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some things are better off forgotten — Broken Timber Pines 
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Played by becuffin who has 114 posts.
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When the old man turned to snap at her she laid her ears back along her head and took a few steps back, jaw dropping in mock-shock at his harsh tone. The edge of a grin worked its way back to her mouth, a nervous, high-pitched giggle filling the air as he finished his tirade. "Oh, please don't do that!" she rebuked with a smile, "Why, that's simply something I cannot fix!" Something deep and dark was unfurling as she watched the man struggle with her act and the ill effects of nightshade. She could have made it easy on him, she could have shut her mouth - but she simply couldn't resist the urge to shoot back.

She appeared disinterested as he moved towards the cowbane, a barely contained snort covered with a sneeze as he pulled a bitter face while chewing on the stalks, the white sap raising a stink bad enough to scrunch her nose. When she deemed he had consumed enough to finish the job, she took up her chirping again. "Come now, let's get you home to rest!" They hadn't walked far when she heard the wolf fall behind her, a casual glance thrown over her shoulder as she watched the final twitches of his system shutting down. Her head canted to the side, same small smile painted on her lips as when she had been acting so caring. "What a shame." she whispered with a sigh before turning on her heel and heading back towards the den. Someone else could find him. She would continue getting on with her day.
[Image: eek_sig_by_becuffin-db8e3ou.png]