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Interloper — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Silence was met by her daughter's small and smart remark, though a flash of her teeth was made towards her, enough of a warning to her daughter should she push her further. Morganna had always been one with a way of words, twisting and manipulating, cutting like a knife. It was probably something she used often within her own pack territory, though Elettra's own attributes in her leadership were a bit more physical should someone cross her. 

Their walk was silent for a few moments, Elettra watched the light and dark pair carefully. Sven seemed proud to have been given this task, addressing Morganna outside of the pack lands where she should have waited to begin with in order to see her mother. Morganna's worry would only cause Elettra to be reminded of her missing mate and her equally two missing sons. If anything, Morganna being here would insure that word of Angier having wondered off would reach the north. If anything, Morganna could be a messenger and be ever watchful of any signs of her father. With winter not far away however, Elettra would hope that Angier and Niles had not moved that far away. From Morganna's words, it was obvious that her and her followers had traveled as far away from their home land as possible whilst still clinging onto the edges of the Lore. The Secluded Springs was as far as Elettra had ever known and if they were a day further from that, Elettra was not very aware that visiting her daughter's lands would never be a possibility for her. Still, Elettra would pass on word of this to her daughter Ravenna should she ever be interested in finding her sister down the road. 

"No trees at all?" She was bewildered, a single ear turning back at this information as a concerned expression moved over her features. True, they could see the danger coming for miles, though this also meant the danger could see them, too. Although Elettra was not interested in the tight and overwhelming confines of something like Secret Woodlands or the dark Vale which she had crossed through before, having some kind of forestry was pleasant to her. Without trees, the sun was constantly on your back in the summer and the snows came down full force in the winter and there was less protection for the children, less places to run and hide under... "A tundra?" She asked to be certain. If she could think of it, it was a vast, open land. Harsh and cold. Elettra remembered the one that laid beyond The Wall in Torbine quite well. 
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
Despite wanting to convince himself that he cared nothing for what Morganna had to say, he listened to every word nonetheless. All that she described meant nothing to him though, as he'd never managed to travel further north than the falls where his dark secret was kept. A giant rock in the middle of tundra, whatever that was. Without trees. He pictured the heights of the mountains that separated him from Sahalie, and wondered if maybe they made up the entirety of the north. Maybe that was how the world met its end at every edge.


His silence was heavy and determined, until they were well out of bounds. When he felt as though his part in this affair was finished, he chuffed to his grandmother, strides coming to a close. If she wanted him to stay, he would be obligated to. However, if she let him, he'd much rather return to Attica than stick around to listen as they caught up and Morganna went on about how much better her life without them was. Curling up with his baby sister always helped to melt the anger and frustration away.

His steps turned, angling the boy in anticipation of turning around, but his pale gaze remained on @Elettra for her direction.
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

She nodded to her mothers question, "Yeah, all flat an yellow and brown as far as th' eye can see." @Sven's chuff was enough to tell her that he didn't want to see her children and that was fine with her, she tipped her head in the direction of the Grove and kept walking, happy to leave the sullen boy at the borders if that was what he so wished. They would rest for a few days before returning to the north and she would no doubt talk to him again before taking her leave for good. "There's cracks and caves ter keep us outta the wind and a shallow lake at the face of the monadnock..." the word was still foreign on her tongue.

She could hear their laughter now, and her pace increased with a chuff of warning to let the children know it was her that approached, the lanky shadow and bright blaze of red charging through the trees to greet them. She would step back and allow her mother some time to be swamped by the children before she bothered trying to introduce them. "The dark one is Odin, and the red one is @Kara." She finally managed with a smile.


@Elettra I'll archive this here, if you want a backdated one with the kids too just let me know and I'll get it up asap :)
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]