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calling all teenagers — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
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Kyna Argyris Archer
I am so sorry for that wait!  For some reason I never got a tag?  :<


For a moment, the youth found herself concerned – weren’t they supposed to sneak up on their prey?  It would be much more difficult if it already knew they were there.  Serach didn’t seem to be overly concerned, however, so the strawberry blond kept her mouth shut and kept after the white wolf at a steady pace.  Her heart was thudding with every step, and the teenager could only hope their prize couldn’t hear that, as well.  The instructions felt far away, quiet to her own rush of blood, but she heard, she understood, and the Argyris heiress gave a small chuff of acknowledgement.

Before she knew it, Triell gave a bark, and the chase was on.

The directions seemed simple enough, but even she was not so foolish as to think that the bull would let them direct it so easily.  When their group leader took off, the two-year olds followed suit.  Not about to be anything less than useful, Kyna increased her speed as well, almost beside Darrah as the wolves formed a close-knit group.  Ears rolled back instinctively as did her lip peel upwards and the young wolf growled, snapping her teeth as she took Serach’s cue.  He set the bull to running and she was close behind, hoping they were forming enough of a wall to keep the animal from thinking of turning back.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
Sorry guys. This round is a bit more chasing, and if anyone wants to mention how close to the river they could be getting?  Next round September 3rd?

Teenagers scare the living shit out of me

The bull eyes roved for a weakness in their lines. Serach and his team were taking up the other side, and so far so good. The Tainn steadied himself in a smooth lope, making a quick check on Rue and Alastor. Rue was hardly a second behind him. Inwardly, he smiled. She was quick, and paying attention. He didn't mind if he was what stood between her and their prey. He would feel terrible if any of them got hurt. Figured now was as good as any to teach. "Now, keep an eye. Sometimes he will shift an ear, or his nose in the direction he rather go. You'll have to work to block him. They have their own language. See if his ears all together flatten, that means he's gonna fight. You best decide if you'll help call his bluff or back off." He offered to them, between breaths, his attention split so many ways.

Right then, he saw the bull's nose point west,  thinking about an exit. He scrambled closer, feinting a bite to the brute's shoulder, sending the creature a little more to the eastern side of the group. Fiery eyes kept the elk in view, as it had darted over to avoid an attack, closer to Serach's group. The Tainn was closely watching the others. Seeing how the young wolves reacted. This was just another part of the test. Making sure the elk wasn't about to become aggresive and fight. Maybe, it was saving its energy for the opportune moment like the wolf. They weren't quite to the river yet.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
Head's up that we can skip Leotie for now - Kai has to wait to reactivate her account.

They fell into line behind him, and despite his anxiety at being supported by so many inexperienced wolves, Serach's body was alive with the thrill of the hunt. Whether they were successful or not, while certainly not irrelevant, felt less important now that his body was moving and they pack began to play the game. Their job was to test the elk and to wear him down, and it was the elk's job to either call their bluff or come to terms with the fact that its time had come. His eyes squinted and his lips parted in a snarl, he met the elk's defiant gaze - this one would not come to terms so easily.

In his peripheral vision, Serach saw Triell snap at the elk to drive it closer to him. "Watch him!" Serach called to his packmates as the bull veered towards them. "Don't let him sneak through!" He snarled again, snapping his teeth together to warn the elk off from trying to reach the herd by running behind Serach and ahead of Leotie. Although defiant, the elk was not stupid enough to force his way through and continued to run forward. They were rapidly approaching the trees, with the river not far beyond. "Don't let him escape in the woods!" All it would take is one turn and they could lose him.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys

The chase had begun and there was so much going on that Leotie had trouble at first trying to figure out what to pay attention to. Eventually though she thought it best to pay attention to not only what Serach was doing and telling them to do but her pack mates closest to her. They each had a job and she thought it would be very bad if something happened because she hadn't been paying attention to what they were doing and she was doing. They had the big bull on the run and as she kept her focus on it she did notice Triell snap at it. Serach was also in front of her his voice reaching her ears. They couldn't let it get into the forest. She knew that if the elk got into the forest their efforts would be wasted.

Leotie kept a distance between her and Serach that she felt would allow her to keep the bull from slipping past her. As she ran she kept one eye one on their prey and the other on the path in front of her. Though she didn't think they would be stopping anytime soon she wanted to be prepared. Her orders to watch the bull were ones that she took seriously. Even though she hadn't ever hunted elk she watched for any obvious sign that the bull was going to try something she might have to keep him from doing. Ears at alert she listened for her next orders. The adrenaline coursing through her body kept her from feeling the ache in her muscles as she continued to run to keep the distance short as the neared the trees. She thought if she was in the elks place the trees might look even more tempting as they grew closer. She would have to keep her wits and remain alert for whatever the bull might do.

(This post was last modified: Sep 16, 2016, 03:23 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Siki who has 80 posts.
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Ruenna Tainn
The list of things that could go wrong grew longer and longer and longer despite her frantic efforts to ignore them, to stop writing them, to stop finding new ways that this could turn into a disaster with someone hurt or dead or - was there anything even worse than that? She was running along and the worst-case scenario was really not all that unrealistic?! Why did they even bother with this, rabbits never fought back, this was just inviting trouble!

Triell was talking, and she was busy trying to concentrate on that rather than stare at the massive hooves as they impacted with the ground, leaving distinct dents in the earth. Rue swallowed, note-taking hand shaking as she scribbled down his wisdoms, until he mentioned that it might end up looking for a fight, and that was it. This was officially insane. She'd never eaten anything bigger than herself before now and saw no reason to start.

Except that this wasn't up to her anymore, she couldn't just hold up her hands and walk away, that wasn't how this worked. She wasn't a free agent beholden to no-one but herself, but a pack wolf who had promised to obey the commands of her leader. Whose heels she was running right behind. He'd notice if she gave up.

The list grew longer and more desperate, and she glanced over to the other group to see if they were as terrified as her but all she saw was determination and obedience, and stifled the pathetic whine in her throat lest @Triell hear it and know that he had an insurgent in the ranks. But she couldn't just pretend that everything was okay, she was endangering them all, she knew it -

"Triell," she whispered, but as the name left her lips she knew it wasn't enough, and with guts of steel spaghetti pushed herself forwards to come level with her uncle, staring at him pleadingly, trying to keep her breathing regular, "Triell, wait, I can't, this is-"

I'm thinking she distracts Triell for a moment, the bull notices and takes advantage of the lapse in attention, which is how he gets hurt? Can leave the specifics up to Switch :)
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

Terror and excitement swirled through young female as the hunt progressed, the bull evidently displeased with his situation.  Not that she could blame him, necessarily.  She would not like the prospects of being chased, or eaten, either.  But that was the way of the world, and the wolves would simply have to do their best to give him the kindness of making it as quick and painless as possible.

It did not escape the youth’s notice that Darrah seemed to have fallen behind, and she could only hope he’d taken a wrong turn, and not twisted an ankle or something.  She trusted, at least, that the young Tainn would have called for help if he needed the others.

Triell and his niece were right behind the animal, but the animal was veering towards them.  Towards Serach and Leotie – and what was she doing, exactly?  Certainly not contributing.  Pushing herself harder, Kyna’s gait opened up and she increased her speed, trying her damnedest to close the pace between the other two chasers.  If they could form a moving wall of wolf, well, it would at least deter the bull some, wouldn’t it?  Or distract him long enough for someone to grab him?

A snarl ripped from her, and the girl pushed harder, ears flattened as she snapped her teeth.  She was tough – aggressive – and no one would know how terrified she was, right?

Tagging @Triell because I think the others are inactive now, maybe?
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I revived this in hopes everyone could get points since we are close. @Serach @Kyna @Leotie @Ruenna left the move of the elk to you guys.

Teenagers scare the living shit out of me

Serach's voice rang out, encouraging and directing to the group. The Tainn was grateful for his steady tone, and direct words. No one broke rank. Almost there. He thought, his breath tugging in rapid pants. The rush of the hunt keeping him moving. He was eager to take another snap at the elk to help seal its fate. If they injured it further, it would make the hunt time lessen, and they could better surrounded it.

He was unaware of Ruenna's trepidation. Of her fear. Paws quickly fell and rose, he readied himself to take aim. Just had to get in a good bite. Then, from the corner of his eye he could see brown and cream form.  His niece making haste, till she had caught up beside him. A plea in her voice, a confession she wanted to bail out. He was going to tell her to just hang back. The words never left his head. Suddenly, there was a jolt, sharp and wicked that struck his shoulder, the lights went out, and he hit the ground with a terrible yelp. He laid there, not necessarily out cold, but he pain that pulsed through him rendered him motionless.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
Without Triell, I think it makes the most sense for this to be a failed hunt.

For several long minutes, Serach thought all was well. His young charges fell into line behind him, snapping and growling impressively at their quarry. They kept the line firmly defended, preventing any bold charges from the elk. Trying to make a break for it through their line of eager jaws and hungry stomachs was a guaranteed suicide, no matter how tempting it might have been. Veering closer, the pale man took another snap at the beast's legs, trying to herd him back towards the rest of the pack and away from the trees. It was time to end this.

And it would end, but not in the way that Serach was hoping. In a matter of mere seconds, everything changed. The elk lashed out violently with his hind leg, a loud noise underscoring the fact that it had made contact with its target. Triell crumpled to the ground and Serach snarled with a renewed ferocity, but his legs slid to a halt underneath him. The elk saw its chance and took it, running to safety across Serach's path as the subordinate turned back to his fallen packmate. "Triell!" He shouted as he closed the distance between them.

Nosing his uncle's face, he was only a little reassured by the hot breath of air coming from his nose and mouth. The wound on the leader's shoulder was ugly and for a split second, Serach wondered if Triell would ever walk again. "Go get Naira and Spieden. Right now. He needs help," he ordered without looking up at the others, the offending elk entirely forgotten.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

It was starting to look really good that they would bring down the elk and then they would have enough food for everyone to eat and then some. Following as close behind Serach as she thought safe to keep the elk from bolting between them she saw it coming closer to the two of them and snapped in its direction to force it over some. They were coming closer to the trees but she felt the end was coming and the elk would be down.

That was until she saw the the elks leg strike out from the corner of her eye and the loud sound that followed caused her head to turn in time to see Triell fall. All thoughts about the elk had vanished as she turned her head back to Serach who had suddenly stopped. She halted in time to keep herself from running into the pale man and a moment later she saw the elk disappearing into the trees. She wasn't concerned about that and more about Triell a whine escaping her as her gaze landed on her fallen leader once more.

Quickly her legs carried her to where his body lay only seconds after Serach had reached him. She waited, watching as he nosed Triell's face and when the order came to get Speiden and Naira came she didn't hesitate. Anything to help the man who had been so helpful to her, “I'll go,” She told Serach her voice a little shaky from the fear and worry she felt for Triell. Assurance given that she would bring the woman back Leotie took off at full speed to retrieve the women.

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2017, 10:45 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
One last response to wrap this thread up and archive. If you made the required number of posts, you should be able to claim for a failed hunt.

Triell had set out to teach the pack's yearlings a lesson today, but staring down at the blood matting on the leader's fur, Serach was certain that the lesson learned was one wholly different than what Triell had intended. He was grateful that Leotie responded - shock had not yet taken ahold of her. But even with Spieden and Naira's impending help, Serach could only feel grim at the possibility of what a wound like this would mean. Biting back his fear, he remained close to Triell, not entirely sure who he was trying to reassure more as he promised, "Don't worry. It's going to be okay. We're getting help."

Fade out.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]