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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor
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It really was liberating, to talk of the past in such a frank manner. Bella lamented that she had had neither the opportunity or willing listener to speak of it before now, otherwise it might have been easier to finish letting go. Emotionally strong and in control of herself, even on bad days, the chocolate woman had served very well as her own therapist... but there was no replacement for the genuinely sympathetic and understanding ear of a friend.

Even when some of the things said were not exactly expected. Bella had seen Aideen's reaction to her final declaration, the words offered honestly, brazenly, and she wondered if the gentle leader thought any less of her for being able to think anything so cold. Hopefully her story had managed to convey why she felt like that, so it could be understood, if not on every level. The spikes of anger and hatred she felt towards her former lover came infrequently, but were still potent enough to surprise her when they did, as a wolf who prided herself on her gentle nature.

But then Aideen reached forward to touch their muzzles and Bella melted under the simple gesture, tail waving and heart swelling at the sentiment. The smaller woman's words were few but poignant, and Bella's smile grew to mirror her friend's. "Wise words," she laughed, feeling lighter, feeling more whole. "And don't worry - if I ever see him again, you'll be the first to know."
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]