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who'll stop the rain? — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

It warmed her to see @Felix copy her actions. Pip couldn't quite describe it to herself and while her handicap was rarely convenient, it was in this regard. It meant she never had to find words to describe something; how it touched and moved her. Not to say she didn't like practicing, even if the only one who ever heard her thoughts was herself. But it was nice to revel in the moment and simply enjoy it for what it was without knowing how to call it.

And so it passed. Observed and cherished.

This Mizuno girl smiled as Felix beckoned her in behind him, encouraging her out of the rain as well. And then there was that sweet request; one that touched her as much as his earlier actions. Stay. How could she not?

Her tail wagged behind her and she nuzzled the pup's head affectionately, flopping down to curl around him protectively. It was an odd sensation to have someone so small and warm tucked up against her side and belly and filled her with that odd sensation she could still find no words for, but adored all the same. Pip then began to sweetly groom the boy until every inch of mud was removed from his princely fur before she could then attend to her own.

All in all, it was a pleasant way to spend a rainy afternoon.

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[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]