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a moment of silence — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Rachel who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lekalta Baranski

She had begun to trail a direction that she had determined what absolutely must have been the way home, no questions asked! -- when his statement drew a sardonic snort from her, her eyes flashing at him mischievously before she stopped. Her hip swung out in an 'oh really' fashion, her wolfish brows arching upward as she tipped her muzzle slightly. "Oh, you think?" Her words held lilting amusement, and with bright green eyes, she studied him with mock admonishment. How dare he question her skill set? He thought he could do better, then? The nip to her shoulder all but set her spirit aflame, and a small quiver coursed down her spine.

With a dramatic tip of hr snout, Lekalta bowed back, her eyes not once leaving his handsome form. "Well, by all means," she murmured, a smirk pulling at the corner of her lips. "Lead the way." With that, the near-yearling waited for him to take over their predicament, her tail giving a sashay of amusement. Unable to resist, the girl cast him her own nip -- playful intent only fueled by her thriving crush at the presence of the ivory wolf.

are you deranged like me? are you strange like me?
lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me?
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Truthfully, Lachesis did not know if the direction they were heading in was right or wrong and presently, he did not care. He was enjoying his time with the river princess. It was a temporary distraction to the never-ending list of worries that waited for him back in Kingsfall. A wide smile rolled onto his maw accompanied by an exaggerated eye roll at her response. She was far too easy to tease.

They were certainly doing better together than they had been while on their own — Lachesis in particular — so he was thankful for her presence. The attitude (more amusing than anything) was a welcome change for he was growing weary of being serious all the time. If it had not been for his white coat, already, he would surely be covered in grey by now due to the amount of stress he carried on his shoulders. The ghost knew he brought it upon himself, but it was difficult to remove once present.

“No, no,” he chuckled, chartreuse gaze fixated on the slender yearling, “you’re doing a fine job.” He bounced back as she returned the nip, his smile only widening. “Lead on, Kalta, the healer retorted as he stepped forward, bumping her shoulder once more as he pointed is nose in the direction they had been going in. The delay did not bother XIX one bit. In fact, he was hoping there would be even more delay. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Rachel who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lekalta Baranski

She practically beamed—not just from the playful compliment, but for the simple fact that the man cast a nip toward her, erupting a spark to her heart that seemed to burn a new feeling of longing and contentment within the youthful girl. She was instantly smitten the moment his green eyes danced upon her – the flames of a first crush propelling her forward, and with a gentle laugh, the girl tried to bounce further away from his grasp, now making a game of their travel.

“You’d just get us even more lost anyway!” Her words were lilted in a sing-song manner, her slender muzzle pressing back to study him before she loped forward once more. In truth, she was trying to find her way home – but she was certainly in no rush to do so with Laches’s company at her side, and with his undivided attention upon her.

They were lost, but it was liberating – Lekalta allowed her playful, adventurous soul take the reigns as she sashayed before him, luring him in to bouts of chase and giggles. It would take forever to get home, but for the young girl with eyes only for the white wolf before her now, it would not take long enough.

are you deranged like me? are you strange like me?
lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me?
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling a second time, the crooked grin still pressed unevenly against his maw. The ghost could hardly keep up with her sharp responses; she was quite unlike the other females that had been in Lachesis’ life. It was certainly a good thing — the pale healer had a knack for driving the opposite sex away, but perhaps her differences would keep her from disappearing like the others. Even a friendship would suffice — just as long as she did not leave. XIX couldn’t handle anymore absences in his life.

It had been quite some time since the healer had truly enjoyed himself. Like Lekalta, he wasn’t so keen on returning home in a timely manner. Returning to Hearthwood would mean returning to responsibilities, which Lachesis was quite alright with avoiding for a few more hours. “Oh really?” XIX cooed in response, his brows waggling at her as he bounded after her.   “I know exactly where I’m going,” he chuffed as he came up beside Lekalta, his shoulder bumping against hers as he trotted forward. His words weren’t entirely true, but he was sure that the river princess did not mind that their venture back home was taking longer than expected. They would make their way to Hearthwood eventually — they were just taking a very long detour back. And detours were always acceptable. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Rachel who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lekalta Baranski

His words drew amusement upon her features -- the light f her eyes gleaming as they cast back upon him, her wolfish brows arching in mock sarcasm. "Oh?" She paused then, her paw lifting in a quick sweep before her as her eyes left him, looking upon the perfectly pristine terrain of white that resembled everywhere else they had been within the past hour. "Then where are we?" It was meant as a test to him -- but Lekalta would not admit that she would not be able to verify the answer he might possibly give her.

There was something freeing about this moment. Something about being away from the watchful eyes of her parents, who would be so keen to ensure she was not a bother to the ivory male, or quick to turn this in to a lesson of some sort. It was nice to be lax in the moment.. to know that even if they were both stubbornly lost, neither were fussed about it one way or another. Eventually, they would find their way home. There were enough landmarks in the Expanse that the pair would eventually turn themselves around to the right direction.. but for now, with another quirk of her brows as she awaited his answer for only second longer, Lekalta would cast a playful snap of her jaws in the air toward him before luring him in to a game of chase, the snow from the ground kicking up in a powdered spray from her paws.

are you deranged like me? are you strange like me?
lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me?
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

“We are…” he started, his lips curving into his infamous crooked grin as he observed their barren surroundings, “… precisely where we should be.” He was beginning to recognize bits and pieces of the landscape around them, much to his disappointment. Lachesis was not ready to return to the reality that was waiting for them in Kingsfall. Responsibilities were beckoning him forward, no matter how hard he tried to ignore them. Despite the river waiting for them in the distance it did not mean that they were in a hurry to return. Responsibilities could wait a little longer.

Instinctively he snapped the air in response, mimicking her actions as he lunged forward, nipping at the air above her hindquarters as she danced forward in an attempt to entice him in a game of chase. Rolling his pear-coloured eyes he followed willingly, his large paws thudding against the snow dusted earth as he followed behind closely. It had been far too long since the ghost had disposed of the weight on shoulders and enjoyed himself. It was an opportunity that was too good to pass up and he was in no rush to end it so soon. XIX picked up speed and angled away from the green-eyed girl, his chartreuse gaze never wavering from her slender figure. Without warning, he rushed her and stopped abruptly, sending a wave of snow in her direction.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Rachel who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lekalta Baranski

An unlady-like and sardonic snort escaped her at his word, and she cast him a look of disbelief – she did not recognize much yet, though as they continued forward, she would soon see hints of more familiar land. She had not explored as much as her sister, but she had taken an interest in the nearby areas from the River – and did know Kingsfall was a grand forest at that. It would seem their adventure would eventually come to an end, and Lekalta felt a pang of regret at such.

Lachesis read her mind, for as she was about to shoot another sarcastic comment his way, the male rushed her, and with a gleeful ‘eep!’, she would make to bolt, though stumbled upon unprepared paws. His rush was all for show, and skidding to a halt, Lachesus sprayed her with a shower of snow, erupting the girl with a fit of giggles and disbelief. “Oi! What if you had careened in to me and run me over like a bull moose?” Her words were teasing, and sticking her tongue out at him in the very same manner, the girl shot forward, engineering a game of chase as she leapt away from the handsome white man.

are you deranged like me? are you strange like me?
lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me?
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

“Maybe that’s what I was trying to do!” He shouted after her as his slipped into a playful bow, his tail wagging slowly behind him. The ghost did not care about returning home or to the responsibilities that waited for him beyond the trees. Instead, XIX wanted to waste the rest of the day here, with Lekalta. He would worry about being a leader in the morning — right now he had much more important things to attend to.

Without hesitation, the ghost followed her with a burst of speed. He lunged forward once more, his teeth snapping playfully at the tip of her tail. He did not know if they were headed in the right direction anymore, and he did not care. Only when they were both exhausted and struggling to catch their breath would they return to the river’s edge. “And I’m much more of a stag than a bumbling moose,” he teased with a crooked smile before he reached for her tail a second time. It had been quite some time since the ghost had felt this carefree, for XIX always had a million and one things on his mind. He had almost forgotten how good it felt.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Rachel who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lekalta Baranski
Last from me.. loved this thread. <3

She could not help but laugh at his antics – and his words. She had grown up fond of the ivory man, just like any of her other pack mates – but this was the first time she had spent with him one on one and she was far more intrigued by his bright green eyes now than she had been only months before. She was about to question why he would even consider himself as graceful as a stag when the terrain about them became achingly familiar – and alternatively, the realization that this stolen moment was coming to an end.

Still, the play continued, and the girl would continue to gently poke fun at the medic and leader of Hearthwood River. Later, when they went their separate ways would she try to seek out her sister and tell her of her adventure – and most importantly, wonder if her dark littermate had noticed as well the handsome features Lachesis held. Surely she would – but hopefully only platonic, given Lekalta’s mind was already considering her next move on the man.

Unfortunately, it would be placed on hold, though, when Naia would become impregnated by Lekalta’s current knight in shining armor – and even more so when her father and the gentle woman would die.

are you deranged like me? are you strange like me?
lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me?
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He knew their adventure would soon be ending — they could only delay it so much before it finally caught up to them. He was thankful for their time together; she had been the perfect distraction — and XIX certainly wasn’t against her distracting him in the future.

The ghost brushed her shoulder once more with his own as they entered the forest surrounding their home, the mood growing somber as they realized their time together was coming to an end. For now, he would relish in her company until they reached the Hearthwood borders, for he did not know when they would get another moment like this together… It seemed as though the universe had other plans for them — plans that did not involve the two together. For now, that was okay. Lachesis had too many things on his plate… the last thing he needed was a woman to add to the mix… 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you