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Creep'n through the woods — Lost Lake 
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Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lunette Vuesain
Pups begin to accompany adults on hunts for a short time and are capable of returning to the pack den on their own.
Light rain
58 ° F, 15 ° C

Water was falling from the sky, rain that’s what @Namid had called the liquid, somehow the same stuff that ran through the creeks and streams that had passed through the pack’s massive expanse of land. Massive at least, to the young girl, which was a fair agreement, considering she had never been outside of the pack’s territory, which was what had brought her out here. Sometimes Lunette was cursed with an impulse to want to explore, everything in sight, every tree, rock and stream. A slight feeling of guilt rose with in the young girl as she glanced behind her, she knew she should be this far away from the safety of the pack’s den, but she had saw something, a small mirage of color fluttering across the breeze.

Lunette had followed the butterfly for a short ways...at least she had thought it had been a short ways, so consumed by following the dancing colors, she had lost track of where she had been, the single focus on the fluttering bug had been broke when the pup had felt something hit her between the ears, the rain. Her slowly browning gaze blinked owlishly as she looked around, unable to recognize anything. A couple of thoughts flooded Lunette’s mind one after another, the realization that she had no clue where she was, that it wa sraining, that Momma would be ANGRY and...it hit her like a brick wall, how tired she was.

The light shower of rain slowly grew in strength, pelting everything around her when Lunette caught sight of something weird, the falling rain rippling across the...ground? She wasn’t sure so of course Lunette followed the same line of thought that had gotten her into this situation, she didn’t put an ounce of thought into it and shuffled toward the..thing. She found herself on the banks of the Lost Lake, the largest expanse of water she had ever seen, stretching..well everywhere. Too tired to contemplated this odd discovery. Lunette let out a tired yawn and scooted under the shelter of a nearby bush, curling up with only the thoughts of how she’d explain this to her sister, mother and @Vespertio as she drifted off to sleep, lulled by the soft patter of the rain hitting the nearby lake and the leaves of the bush above.
(This post was last modified: Aug 27, 2016, 10:40 PM by Lunette.)
Played by becuffin who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She had left the Spectral Woods with what was left of her tail between her legs. It had been too good of an opportunity to pass up and yet, the child had been well protected. A shame, really. She ached from where the Bend guardians had landed their bites, her wounded pride keeping her from returning to the Pines just yet. Instead she decided to keep scouting out the neighbourhood, slender legs eating up the ground that stretched up the mountain towards the Lost Lake.

It was the scent of water that drew her in first, her parched tongue passing over a now dry nose. Once her thirst was quenched a large, flat boulder caught her eye. She made herself comfortable, silver eyes missing the gathering clouds on the horizon. It wouldn't hurt for her to take a nap before she figured out just how to get home again.

It was the rain that woke her up with a grumble, silver eyes parting just in time to catch a blur of grey wriggling beneath a bush. She tried to blink the sleep and rain from her eyes, with the size it was hard to tell. Was this another stray child? Was fate shining down on her? Or was it merely a bobcat that she could amuse herself with for a few minutes before heading home?

She jumped down off the boulder and approached, nose low to the damp earth trying to discern just what she was on the trail of.
[Image: eek_sig_by_becuffin-db8e3ou.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lunette Vuesain
The silver pup’s flanks rose and fell gently as she dozed with a child’s ability to fall asleep at the most inappropriate times. The rain assaulting the brush she laid under, slowly saturating the ground around her as something stirred, causing the girl’s bleary and sleepy eyes to blink open. Something was shuffling through the rain, Squinting, Lunette wasn’t able to make out what it was but her instincts told her that it was big..unknown and probably scary.

The pup stood quickly and glanced around, trying to figure out what she could do as the shadow moved closer and closer through the rain, almost as though it could SMELL her. The was only one solution. Lunette huddled against the ground and scooted further back into the bush,a terrified whine escaping the pup as she tried to be stealthy, closing her eyes so the Thing couldn’t possibly see her. S-sorry M-mama, Papa… She thought to herself, what if this thing found and did something horrible to her.l-like eat her or even worse...let the Stuff get her!

These terrible and completely irrational fears did well to elicit another terrified whimper from the girl, the very epitome of stealth as her last thoughts wandered toward @Namid , @Vespertio and @Ismena , or her poor insane sister, always jumping head first into everything that would kill her, what would she do without Lunette there to help her!?
(This post was last modified: Sep 14, 2016, 03:49 PM by Lunette.)
Played by becuffin who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Like any predator with cornered prey, the high pitched response of that singular whimper was hardly inspiring pure intentions from the dark wolf. Jaws parted in anticipation, nose pushing forcefully between tightly wound branches while frantic paws followed in close fashion hoping to flush whatever the small thing might be out. When her teeth found nothing but empty air and her useless claws were unable to latch into anything to drag it out into the rain she took a step back to reassess her options. The rain was begining to fall harder, and the black wolf could only be unaware that the parents here lost a son in similar weather the year before, no doubt a coincidence that would have @Vespertio and @Namid on high alert as soon as they realised their precious daughter had wandered off.

Eek lowered herself down to her belly, tilting her head this way and that to get a better view on the thing that was hiding in the bush underneath. When finally a flash of silver was spotted through the leaves she lauched, hoping to pull whatever whimpering thing it was into the open, if only to get a better look at it before the resident pack wolves showed up to steal her meal.
[Image: eek_sig_by_becuffin-db8e3ou.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lunette Vuesain
You can archive if you like, or if you want to wrap it up on your end that's fine too. <3

Lunette Vuesain

I’ve got my love stuck in my head

A child of sunshine and safety, warm fur and loving embraces, and, yes, the occasional irrational bout of unfounded fear—what was happening was beyond what she had ever thought possible. The darkness coiling around her mind in the darkest hours before dawn had never had shape. She had only thought of loose what if's, of getting lost, maybe hurt, not.. not hunted by a savage wolf.

For that was what it was. A wolf, it's hot, harsh breath like the sound of hell itself, blunt crawls scrabbling in rain-wet earth for one thing only: Lunette. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she felt sick with the adrenaline. Another whine escaped her mouth as she tried to shove herself further backwards, the unrelenting fangs of hell snapping against the tangle of branches.

She was stuck. She couldn't get anywhere. And the wolf

It was suddenly gone. There was no pitch-dark muzzle trying to shove its way underneath the thicket. Hesitant, numb with fear and love, Lunette began to unfurl.

That had been a mistake.

White fangs snapped through the dark air, clamping shut on the back part of her skull, piercing her flattened right ear in the process. Lunette screamed, a high, shrill sound spearing through the incessant patter of rain, and with a ferocity she hadn't known she had she dug all four stubby paws into the ground, bracing and scrabbling and trying to do anything to fight the inevitable, to shake off the burning pain of teeth trying to find purchase in thin skin and thick fur and bone

With a spike of agony the pressure ended; without pausing to think, to feel, to be afraid, Lunette turned on the spot in the thicket, leaving a few stains of blood on a stranger's teeth as she, somehow, some way, managed to crawl deeper, to freedom, life—new dawns.

But she would never forget. The rip in her right ear saw to that.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity