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little lady, come and fade me — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
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Jessie Tainn

Jessie felt bad for the younger woman. She was constantly running from her own demons inside of her, fighting the darkness but when she was Lilya's age, the only darkness she faced was the death of her parents. It only became worse when she entered the lore to look for her dearest sister to tell her the news. She did not regret her decision though, Jessie met some of the most influential wolves in her life through staying in her own personal hell. Soon, hopefully, that would change, and she would be living the ideal life with Drestig.  The young girl reminded her much of herself from the past. Always trying to revert the attention off of herself and never focusing on her. That was what led to trouble in her life and Jessie hoped that it did not end up the same for her. The Tainn woman would not be rude though.

She cleared her throat before responding, ”I hope so. My...mate and I plan to start a pack as soon as we get enough followers. So, if you ever change your mind about wanting a pack, feel free to find us, we're moving north.” Jessie remained relax, having no intentions of striking out against the other female. However, she did have something else she wanted to add, ”You know, sometimes the best way to get away from your demons is to start anew. They can only bother you if you allow them to.” And, of course, there was always safety within numbers. Jessie had always been a strong advocate for that. It was why she was so desperate to get their pack moving along. She wanted her children to be safe. The Tainn was fully aware that two parents would not be able to take care of their pups all on their own, especially when they became curious and started to venture out.

Jessie Tainn
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
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Lilya Valrorys
@Jessie You alright with wrapping this up within the next few posts?

It’d already been a long road, but it was far from over and it was times where she could afford to take a quick pause to talk to people that kept her sane when she continued to run from everything. She didn’t know if she could settle down anymore, if she could find a pack to call home after everything she’d seen and done. She’d run from war, and war didn’t like it when wolves got away from the fate they were supposed to endure from it. It was too complicated, and she wanted it to just end, but it would take time and patience, and for now, that meant running.

She focused on the other woman when she began to speak, drawing herself back to the present so she wouldn’t lose herself in the memories. Mae’s death had haunted her the most, because she’d seen it happen right before her eyes… it was best not to dwell on it, and that was poor behavior in front of company. She let a soft grin find her features though it turned sad as Jessie finished and she simply nodded. “M’fraid’m poor company ta keep so close, ‘specially during this season.” She started doing her best to respectfully decline before deciding to add a small path in case things did change. “But if somethan changes, I’ll keep yer offer in mind?” She’d received a similar offer from Kisla, provided she was loyal if she had taken it, but the lady had understood her reasons for not doing so.

It was her last words that really got to Lilya though, words that really connected to her as she looked down at her paws for a second. “Startin’ anew is difficult when th’past comes back to haunt ya constantly.” You could run and hide form them, but there was no tabula rasa, and things caught up with wolves eventually. That much she’d learned.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Despite the woman's claims of a dark past, she seemed to try to keep a smile on her face. That was probably worth more than any words she could ever say. It came as no surprise to her that the other woman denied her offer. It was a disappointment, to say the least, but Jessie understood that it as no use being miserable when everyone else around you could notice. One certainly did not want to go into a pack feeling worthless. The Tainn simply smiled back, emerald eyes sparkling. She nodded her head but did not verbally reply to Lilya's amendment. There was nothing she could say to make the other woman feel better about her situation. The woman's last words hit a little bit too close to home for the widowed woman. A sad smile came across her lips, a strained laugh leaving them.

Her jaws parted so that she could speak, ”I know a thing or two about that.” So had lost so many and she had been lost until she finally came to find her sister all those years ago. It was when he life finally started but she knew that the pain and the loss would never end. Never the less, many had taught her that even if the past came back to haunt you, it was best to live in the present. Of course, it had taken plenty of self-work before she could even admit that to herself and Jessie knew that she was still not at the prime of her happiness. Perhaps it had past or it was yet to come, but she had to continue living, especially for the little lives growing inside of her. A glance at the sky told her that she had certainly overstayed her welcome in these lands and her lover would be wondering why she had yet to return. Green orbs turned back to the other woman, her lips twisting in apology, ”I really should be going. My mate will be wondering where I am. Is there anything else you want to know?”If not, then she really should get going.

Jessie Tainn
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

She couldn’t say she knew the woman personally, especially not after the brief conversation… but Lilya knew that she seemed to be a good wolf, and that meant a lot to her. It wasn’t about who a wolf was, it was about what they did. “Thanks fer the warnin’, and the infermation… I owe ya one.” Or two, or three. She kept that part silent, but it still remained that she was thankful for what the other woman had been able to tell her. With that, Jessie regretfully informed her that she needed to make her leave, to get back to her mate.

“Ah understand, best not to worry th’mister, right?” She offered with a soft smile as she rose herself. “Ah best be movin’ on too… I think I’ve lingered ah little too long in dis place.” She offered with a dip of her head. “It was truly nice ta meet ya, Jessie.” She offered before she started on her way, figuring it’d be best to head north, double back before heading in a different direction to throw whoever might be following her off. That way, hopefully no one would ask Jessie if she’d seen a girl who fit Lilya’s description.


[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]