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On the Breeze — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vet said it was okay to skip her :) @Jynx @Gent
edit: making a change to Craw's response to wrap this up faster. This can be considered his last post unless Gent says/does something which warrants a reply.

To his surprise, @Sylva was extremely candid and non-accusatory in her account of what had happened and what had gone wrong. Perhaps his shock even showed on his face, with raised brows and a faint lifting of the aggression in his posture. He'd been prepared for her to try and throw them under the bison, but instead blamed herself. Which was entirely correct, of course; Craw had pushed her, but he pushed everyone, and they were closer to Whitestone than the Notch... not to mention how increasingly possessive he was feeling towards the lowlands in general.

As Sylva damned herself, Craw's attention snapped halfway through from the little black wolf to her large black leader, watching the reaction on her superior's face as she so willingly incriminated herself. What he saw there was not the kind of response he'd imagined in the man who led wolves like the loon here and the snarky manchild of before, but a weariness, a lack of patience, and Craw's ears tilted forward in curiosity. He saw a man who regretted the lack of dignity displayed by his subordinates, not one who shared their foolishness. Fascinating. And so it was, when the swarthy man strode forward to his packmate, Craw stood up and stepped back out of respect to give them room, and watched eagerly as Sylva was punished. Softer than Craw would have, but then the spider had no vested interest in her wellbeing...

Cool blue eyes met sharp yellow, and the two brutes regarded each other, each with a slightly changed opinion to moments before. The question prompted a pleased curl in the corner of Craw's lips. "You can keep your subordinates under control," he wheezed, though with less malice than he might otherwise had the black leader's manner been more accusatory. Craw jerked his snout at Sylva for emphasis, but added: "Her and that large mouthy brown creature of yours." The insults hadn't come from just this one occasion, though Craw didn't know if this man was aware of it. His nose lifted slightly, tail stiff but maintaining a relatively neutral position, and otherwise made an obvious point of smoothing out the agitation and hostility in his posture, though remaining wary still.

"... but I respect how you've handled the situation. We'll leave you be." Jerking his snout to the side in a gesture for Wraith: "Come."

He recognised strength and dignity when he saw it, and could admit he may have been wrong about this one. Turning to go, making sure to give the dark leader and his dark subordinate plenty of space, his smile crooked, he added: "Until next time."
(This post was last modified: Dec 08, 2016, 10:43 AM by Craw.)
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
I have no clue how to end this, if we meet the requirements for Lp I figured Jinx and Gent's last post and it'd be done? Unless Wraith is still posting?

The small wolf didn’t flinch, Gent’s actions had been quick and frightening, the moment his act of dominance had been done, she shrunk inside. The hard glare he had given her has his growl resonated through her skull had said it all. He was beyond pissed with her. A quiet and submissive whine escaped as he let go, ignoring her presence. The girl didn’t even bother looking toward Jinx, positive that she had an equally hard stare burning into the ebony yearling’s pelt.

Sylva slunk off to the side, staying low and sitting down on her haunches, keeping her muzzled angled toward the ground as she listened, not daring to even make so much as a sigh. She had shattered whatever faith Gent had placed in her, that much she was sure about, though there wasn't any fear about punishment later, she had screwed up and deserved whatever he decided to do to her. Her biggest concern was trying to regain that trust, something that had been very tenuous even at first. All she wanted was to just let the earth swallow her up in shame and embarrassment, Wondering how Raela might react if she heard about this encounter, no when she did, not if.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Sorry for the wait!

Watching as the events unfolded, which included Sylva's explanation as to why she had gotten herself in a pinch, Jynx only felt her irritation grow. Her blazing eyes flashed, lips tightening around her jaw in preparation to flash her teeth. Although she very much looked the part of a wolf who wanted to lunge, to put a lower ranking subordinate in their place, she did not. Instead she stayed rooted to her spot out of respect for Gent, who held the right to dish out the punishment Sylva must have known was coming. A soft growl boiled in her throat, even as she watched her dark leader muzzle grab the younger wolf, harshly. 

This incident brought her thoughts back to an earlier time, back to the days where she resided in Round Stone Crest, briefly. The occasion had been the one where she had first met Sylva and Ainashi. There too, the young female had overstepped her bounds by means of physical contact with the white male, since gone missing, who had taken none too kindly too her naive actions. Her chest heaved in a heavy, silent sigh, with her eyes still locked between Gent, Craw and the now humbled Sylva. How much longer would she have to continue to try and teach her proper wolf edict? Had she been in charge, the flame tinted hunter would not have been satisfied with a simple muzzle grab. Known for her temper, Jynx would have flat out pinned her to the ground, in a complete disciplinary display, with a few snaps the jaws for good measure.

Fortunately, the gray Alpha of the lowlands seemed pleased with how Gent dealt with the incident. She too, had played her own part by showing that not every wolf in her pack was a total loose canon, by standing firmly to the side. Matching yellow eyes flickered to the marred face of Craw once, lingering only briefly as if to convey her own silent form of apology on Sylva's behalf. She could relate to his frustration. As he and his dark second turned to leave, she dipped her crown in a silent, courteous nod towards them both. Falling in step with Gent, she paused to aim a harmless snap of her jaws in Sylva's direction. From now on, whenever she was around, she would be keeping a close eye on the girl. 
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
There was nothing that Gent liked about that first sentence of Craw's response. In different circumstances, it would've earned a snarl in retort and a quick avalanche toward worse. Yet, thanks to Sylva, the blue-black leviathan was in no position to demand respect. As it was, he could hold no ill will toward this other wolf for his choices; he would likely act the same in his pawprints. And so, the anger such a remark elicited was directed as well toward his own subordinate, seething quietly out of sight behind those glacial eyes.

His ears ticked forward and gaze widened slightly, noticeable signs of surprise, as what next came indicated that this wasn't the first run in the stranger had suffered with his own packmates. The description was not so vague as to make it difficult who was meant; it could only be Merys, and there began the schism in trust that would swiftly devolve into an insurmountable revine when the wolf would, not long after this day, disappear without a word from their ranks.

Things would certainly be dealt with, as Gent did not intend on allowing another under his command to repeat the mistakes learned of today. However, before any promises could be made, the other man accepted the encounter as it was and markedly took his leave along with his compatriot. Left without the need for words, the Notch king gave the golden eyed wolf a solemn nod before their backs were turned.

"Home," was all that was instructed to his own subordinates as he turned round and stalked southward, and it was all that would be said until they were within their own territory and he could properly reprimand Sylva in private.