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Lie to the Truth — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
weather: Light rain — Current Temperature: 57° F/14° C. time of day: late morning.

So this was it. She finally made it back. At least, this felt like home. Her nostrils twitched, teeth grit together. Her orange eyes flicked to her side, wondering if she'd see the cat there, but he hadn't been there in a long time. She could still hear him, feel him, but it had been a while since Pangur had shown his face. The earth was damp, marsh land. Aisling took a step forward, letting her paw sink down a bit before she began to make her way forward. The trees disappeared behind her, and the rain began to slowly saturate her fur. It was light but steady. Especially refreshing. Although she was glad to be home, she wasn't exactly sure where she was. This was one land that she had not managed to travel through before Pangur had advised her to depart.

"You shouldn't have come back..." She heard the ghostly tones of the cat somewhere around her ears. A low growl trickled from her throat. He hadn't bothered to try and stop her, but his grip had become that much stronger on her way back. She'd been punished for her decision. Though, in a way, she'd punished herself. Confronted by strangers, refusing to back down. Mixed with older dents were newer marks, one stretched along the underside of her muzzle, the occasional steam of blood still running from it. "Foolish." She ignored him now, allowing her orange eyes to dart about, searching for some evidence of familiar land. <b style="color:#388d10">"I don't recognize this place," The girl said, her voice seemingly disconnected from the rest of her. The body simply didn't match the sweet voice the spilled from it.

Slowly turning towards the north, she traveled a bit that way, though failed to leave the marsh. It was open. She liked it, at least as long as the sun was out. Perhaps someone would find her. "They'll kill you." Aisling snorted, ears twisting back. "Unless you kill them first." The cat laughed deeply, for once there was no sarcasm laced through the words. He seemed to have faith now in his servant. His vessel. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote><i>going to assume this happens after she meets kiche? just so it's less confusing maybe...</i>

The rain fell upon her in soft, small drops. It was not quite enough to get her top coat moist, but it left darkened spots in her pale coat. Head titled back, and she stared at the puffy, gray clouds breathing in the sweet scent of the rain. One drop to the eye, she shook herself without thinking and pressed her paws to the damp earth. The many miles she was doing these days the cold, and wet did not dampen her spirits, instead soothed her to a degree. A cushioned world for her tired soul. Today she had other reasons to be happy. She had gotten a rather plump woodchuck preparing for winter, and was taking him home. Neck arched, she had a death grip on the nape of the dark creature's fur not wanting to get it any diriter than it was. Taking long strides, she meandered around the broken trees on the ground, and tall bushes that might slow her. She as making good time today, and looked forward to coming home to some happy faces.

Her trail followed along the trees that bordered the marsh, as it was a clear path to home. She would often scan the surrounding wood, checking for friend or foe. She did not expect to see anyone, but a small part of her did. As of late she was being surprised by old, and new faces on her many trips for food. She was keeping an eye out for another wolf, a minature bit of hope she would spy a dark mask on a gray face. She kept trotting, half way along the marsh now. She slowed briefly climbing over a huge fallen tree, when in the distance she saw a blond, and muddy shape. Ears layed flat, and she slowly put her hind limbs the rest the way to the ground. She did not move, but watched through the curtain of light rain around the wolf. She tried to catch a scent, but her nose could not tell her much this time. A slight frown, she was tempted to bipass this wolf. If the loner was hungry it might not be a good thing to wave a good kill under their nose.

The longer she stood there, observing she was almost sure the wolf was no stranger. At the same time she questioned if it really could be Aisling. Was she so depressed now she was imagining things? Hmm, she softly let the nose vibrate her throat. She had just found Kiche, maybe just maybe..Her interest sparked, she had to find out. She decided she would risk the woodchuck just to see if it was the girl, her friend. Swiftly, she comes out of the clearing to the open marsh. She drops her kill, and softly lets out a woof not to startling the other.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
that's cool.

The marred and muscled female lowered her haunches to the ground, leaning down to lick at a forepaw, only to discover that the leg above it was now red with blood. Part of her mind began to roll, but it was overcome by something and she merely went to work clearing that up as well. The taste was unpleasant. That was a good sign, at least. She wouldn't resort to cannibalism anytime soon. Once her leg was appropriately blond again, she sat back up, tail curled delicately around her haunch as she surveyed the area from where she sat.

It was so open. She wondered how likely it would be that the marsh deepened the closer one got to the middle of it. Aisling rose to her paws, eyes suddenly wide with curiosity as her neck stretched forward prepared to investigate. Her tail even began to wag a bit. When a woof sounded a distance away from her, but it was clearly aimed towards her. Her head snapped around, orange eyes ablaze and narrowed, hackles raised and she snarled at the flora where the sound had come from. Although...Lifting her eyes slightly, she spotted the familiar white coat of Jayse. Aisling sucked in a breath, something of a smile seemed to be trying to overtake her face. "Self-control..." Whispered the feline voice, and the girl seemed to flinch slightly, her emotions changing in almost an instant.

Slowly, cautiously, she stalked towards the white wolf, the kindness and happiness gone from her eyes. Her tail wagged still slightly, and when the distance was a bit less, she spoke, ears up and pressed forward, <b style="color:#388d10">"Jayse?" Something was almost pleading to the white wolf, although it was no more than a question, hoping for confirmation that she was truly home. Pangur could not take this from her. Though Jayse might not understand. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>On second thought maybe it wasn't her. She'd never heard a sound like that ever come out of Aisling, not even close, nor the hair rise upon her back. She stood her ground, deciding whoever it was she needed to see enless they ran off. The small wolf stepped closer, and Jayse tried to see something familiar other than coat color. Both ears tipped backwards, her legs tight, ready to spring in case she was met with hostility. She saw the smallest of a wag, and heard her name which brought her ears up. She sounded lost, and Jayse wondered if for a moment she hadn't meant to leave Grizzly Hollow.

<b>"Yes, it's me,"</b> she says in a happy tone, her high tail beating through the air. She paces in her direction, and smiles at first. Then her eyes fall on the damages, and she isn't smiling any more. Light brows deepen, concerned. <b>"Are you alright?"</b> She asks, seeing the tiniest drops of blood coming from her chin. It looks like she's been attacked. She halts, lips parted tempted to attend to her wounds, but feeling she should take this slow she closes her mouth. She doesn't know what happened, and worries she might be skittish of her now. She has no idea what's changed, though she can see Aisling no longer shines like the sun, like she once had.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
Aisling felt frozen all of the sudden, and confused. She was happy to see Jayse, but she wasn't allowed to show it. Her face was frozen, though her tail still wagged weakly, desperate to show some sort of positive emotion. The smallest of growls left her as Jayse closed the distance between them, and to the white wolf's smile, Aisling could do nothing but frown. The blond wolf recoiled as Jayse seemed to about ready to tend to her wounds, and her nose scrunched. <b style="color:#388d10">"I, uh...Encountered a few less-than-friendly packs." No thanks to Pangur. Her jowls lifted in displeasure. <b style="color:#388d10">"How...How are your children?" Aisling asked, ears pressed forward. The frown had disappeared from her face, though she seemed more neutral at this point. Oh, all she wanted to do was say hello to her best friend and comfort her and grovel at her paws, apologizing for disappearing. "I haven't heard a thank you from you, yet." Pangur chided in the distant corners of her brain. "But you have nothing to apologize to this cur for." Aisling frowned again, a hefty sigh pushing out of her lungs. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She took a step back to give Aisling more space when the closeness seemed to trigger just what she'd been afraid of. Jayse stared still in a bit of disbelief it really was Aisling standing before her, torn in places. She hardly looked even close to the wolf she'd been. If she hadn't heard her name, she would have kept walking home. She hadn't walked away. Unpleasantly her ears twist back, and her head jerks slightly upward at her vague reply.She hadn't answered her directly, but her answer upset the gray leader none the less. Who could have wanted to harm her? <b>"That's no good. I'm sure Elettra has something that might help you,"</b> she says, trying to keep the mood light.
Mostly she tries not to stare at the scars, or how she can't quite smile.

<b>"Oh, there, well alright...."</b> She speaks quietly, her head dropping, eyes looking directly past Aisling. She knows she needs to tell her, but doesn't want to say it outloud. Everyone else knew, and she didn't want someone asking her later, that'd be worse wouldn't it? <b>"We lost Prosper, and B..his father is missing too."</b> She says, her voice emotionless, because it wasn't easy to say. The end of her tail slightly dips, and she tries not to think about it. It's out there now. A pause hangs in there like dead weight, and she hears the loud sigh. Weight shifts between her front feet, and she tries to smile. <b>"Hey you wouldn't happen to be looking for home would you?"</b> She asks, actually hoping that's why she was here. It was logical to think she hadn't made it the rest of the way wasn't it? That she'd want to come back?</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
Aisling was forcing herself to believe that Jayse wouldn't hurt her. Despite what her brain said, she truly knew otherwise. That was why she'd come back. She knew that this place was home, it was safe. Safer than her parents' chilly embrace had been. She'd made friends...And more. Her eyes drifted to the side slightly, her chest hurt. "Thinking about that silly worshiping wolf, are you?" Pangur laughed, and it almost made her ears hurt. Hopefully she'd find him here, too. Maybe he'd understand...She looked up suddenly as Jayse spoke. Help? Aisling's shoulders hunched and she seemed to curl back nervously.

<b style="color:#388d10">"It's just a little blood. No need to worry." Her voice took on an embarrassed tone and she cleared her throat, watching the pale wolf from an angle, too afraid to look her in the eye. Jaysyek was so accepting, but she just didn't understand...Nothing Elettra had would do her any good. Something in Aisling's mind seemed to snap, upon hearing such bad news. A puppy gone, and their father? The blond wolf growl, front paws kneading the earth. <b style="color:#388d10">"I'm...S-s-sorry to hear that." The word felt odd to say and she didn't move to comfort her friend, although she wanted to. The girl was a puppet. Her paws had ceased their movements and she was still again. The feline voice was silent, but she knew that he was pleased to hear the news...And she couldn't help but share the feeling. She forced her muzzle straight, knowing that it was horrible. Awful. Her friend was in pain.

"She's so willing to take you back with open arms...Go ahead." Aisling stretched one paw forward, and slowly nodded, succumbing to her fate. <b style="color:#388d10">"That's why I came back." Her voice seemed to plead again, its tone so natural and normal. She'd already said yes in responding to the question of her superior, but she knew that going back wouldn't be good. His ideas were her ideas now...She'd brought him here, but she didn't want him to hurt them. Not through her. It seemed as if it would be unavoidable now. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>It looked like Aisling wounds went past the surface. Jayse did not understand what evil was there...only something was wrong. This worried her, but like Kiche how could she not help Aisling. They were friends, despite what had happened, and she would be much safer in Grizzly Hollow. Hopefully she'd be able to make a full recovery.

She was slightly puzzled why she didn't want help, but would not push the matter. <b>"Oh, alright. If you need something just let me know,"</b> she smiled warmly deciding maybe she felt ashame to accept it or something. She would have a hard time with someone fussing over her.

Ears twisted hearing unfamiliar growls. She took this as a sign of distress, and only somberly bowed her head at the cut appoligize. She had no more to say about it now. It wasn't good to not talk about it, so far she couldn't bring herself to do so. There was no one she felt open enough to share with. Raigo was not exactly a boy, but he was not a man. She felt that'd be unfair to come to pieces on him. Elettra though caring , and protective of her, and family Jayse wasn't sure how an emotional conversation would work out. And her biggest excuse was she had to hold it together. Who wanted a leader who was falling apart. Right now she really didn't want to upset Aisling more.

A more tired smile lifted her lips upward, and her tail gave a soft wag at the girl's answer. It sounded more like her. <b>"The hollow will be happy to have you back, and well I'm sure Kiche will be relieved to find your here, and okay."</b> She wanted to let her know he was back too. She wasn't sure if this would change her mind, or make her more willing to head home. She let it sink in, and turned back to where the dead woodchuck was. <b>"Shall we?"</b> She asked, pointing in the direction Grizzly Hollow would be. Quickly she reached down, grabbing the pup's dinner for the day, letting her tail wave above her, and she took a step ready to lead Aisling home.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
Jayse didn't seem willing, past what she'd said, to go on more about the loss of possibly two family members. Aisling gritted her teeth, but shrugged it off. It wasn't her business. "None of it is your business. You shouldn't even be speaking to this horrible creature." Aisling blinked hard, and nodded her head in response to Jayse's comment about help, thought it was entirely possible that she was also agreeing with Pangur. All she wanted now was to go back to the Hollow and sleep. When she slept, everything was okay. Quiet and dark. No one bothered her and she didn't bother anyone. Her attention was recaught when Jayse wagged, speaking again. <b style="color:#388d10">"...Kiche?" Booming laughter rang in her ears, and they twisted back. All she did was nod again.

She watched as her leader picked up her catch, something Aisling hadn't even noticed and began to lead the way home. Home. Home. She was home now. Pangur snorted and Aisling grit her teeth again. Perhaps she shouldn't get too comfortable... <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."
