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to travel is to take a journey into one's self — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
As Serach explained the possibilities, he watched Kyna carefully. She was a kind girl, but the truth was Serach didn't know enough about her to know exactly what possibilities intrigued her the most. He wasn't expecting her to respond well to the idea of becoming a guardian, for the same reason that she wasn't interested in being a hunter. He was pleased to know that she liked to run, and as she questioned him about an advisor, he wanted to seize on that bit of interest first. "Even if you don't want to become a hunter, if you like to run, it would be good for you to try and participate as much as you can in larger pack hunts so you can learn how to channel that energy," he explained with a smile, making a mental note to orchestrate a larger hunt once the group traveling to Hearthwood River returned.

"As for being an advisor, well," he started, coming to a stop so he could turn and look at her properly. "I'm glad you think I'm doing a good job, but there are plenty of situations that could arise where I'm not sure what to do. I might have an idea, but it certainly doesn't mean it's the only idea or the right one. Sometimes I might need to know what's going on in other packs, and need somebody to speak for Spieden and I because we need to stay here. A trusted advisor would be able to speak for us and make agreements with other packs. So yeah, they could travel." Between her enjoyment in running and her interest in travel, a scout or advisor role would suit her, the man thought, waiting for a moment to let her process before addressing the other issue with an advisor role.

"I know that advisors are typically older. But our pack is primarily younger members, and honestly, it would be helpful to hear about what the younger wolves are thinking. As you get older, you tend to forget what it was like and I know I wouldn't mind having somebody who could give me that perspective." He hoped he was reassuring. No matter what path she wanted to pursue, he wanted to support her as much as he knew how. Perhaps with Spieden's help, they could work on getting Kyna and all members of her peers into training before winter.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer
@Serach -- I am so sorry this took so long.  u __ u;;  We can start wrapping up if you like.  I did not mean for this to drag on forever.  :'D


“I suppose chasing a hunt wouldn’t be that bad.”

It was the best part, after all.  And that was not to say Kyna had anything against the act of hunting, or participating in the felling of any beasts; after all, she often hunted for herself, harvesting rabbits or squirrels.  When it was not to fill her own belly, the youth took pride in contributing towards pack caches – that was something her father had taught her very early on, and something that remained important to the young wolf.

There was little she had left of Phineas, after all.

Ears pricked forward as Serach’s voice chased the ghost from mind, going into detail about what an advisor should do for an alpha; how even a man who seemed to have his things together needed a wolf he could trust.  Her tail twitched behind her as they walked, her interest (and thought process) evident as she let the silence fall over them, trusting the white wolf to realize she was only digesting the information he had so freely offered.

“Do I have to pick now?” she asked eventually. “I think – I think I would be far more suited to a scouting or advisory role…but it is hard to know, exactly, without much practice in either.  Perhaps I could do runs for you, in the meantime.  To practice.”  Kyna paused for a moment, a slow smile spreading over her lips.  “Besides, I do not think you are old or out of touch at all.  Do not sell yourself short.”

Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
No worries! Maybe another from you to wrap this up?

He was pleased to see Kyna so interested in taking on a larger role within the pack. Although it still felt strange for the words to be coming out of his mouth. This seemed much more like a conversation he should be having with Triell, and in many ways it was like conversations the pair had indulged in smaller doses of over the years. But the fact remained that this was Serach's responsibility now, no matter how temporary that responsibility might end up being. He had never really thought himself particularly adept at giving advice either, so it was nice to know that Kyna was getting something out of it, even it the words did feel awkward on his tongue.

"No!" He blurted, his eyes wide as he shook his head quickly from side to side. "No, no, of course not. I didn't mean to pressure you at all. There's still lots of time to figure it out - hell, I was still trying to decide for myself when Triell was injured, so the only "time limit" is the one you set for yourself. If you think an advisor or scout role is best suited to you, then you should practice." He paused, his face screwing up in concentration as he thought about how she could practice. "Actually, there is something that would be helpful to know. We once had an alliance with a pack up towards the mountains - Fallen Tree Cove. I haven't been able to get up there recently myself, but if you are headed that way at any time and want to drop by and just see how things are and report back, that would be great." It was a low pressure assignment, and one she was free to take up if she felt like it. At the end of the day, Serach did not really feel himself beholden to alliances with other packs besides those he felt a strong connection with, but it certainly didn't hurt to know how their neighbors were doing.

"Thanks, Kyna," Serach responded with a smile of his own, grateful that even when he doubted his own ability to lead, there were still others who trusted him enough to do his best. "You up for a quick run? I've got to prove to myself I'm not as old as I think I am," he asked her with a woof. Lowering the front of half of his body into a bow, he invited her to play. Snapping his jaws at empty air, he stood up before leaping forward and settling into an easy lope so she could follow.

Runs into the sunset!
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer
Oh!  Oh!
He would let her check on something, if she was ever in that direction!  Kyna’s tail wiggled a bit behind her at the nothing; she had no idea where Fallen Tree Cove actually was, or what any of the wolves there were like, but the notion of adventure, and the ability to help the pack, all seemed very delightful indeed.  It took a moment for her to get the small outburst of excitement under control, ducking her head down as heat prickled beneath her strawberry blonde coat.  If wolves could blush, Kyna would most certainly be turning red.
Thankfully, Serach seemed to suffer from the same problem.
Even better, he was looking for something to do, to distract them both – what a good wolf, suggesting a run!  The yearling pranced in place, bobbing her head as she mirrored his play bow.  It still felt so good to play!  (And it was good to know that adults still wanted to play, too, even when they had as many responsibilities as an alpha did.)  “I won’t go easy on you!” she promised happily, bounding to her feet and running easily after the older wolf.  This was good.  This was so good.  She was finally starting to feel like she belonged in a home.