenna Archer despite many competitors.
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2023, 03:46 AM by Eros.)
Posted by Skoll who has 448 posts.

The Third Generation of Archers

Skoll's First Litter (with Piety, 2015)

Sven Archer

Sven wanted the world he was promised, but everything seemed to constantly fall away from his paws instead. He rose up to lead Willow Ridge after Elettra's death, but eventually chose to keep his family alive over maintaining their position in Relic Lore. He lives out the rest of his life in Torbine with his mate Leotie.

Morganna's First Litter (2016)

Odin Archer

Like all big brothers (and he will be big), Odin is particularly protective of his younger sister. The brawn in the outfit, he isn't afraid to throw his weight around to help his sister get her way. The pair are rarely far from each others line of sight and he seldom shies away from a challenge if presented with one. While outwardly he is a confident, independent young lad, he will take most directions his sister suggests with little hesitation.

Kára Archer

The brains of the outfit, Kára is cursed with a short temper that often thwarts her more devious schemes. Full of mischief and mirth, her plots are rarely malicious in nature, aimed more at making those around her smile. With her larger brother to back her up there is very little that will stand in this young lady's way. Much like her mother before her, she will quickly learn how to manipulate others to do her bidding, however she will rarely do so for selfish goals.

Skoll's Second Litter (with Hecate, 2016)

Attica Archer

Even as an only child in her litter, Attica will possess some second-born/youngest child birth order traits; the most prominent of these is her need to please and the possession of an all too familiar rebellious streak (once exhibited by her father). This being said, she actually admires Sven (who is similarly like-minded in most situations) and longs for his approval and praise. Even if her brother may not commonly share her views, being much older and all, she has a fiery spirit all her own. Where Sven is the embodiment white-hot wrath, she is an encompassing darkness whose skill sets lie in persuasion and a penchant for cleverness.

Skoll's Third Litter (with Aponi, 2016)

Lila Aquila

Born of a one-night stand between Aponi Aquila (known as "Catori Lyall") and Skoll Archer (known then as "Samuel Lyall"), Lila is a spitting image of both her parents on first impression to her readers. Her dark coat is not only inherited from her father, but a nod to her maternal grandfather Rhysis, a fallen Mountain king of years past. Her eyes reflect the same pale blue as her mother's. As Aponi's second daughter, Lila is the younger half-sister of Kyna Argyris (and Sven Archer) and is also prone to growing up without her biological father "in the picture." As such she may idiolize her mother as well as her mother's point of view and ambition. It is also worth noting that she is a third-generation Aquila as well as a third-generation Archer on-site. Oblivious to her other family members on the other side of the mountain, it is up to her player to navigate Relic Lore and find out what other secrets have been kept away from her, just waiting for be discovered.

Greer's First Litter (with Kyna, 2017)

Revon Argyris Archer

Expected to be calm and quiet like her parents, Revon was born the complete opposite. She is the Archer firecracker, running her mouth and filled with endless energy, leaving both Greer and Kyna confused as to where it all came from. Her curiosity will get her into trouble more often than not, but she is not reckless. Like her father, she is cunning and calculative: she assesses her situations before reacting (aka exploding). She knows what she wants and when she wants it, and is not afraid to do what it takes to get it. As she grows her flame will dim and she will grow more collected—thinking more as opposed to reacting—but she will still hold onto her fiery spirit. Sly, manipulative, and devious are words best to describe Revon as she grows into adulthood.

Morganna's Second Litter (with Renier, 2017)

Elenora Archer

Named for her late grandmother Elettra, Elenora is a dark coated child that lights up in the sun. With a dark face, limbs and tail, the rest of her body fades to reddish brown - brighter than her mother, but not quite so striking as her older sister Kara. Puppy blue eyes will fade to pale yellow as the girl fills out her medium physique. As the oldest of her litter, Nellie will feel responsible for the reckless actions of her younger siblings. As such, she will try to keep them in line (in the sight of grown-ups), that’s not to say the girl is all straight laces.

Matilda Archer

With a dark face and limbs just like her sister, the resemblance between the girls ends there. Where Nellie is fire, Tilly is ice, a silver blanket across her back with blazing orange eyes, she will stand shorter than Nellie, but still remain within the medium bracket. Tilly is a girl who is used to getting her way, though rarely by her own hand. A master manipulator she subtly wraps others around her paw until they wouldn’t think to question the motives behind her requests. Much like her mother, this girl plays her cards close to her chest.

Bojay Lyall

Bojay bears typical Lyall markings in his mask and his grandfather's pale, gold-green eyes. His coat is somewhat redder than you might expect from a Lyall though, a throwback on his mother's side. He will grow into a medium build, similar in stature to his brother Jayseden, but standing taller than either of his sisters. Happy-go-lucky and positive to a fault, Bojay knows no boundaries and follows no laws. Ever into something that he shouldn't be, a trickster at heart, the boy could be called mischief on four legs (or two, if he's feeling particularly clever today). This isn't to stay he can't stick up for himself, or twist some of that deviousness to get himself out of trouble if he has to.

Jayseden Archer-Lyall

Similar in colour to his brother Sterling, but dusted with rust instead of soot, gold eyes peer out of a friendly face, often seen to be wearing a welcoming smile. Jayse, named for his grandmother [Jayseyek,] stands shoulder to shoulder with Bojay in height, a sore point when one considers the only one tower over them just happens to be the youngest. Easily the most level-headed of the bunch, Jayseden is often overlooked in the crowd of his more boisterous and ambitious siblings. This isn't to say the boy doesn't have goals, he just works by more subtle means. He often finds himself wrapped up in Tilly's schemes, though he is smart enough to be able to manipulate her plans to his own advantage at least half of the time.

Sterling Archer-Lyall

The youngest of his litter, Sterling (aka "Duchess" or "Princess") starts off life a little behind his sisters in the size stakes. He rarely appears clean with a darker undercoat making itself evident through his otherwise snowy coat. Bright blue eyes will fade to silver as the boy ages, the only of his litter to take on a large physique when he finally if ever matures. Despite his large size, the Princess Sterling is all legs and is a bit self-conscious and insecure about his size. Oftentimes coming across as pompous and egotistical, Sterling has a sharp eye and ear, often gathering seemingly trivial information that he can regurgitate at inopportune moments in a bid to feel included. More often than not, this annoying talent will undo a scheme of his older siblings before the plan can be actuated. When he doesn’t accidentally blab to mother, it will be at his own meddling that these nefarious plots come undone.

Skoll's Fourth Litter (with Eremiel, 2017)

Samael Elio Archer

Born of a union that was nothing less than unholy, Samael and his siblings were brought to life through a ritual that should have brought their pack balance and an appreciation of devoting oneself to the moon and the stars (a mother and eternal guardians to the world).

Judas Orion Archer

Judas Orion Archer was born May 8th, 2017 in a pack called Devilsbite Dell by Skoll Archer and Eremiel along his age-mate brothers Ramiel and Samael. Being born bathed under the light of the Moon Mother, he was taught such religion and traditions from the very beginning. As he aged, he had no reason to deny his pack's beliefs however, swayed by the words of his father, learned that men were not the dominant figures in this land. With his three other brothers deciding to leave their mother's home, Judas decides to follow, curious of the rest of the world and not wanting to live in the shadows of the Dell from being born a male. They travel to the only other place they knew of - Relic Lore.

Ramiel Minos Archer

Growing up in the environment that he had Ramiel had quickly learned that it was best to do as he was told and in that he learned to listen not only to instruction but also to the others in the pack. After all women seemed to like to be listened to when they talked. He cares very much for his family and those that are closest to and would never betray them unless the circumstances called for it. However, the young Archer can be very stubborn at times and often once he gets something in his mind he doesn’t let it go without a fight. He can also be very stuck on himself due to the treatment that he received because he wasn’t born a girl.

Skoll's Fifth Litter (with Anahera, 2017)

Nuriel Enzo Archer

Macha Archer

Faithful to the Moon Mother due to her incessant lessons and close upbringing by her mothers, father, and remaining Teachers, Macha has proven herself to be a capable heiress to Devilsbite Dell legacy. She is deeply rooted in her Craft, competent in water scrying, tracking the moon cycles, and reading energies. Even with her logical mindset and well-organized methods, she gets easily frustrated and often consults outside sources for answers. Nevertheless, in the wake of her father and brothers' departures, she has drawn up a plan to prove to herself and to others just what she is capable of. The world had always been given to her on a silver platter within the Dell... if her father's words were true, why would Relic Lore be any different?

Skoll's Sixth Litter (with Celandine, 2018)

Anduin Archer

Even though Anduin will possess the airs and graces of a prince, he'd find such a title.. unsavory. While his ambitions will almost certainly drive him to the top, he'd rather pull strings behind the scenes. His loyalty lies with those he deems worthy, but once it's given, he'll be hard pressed to take it back. A little eccentric, the boy will be prone to bouts of intrigue, and fancy that his friends, and family might not understand.

Vaeda Archer

With proud parentage Vaeda has been blessed with an impressive appearance, her coat a mixture of red, cream, grey and white. Her silver eyes speak of her Archer blood, but it might take one a while to make the connection as the girl prefers not to make eye contact. Falling dead-even in the middle size range her physique is perfectly average when she stands at full height, a rare occurrence. Overall, Vaeda appears smaller than she actually is.

Greer's Second Litter (with Kyna, 2018)

Vindlys Argyris

The brooding one.

Capra Argyris Archer

Capra was born alongside his two brothers on May 15th, 2018 in Aurora Heights in the heart of Relic Lore.

Lance Argyris Archer

Dorky && Sensitive; and all the words coinciding. Lance has ultimately become what most would call negative nancy when in dire situations. He leans far closer to being submissive than he does to being dominant and certainly ranges on being far more emotional than your average guy. Lance does what he believes his right and he strays far from lying, ultimately believing that the truth will always set you free. Lance has a difficult time with anything that could result in being classified as "bad" or "in trouble", yet he always seems to be right in the middle of all of it.

Deacon's Only Litter (with Lekalta, 2018)

Kisetra Baranski

Kisetra - affectionately named after both of her late grandmothers - is a girl of mostly traditional beauty. When she is young she will be a pudgy thing with earthy colors muddling together in her fur. Only as she ages will coloring and markings become more apparent. Her fur will take on deeper and richer tawny colors than her mother's while lively yellow-green eyes stand out against her masked face with ease. Build wise she will lose her pudge and grow to have a lean figure and stand tall, although likely not as tall as her father, on sturdy limbs.

Morganna's Third Litter (with Renier, 2018)

Sedna Archer-Lyall

Named for the vengeful goddess of the sea, the girl’s mood can turn on a dime, tranquil and pleasant one minute, stormy and treacherous the next. She very rarely uses her words, much like her uncles Greer and Niles, but her silence should not be mistaken for ignorance. Words uttered in front of her may just come back to bite you when you least expect it.

Vareth Archer-Lyall

While he is predominantly black-brown there are reds from his father and strong hints of ginger in his coat from a certain grandfather Kiche. He has a fairly large stature from his Archer lines. His mismatched eyes come from the Lyall side, his grandmother Jaysyek. One rust and the other gold.

Ravenna's First Litter (2018)

Ragnar Stormborn

Ragnar Stormborn Mizuno-Archer was born May 5th of 2018 within the den which Enoki had given birth to her first litter of children during a horrible thunderstorm. This is how both he and his sister acquired the middle name 'Stormborn'. He is both Ravenna's and Blitz' (and Elias) first born child and first born son. For his first three weeks of life Ragnar remains in the birthing den with his sister Freyja, mother and his often visiting father, learning their voices, their scent and the features of their faces. He is introduced to the rest of the pack, including two other children and at this point is then relocated to the Infirmary den inside the Pack's cave. With two more 'siblings' and Leotie being introduced as a 'guide mother' Ragnar comes to learn earlier in youth he has a lot of family to protect and care for him and his sister. This wanting for nothing and consistent support brings about a confidant, proud and happy puppy.As Ragnar ages and listens, the more he comes to understand and learn. The more confident and curious of the world around him he becomes. When his age-mate kin, Avella and Scully, disappear from the pack, Ragnar joins his cousin on a scouting mission to look for them. His desire to travel the world beyond his little paradise grows and he knows now he will not stop until he has conquered it all.

Freyja Mizuno-Archer

Like the goddess which she is named after, Freyja bleeds an air of poise and power. It is almost unnatural for a woman of her bloodline to not hold an air of strength and nobility and for this Freyja is no exception, her movements smooth, head high and her stare intense with demanded respect. She is tall and willowy, with long legs for miles and a sleek, curvy body structure. Both Freyja and her brother sport very similar coat colors, looking as though they could be twins. The differences are subtle, for where they both have cream and blonde hues, Freyja has much more white and Ragnar has gold. The snowy white starts at her jaws and the lower half of her cheeks, moving down her throat, chest and underbelly. The rest of her body is mostly creme darkening to a blonde on her ears, upper muzzle and the outsides of her legs. Her eyes are blue, like the churning waters of rivers.

Skoll's Seventh Litter (with Celandine, 2019)


Vanadis, Sawyer, and their siblings were ushered into the world deep in the lichen-covered forests on the outskirts of Loch ???. Though they were the second litter born to Celandine Argyris and Skoll Archer, they were the first born outside of Relic-Lore. Their parents settled, and laid claim to the untouched lands, beckoning in a new era for their growing family.

Sawyer Argyris Archer

Tucked away in the moss-covered boulders and lichen-covered trees, Sawyer and his littermates were born into a world of new possibilities and ushered in the golden era of his parents' newfound reign as they established Lichenstone Loch. Here, the descendants of Elettra Archer and the Archer clan of the kingdom of Torbine, finally regained their footing. Prey was plentiful, water and other valuable materials were fresh and abundant, and the seasons continually turned in a cycle of loss/gain and hardship/prosperity. For Sawyer Argyris Archer, the Loch was a well-guarded safe haven and playground for the resource-rich and privileged. The moment his sister Vanadis was able to leave their familial pack, Sawyer decided for himself that he was going to follow suit. He wanted what his adventuring sister was after.

Relatives by Mateship

Leotie Rhys (Mate to Sven)

Leotie was a part of Charred Ash Draw with whom Sven was trying to form ties with as leader of Willow Ridge. First they were friends, and then the Archer heir came to realize he trusted her more than any other wolf in his life. They've been committed to one another ever since.

Nineva Hervok (Mate to Judas)

Nineva was determined to found her own pack when she crossed paths with Judas and his brother Ramiel. They both pledged to be her teeth, and they helped her to found {Vigil's Keep}. Even after the pack crumbled, they stayed loyal, and eventually Judas was able to convince Nineva to see him as a serious suitor. She is also mated to Elias Selwyn, the three raising their children together in Devilsbite Dell.

Viorel Valle (Mate to Vanadis)

Heir to a prestigious name of his own, Viorel and his relatives were relocated to Relic Lore and scattered by humans. With Vanadis' help, he gathered most of the lost members and founded the pack Dead Empress Backwater, which still stands strong under his leadership.
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2023, 03:25 AM by Eros. Edit Reason: reformatted )
Posted by Skoll who has 448 posts.

The Fourth Generation of Archers

Sven's Only Litter (with Leotie, 2018)

Avella Archer

Avella ran away as a child, but eventually her family tracked her down and the little family was reunited in Torbine. As an adult she returned with her brother Scully to see what was left of her homeland, and found it desolate. She vowed to see Willow Ridge returned to its former glory, and did for a brief window of time. Relic Lore was hit with several natural disasters, however, which tore apart the family she'd built, ultimately scattering them all.

Scully Archer

Scully chased after his sister, and loved the life of limited responsibilities and constant novelty their life outside of Relic Lore offered. When they returned, he believed he'd be able to settle down, but as Avella found love and stability he felt as though he were stranded on a distance with no one. He ended up disappearing shortly after she had her first litter.

Odin's First Litter (with Lenae, 2018)

Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Whilst dark fur is a dominant trait in the Selwyn family, it is obvious that Jenessa takes after her sire. Like Odin, her coat is sooty black, though it lacks the flecks of orange and gold he inherited from his Mother. Instead, Jenessa’s fur is dusted with grey hairs, as though she’s rolled in the ash left behind by the Great wildfire. Like many Archers, Jenessa is built to be swift and streamline, with lithe legs that carry her over the land with ease. However, Jenessa isn’t all Archer. Her most prominent and noticeable feature is her eyes, which are bright, gleaming yellow , a clear sign that Selwyn blood runs through her veins. They often shine with mirth and mischief, and are usually accompanied by a pretty smile, like butter wouldn’t melt. In a strange twist of fate, Jenessa resembles her deceased great-uncle, Deron, so much so that she could be easily mistaken for one of his offspring.

Odin's Second Litter (2019)


Daughter of Odin and a long-forgotten mother, Walrus and her brother Hellhound were raised by Morganna outside of Relic Lore alongside a myriad of siblings and cousins. Raised by the sea, she wanted to see more of the world and be independent, and so struck out on her own inland. She attempted to raise two children within the Lore, but drought fought against her. Her daughter died, and she left her son as soon as she deemed him capable of surviving alone. It turned out parenting was too much hassle for her.

Hellhound Archer

He was born a pirate, raised by his grandmother Morganna while his father ran away. He grew bored of his homepack and came looking for trouble in the place he has heard so many stories of.

Judas' First Litter (with Nineva, 2020)

Rashina Archer

Born at the hearth of Devilsbite Dell by mother Nineva and covenanted by the Mothers Three. She grows into the tales and traditions they uphold. When she is half a year's aging, the family moves to the comfort and protection of Torbine's empire. She is born with vision, as great as any wolf. As custom, at six months she is trained in each skill of her pack and finds herself most interested in joining the monastery. As she approaches her first year, her vision declines greatly until she is left blind. But she still sees. She sees what others cannot and is dubbed a Seer of the Gods. Strictly devote to her monastery, family and Gods, she only finds unsettle by the the leaving (and not returning) of her restless young brother. When her father returns from a mission to find him without Clouse in tow, Ra makes the dire choice to slip away in the night from her home with only her heart and Gods to guide her.

Clouse Charity Archer

Baby of Nineva, Elias and Judas. Never fit in with the Dell and all their expectations of legacy, causing him to runaway while a yearling. In the time since, Clouse has gained confidence in who he is but still isn't sure what specifically he wants from life. He believes his bloodlines are Hervok and Archer, especially given his likeness to the infamous Skoll, but is very much Elias' biological son and therefor considered a Selwyn by this right.


Born to a litter sired by both Elias and Judas inside Devilsbite Dell, Gaia has no way of knowing her fraternal bloodline. She is named after the earth, mother of all life.


Born to a litter sired by both Elias and Judas inside Devilsbite Dell, Vash has no way of knowing his fraternal bloodline. He is named after his mother's father figures, Ash Hervok and Veho Macieo.


Born to a litter sired by both Elias and Judas inside Devilsbite Dell, Torrin has no way of knowing his fraternal bloodline. Biologically he is a Selwyn, but this is not necessarily assumed by his Archer relatives. He is named after his mother's childhood friend Tomen Lyall and her brother Korrin.

Ramiel's Only Litter (with Evony, 2020)

Reika Archer

Reika was the only born child to her father Ramiel and her mother Evony. Both of her parents loved her very much and taught her everything they knew as she grew. At the age of sixth months her mother was killed leaving her and Ramiel alone. He cared for her the best he could alone for awhile until he took her to Torbine where she was able to learn the history of the family and many more things. She stayed there with her father until she turned one. That was when she set out to find her place in the world. Her travels brought her to Relic Lore, a place that her father had told her a lot about.

Sedna's Only Litter (2020)

Deluge Archer-Lyall

From an early age, Deluge proved to be a wolf of action. She never placed much weight in words, and so, has no problems using other’s blind faith in what is spoken to her advantage. A trickster with big ambitions, she does love and cherish her family, however, that doesn’t exclude them from being considered rivals, after all, even though there will always be a blood price to be paid, she always prefers when it isn’t her own.

Seiche Archer-Lyall

Daughter of Sedna, raised by Morganna.

Squall Archer-Lyall

Daughter of Sedna, raised by Morganna.

Vanadis' First Litter (with Viorel, 2021)

Eros Valle

Alongside a myriad of siblings and other relatives, Eros was raised with love and perhaps a little more freedom than most pups his age are given. Since entering his 'teens' he has begun to realize just how complicated adults and their lives can be. While he still loves each of his family members, he's begun to question if he belongs somewhere outside of the Backwater.

Archer Valle

Once incredibly loyal to his littermate and father, Archer has renounced the name of Valle and grown bitter and moody. His old self only shows through with Ally.

Vanadis' Second Litter (with Viorel, 2022)

Sephrina Valle

Sephrina was born with weak eyes and a penchant for envy. She was babied by her parents, but this didn't save her from drowning to death after falling through ice on the annual pup exchange with Sanguine Cove.

Nix Valle

Nix had a habit of getting lost. At one point, he had joined Paradise Falls under the care of Reika, but has since disappeared from the Lore completely.

Isla Valle

Born to the once-mated pair of Viorel and Vanadis of Dead Empress Backwater as the last born triplet. Isla proved mildly troublesome from the start, but as time went on it only escalated. Most notably was the death of her sister, Sephrina, that seemed to be the final straw in her descent. After witnessing the death, Isla has become excessively violent and cruel to even those she might claim to love. She has seemingly struggled to stay rooted anywhere long after the loss as well. Briefly she returned home only to drift away once more, feeling dislodged and angry with her place.

Relatives by Mateship

Hagar (Ex-Lover to Avella)

Hagar fathered Avella's litter, stepping out of the way of a competing suitor but firmly remaining loyal to Willow Ridge and ending up chosen by the pups as 'Dad.' He and Avella planned on leading together, but she grew distant when he took Niamh as his mate in the following Spring. He passed in 2023 still trying to realize Avella's dreams in her stead.

Kateri Vuesain-Slayer (Mate to Archer)

Born of a fling between her parents in Sanguine Cove, Kateri felt displaced when they both moved on with new mates and resulting children. She chose to run away to Dead Empress Backwater where her friends resided, and from there her and Archer's bond deepened. Their union resulted in their banishment from the pack, and she disappeared shortly after one of the pups grew deathly ill.
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2023, 07:49 AM by Eros.)
Posted by Eros who has 502 posts.

The Fifth Generation of Archers

Avella's Only Litter (2022)

Nineve Archer

Born into Willow Ridge by the sole ruling Matriarch, Avella Archer, alongside brothers, Daegal and Iseldir. Though not a mated pair, Hagar's a constant presence in his pup's lives and known well as their father. With a bad drought followed by winter, living is not easy for the pack which turned into little more then a family doing their best to survive the Lore. Come May of 2023, the family greets a new half-sister. Life only seems to go downhill for the family from here or so Eve feels. Her brother, Iseldir, goes missing, then her mother, her father's health plummets and an overwhelming abundance of wildfires come. By her cousin's, Ra, suggestion, they decide it is best to move elsewhere and merge with another group. Eve couldn't be more happy to leave the willows behind. As July comes to an end, before the merger can happen, Eve's father dies. Devastated from the loss, Eve and Daegal both decide to leave in search for their lost brother and mother.

Iseldir Archer

A proud new member of the ARCHER bloodlines, born as the middle child of the first litter of leader AVELLA of the newly re-established pack Willow Ridge during a spring drought, along with siblings NINEVE and DAEGAL. His paternity remained more of a mystery, however, being surrounded with his mother, HAGAR, siblings, uncle SCULLY, and other packmates created a firm and loving foundation for his upbringing to begin.

Daegal Archer

Daegal is the youngest of the first litter born to the new Willow Ridge. His first summer was filled with struggle as an unprecedented drought devastated the Lore. By midwinter, the pack had shrunk to the point where it was no longer a pack - just a family struggling to survive. After a mistake with a bear that left Hagar badly injured, Daegal and his siblings made a pact to stick together forever. Summer came and with it more tragedy as Avella disappeared, and then Iseldir, and then the worst of all: Hagar's death after slowly growing ever more ill.

Walrus' Only Litter (with Sunder, 2022)


Tooth was the daughter of Walrus and sister to Claw. She passed away on July 28th, 2022 from malnourishment and dehydration.


Unbeknownst to Claw, his devilishly handsome coat was one of the few things his sire managed to pass on. Inheriting a coat consisting of mainly ebony, multiple points across his frame are adorned with accents of cream that help to contrast the darkness in a cow-lick fashion, giving him a more wind-tossed look that further pleads his case in just how alluring his appearance is. Not to mention the pair of green eyes nestled within his dark mask capable of luring in any unaware victim.

Hellhound's Only Litter (with Rhaegara, 2022)

Sovanya Rayvne

Born to Rhaegara alongside twin Adonya at the cost of their mother's life. Fostered by Woya and raised under the protection of [FOOL’S GOLD CHASM] until their disbandment in the Winter of 2022. Now, she wanders outside of Relic Lore with her sister Enera.

Adonya Ravyne

Adonya was born shortly behind her twin Sovanya on May 12th, 2022. Her birth was mired with tragedy, as their mother passed shortly after they were delivered. Some might say she's raised hell ever since. Truthfully, though, her life began like any other pup's... except she soon learned that her and her sister were different. They didn't quite fit in and the kinds of play they liked to get involved in wasn't considered nice... still, it didn't stop her from doing what she wanted, and it made her grow resentful of those around her. Except Sovanya... Sovanya always understood her.

Seiche's Only Litter (with Camden, 2022)


The only child born to his unknowing sire CAMDEN and the lone wolf SEICHE, who passes shortly after, the boy is cast adrift alone into the world. By chance, or by the whim of the Spirit of Wildwood, the whelp is discovered by CHAN and rescued. The one he first calls mother gone so soon, he comes to know FINLEY as his mother and is unwittingly raised alongside his half-brother via Camden, RYDER.

Archer's Only Litter (with Kateri, 2023)

Andy Vuesain

Andy, named after his grandmother Vanadis, was born frail and became sick early on. His parents tried to save him but could not. He passed away at only a month old.

Ally Vuesain

Ally was named for her grandfather Aleister, and has traveled far and wide with her father in search of a home as they grieve her brother.
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2023, 04:58 AM by Eros.)