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gunpowder and lead — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Ace who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank

“Such nice manners.”

All the same, Capable rolled her eyes and snaked her head forward, offering the male a few playful nips before heaving her weight away from the older wolf.  Again, sometime.  Not right now, not when muscles burned and lungs ached from exertion.  Perhaps they’d have a proper fight sometime, over something more than ‘I’m bored’ or ‘we should train’.  But that was a thought for later, and she dismissed the whigmaleerie is something unessential as she shook out her fur coat, leaning down to lick at a foreleg and straighten some fur before glancing up at the ghost.

What else was there to say, now?  She’d said her piece.

Why – she’d even been pretty nice, she figured.  Capable wiggled her tail again as she rolled her shoulders, unaccustomed to the temporary peace that had settled over the pair of wolves.  Soon, the silence became too heavy.  She was suffocating.  “I’m hungry,” she announced, a bit out of the blue.  “I have a cache, only just over there.”  She turned, tossing her head in the general direction of the stored meal.  It’d take no more than a few minutes to find it.  She glanced back at @Craw with a raised brow.  “You wanna come?  There’s enough to share.”

It seemed fair, considering he’d acquiesced her request for a training match.

bring me home, bring back what's stolen,
like you're supposed to
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
post or archive as you like, we got our 12 <33

Her value of manners would have been the same as his own given the current circumstances, and he huffed in appreciation of her sarcasm. Still she did not make it easy, teasing him more and earning a rough growl in response before the red woman finally pushed herself away. With a heavy grunt, Craw twisted back onto his front, rolling his shoulders and quietly cracking the bones in his neck to relieve the intensely unpleasant sensation of being on his back. But she had earned it, and along with it a measure of respect.

Perhaps he had managed the same in turn. She wanted his company for something other than combat? This would be a day of many firsts! His ears twitched forward in open interest, inclining his muzzle in agreement. "I always like a meal after a good tumble," he rasped with a smirk, and stepped toward her with an amenable flick of the tail, content to follow her to her stash.
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]