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not ready to back down — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Wrapping it up :) @Morganna feel free to post + fade as you suggested, or just archive here!

Whatever else might have been happening within Whitestone at that moment, none of it mattered. Ears pressed forward in eager attentiveness, Craw watched them process the world, the sights and smells which must have been so new - including him. He did not miss the way they reacted to his voice, that harsh, gravelly sound he had once hated, and how they recognised it, responding to it with curiosity and ease. First @Odin tottered out, bold as @Kara's pelt was brassy, heading straight for Craw without hesitation, that little paw coming up to bop his darker snout fearlessly. Craw just huffed in amusement and pushed his nose forward in encouragement, tail sweeping softly against the dusty ground.

Not to be outdone by her brother, Kara wasn't far behind, approaching him with a more measured manner, poking her tiny nose into his cheek to smell him, and he rumbled in pleased contentment at the both of them. Such a big step demanded payment; Kara yawned big and wide and tucked herself against him, and finding that to be a marvellous idea, Craw gently scooped Odin up with one thick forearm to bring the boy against his chest.

They were as safe here as they were inside - if not more so, considering. Laying his head between the puppies, and feeling their tiny warm against his body, hearing their breathing, he was helpless to resist such a perfect lullaby.
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]