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The Next Big Thing — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
Latif sat and waited patiently for the wolf in front of him to spill his guts out. He already knew that Mr. Grumpy was nervous and unsure about this situation the pale man couldn't change that. They had gotten off to a rather bad start after all. His tail curled around his paws, almost cat-like as he watched the darker man lick his lips as he thought. Then the words began to break the air and the pale man listened intently, ears swiveling forward to catch every word that was spoken. He didn't want to misunderstand something.

He didn't feel right? So this didn't appear to be something that had happened to the other wolf, but just a build up...of something. An eyebrow raised as he went on to add that he felt like a piece of shit. Well that certainly didn't sound healthy that was for sure. Latif let the words hang in the air as he thought about what Mr. Grumpy had said.

First off is there something that feel like you especially suck at? Or is it just an overall feeling? Latif questioned his head tipping to the side. Skills could be learned and that took time. A good example would be hunting or even tracking. But if it was something that Mr. Grumpy felt overall the pale man felt like it might just be confidence in what he could do. Maybe Mr. Grumpy felt like he couldn't do anything because he thought he sucked at everything. It was a train of though he wanted to follow but he wanted to hear what the darker man said first before he ran with that idea.
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Askan cast a glare at the newcomer, the sort that made his resentment clear. What the hell had made him jump to that sort of conclusion? And what the hell was that supposed to mean? Did he come across as some sort of looser? A down and out? What the hell! Sure, Askan felt like shit, but did that mean that he believed it? Sort of. Not really? He didn't know. He was certain that there wasn't anything wrong with him, that he was in the all clear. It wasn't him that was broken, it was the world. Or at least that's what he tried to persuade himself. It didn't seem to be working as of late, hence this pathetic little display.

"I'm not a screw up!" He snapped, adamant. "I'm good at most things." He paused and then continued in a quiet bitter voice. "Not running though, too slow. That's not a real problem though, I don't need to be fast."

He could make up for his lack of speed in other areas, and he had proved so on several occasions.

It was almost laughable how that one little question was enough to get beneath his skin. That was all it took to make him grumble in annoyance, which again was laughably pathetic. So he took another deep breath and tried to de-puff his fur. It worked somewhat.

"Overall I guess?" He took his time in responding, as though he was really thinking this through. It wasn't something he had ever thought too hard about before, but now that he was it was difficult to pin it down.

Really difficult, as though half or more of the problem was hidden from view. Though in part it was down to the fact that he didn't want to know, he couldn't bare to acknowledge it. He'd much rather bury his head in the sand and pretend that he was secure as he pretended to be. Clearly he wasn't doing such a great job of that today. Damn it. 

"I don't know what it is, but I hate it. Hope it isn't contagious." He squinted at that thought, he wouldn't wish this fate on anyone else. Even that Lorcan dude, who certainly wasn't on his top list of favourite people. 
(This post was last modified: Oct 06, 2016, 05:33 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
Latif hadn't thought that his question was rude, blunt maybe, rude no. That is until he was getting shouted at again. A slight flinch was the only thing that gave him away his surprise. This wolf sure liked to snap at others maybe his nickname should be Snappy instead of Grumpy. Even though he was trying not to get annoyed at the other prickly behavior Latif couldn't the prickle of irritation that began to rise in him. He was trying to help for crying out loud. He wasn't trying to be rude and he sure wasn't trying to make fun of the other wolf even if it seemed like he was.

"I wasn't saying that you were. Latif responded back tone neutral,though he really wanted to snap back at this point. For this reason he didn't want to set Mr. Grumpy off again. That being said he was going to have to watch what he said around the darker male a bit more.

The answer to the question he had asked finally came after a brief cooling period and Latif nodded. "Personally I think you just need to find someone who needs your skills. Once you find them your confidence will grow and you probably will start feeling less like crap. He sure wasn't a therapist but it was the best he could think of. When you felt needed your ego got a boost and maybe that was what the wolf in front of him needed, a boost. "If it was contagious I think I would have gotten it already, and not from you." Latif said with a light smile. He had no idea if what he had said would actually help or hinder but it was the best he had to offer, because he wasn't going to be the one to stick with Mr. Grumpy.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Askan noted the way the stranger flinched away at his outburst. The Yukon wolf hadn't done it to threaten him, otherwise he would have been up in his personal space, but even so he couldn't help but feel a little smug at the response. Good, so he knew where they stood. He knew that Askan wasn't a wolf to mess with. Or at least that's what Askan wanted others to think of him. He needed to be seen as worthy.

"I already have that." Askan explained, making a slight effort to keep the impatience out of his voice. He really didn't like explaining himself. "I have.... Allies nearby. We're almost ready to form a pack. I'm part of something.  It feels good, being needed. But I still... This shit won't go away."

More than anything, Askan didn't want his feelings to get in the way of what he had. He didn't want his outbursts to scare away what few allies he had. He liked the others. He respected the Old man and was more than willing to do his bidding. He had truly meant it when he had declared his loyalty to him and his mate. He'd do anything, become anything to ensure that his and his own was safe. And for weeks now he was doing his damn best to ensure that was the case. He was good at keeping watch, and even though he didn't have much tact he was also pretty good at letting others know they weren't welcome. 

All of this just didn't make sense, the numbers didn't add up. And it was all just so frustrating! 

Askan sighed and raised a paw to swipe at his eyes. "It's just annoying, you know? I thought I could tell the Old man- my boss- about it, but I don't want him to get all worried. He's too nice." 
(This post was last modified: Oct 09, 2016, 04:12 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
It seemed that he had been wrong. Mr. Grumpy already had those that relied on him but he still felt like crap and Latif didn't really know what else to say to the darker man. Plus he wasn't quite sure what the exact problem was either, or rather the cause of it. All he knew was that Mr. Grumpy was well grumpy and felt bad...all the time. So without anything else to say that might help the pale man kept his jaws shut and let the other talk as he wanted. Latif raised a brow when he heard that they were forming a pack and he knew that he was going to be leaving this land quicker than he had said. He didn't want to get involved with a pack at the moment, especially one that was likely looking for members to get it going.

"More than likely your boss is going to know sooner or later if he doesn't know already. But if you don't want to worry him with it why not talk to another member who might be able to help you out?" Latif asked curiously. If he didn't want to trouble his boss then shouldn't he at least be able to go to another member and talk with them? Or didn't he trust the wolves he was going to live with completely yet? "It would help build stronger ties and with winter on its way your going to need that bond." The pale man also added with thoughtful tone. A new pack could crumble and break easily if the members didn't get along, but that also brought up the question. What was he going to do for Winter? Because he wasn't going to join one yet and he sure wasn't going to join Mr. Grumpy's pack.
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Sorry for the delay! Life was dragging me down

"Suppose." Askan was reluctant to say he was right, but even he could see the sense behind his words. How was Drestig supposed to trust him, if he couldn't do the same? Askan sighed and shook his head. "Just embarrassing, is all. I'm not weak." Of that he was adamant. He thought that if he said it enough one day it'd be true.

Either way, Askan was tired. He needed time to think over all of this, he wanted to mull over Latif's words, even if he wouldn't admit to it. The Yukon wolf sent a glance his way, before he dedicated his whole attention to the other. It wasn't that he disliked him per se, he'd only been trying to help, but his presence was tiring nonetheless. In a sense, his whole lecture had reminded him of the many interactions Askan had with his uncles- something he wasn't too keen to recall. 

"You probably shouldn't hang around here. There's packs about. Not sure what they'd think of you loitering. I don't care but... They might." He shrugged, as though it didn't matter to him. It didn't. It truly didn't. And yet he found himself asking... "You got plans?" 

Again, he truly didn't care. He couldn't give two hoots, but at the very least he'd like to know what he was doing. Askan did like to be in the know, he often made it his business to be. It wasn't as though he thought he owned these lands, as of then no one owned them, not all of the Lowlands anyway. So he had no right to be so possessive but..... It was easier to think of such things, to worry over turf feuds then his feelings. Those were...Difficult, complicated and even though Latif had tried his best to help, had he really?

Askan wasn't sure. He'd had enough of thinking about it though, of that he was certain.
(This post was last modified: Nov 13, 2016, 06:20 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
So it wasn't that he didn't trust his new allies it was because he didn't want to come off as weak in front of them. Depending on how well the others knew him Latif could understand the fear. Especially if he didn't know them at all. Never said or thought you were. He responded back. The other hadn't given him a reason to believe that at all in fact he had done just the opposite.

Latif was trying to decide if there was something else he should say that might help or if he had helped enough. It wasn't like he could fix the problem easily, like one would to fill a belly. This seemed to be a more troublesome and personal problem for Mr. Grumpy. He was mulling over these thoughts when Mr. Grumpy spoke reminding him of the packs in the area and the fact that they might not like his presence.

Worried about me? Latif asked with a slight grin before continuing on. If they chase me away there's not much I can do besides in a day or two i'll be heading back South again. I might join a pack down there or i'll head home for Winter. Whatever comes first. He said the last part with a shrug he just wanted to be out and having adventures and fun. That way when he went home to visit he would have some stories to tell his younger siblings. He already had one tale to tell but he would need more than that to satisfy their curiosity.
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
At least there was that, at least Latif didn't think he was weak or inept. Sure, he could just be saying that to placate him, to stop him from getting his fur all ruffled again. But his tone was calm, as though he accepted it as fact. Good. The last thing Askan wanted was to bare his teeth again. The aggressive act he so often adopted was tiring, simply because he wasn't an outright violent man. He just had a short fuse and was a little... sensitive. To put it lightly.

Then Latif had to go and tease him, with a coy little grin. It would have annoyed him, Askan would have denied it fervently but for now he let it pass with a roll of his eyes and a huff. If he wanted to interpret it like that, then so be it. Askan didn't have the will or energy to argue otherwise. 

"S'good to have a plan I suppose." He told him, his tone as gruff as always. 

This winter surely was going to be a tough one, he could feel it in his bones and it lingered in the air like an unwelcome guest. He glanced to the sky and sighed, before looking to his temporary companion. As unpleasant as this was, he was ready to go on his way. He was ready to be alone, he had some sorting out to do. And with luck he'd come back a better, stronger man, or at the very least he'd come back with his head screwed on right. 

"This has been... All right. But I've got to go. Good luck down south, or whatever." Askan grumbled dismissively. He had never claimed to be a smooth talker, and so this was the best he could muster considering the situation.

With that, Askan turned his back to the pale wolf and swished his tail in lame excuse as a proper goodbye. He doubted he'd ever see the fool again, but-internally at least- he hoped that he didn't die. Not from the cold at least. That'd suck.

Askan leaves
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2016, 05:48 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
It seemed like there discussion or was it just on the edge of an argument was coming to a close. The pale man was sure that he couldn't help anymore so what else to talk about but then why did they have to talk some more. Latif wasn't quite sure but he knew that this whole situation had been a little on the tense side and that it was likely his fault at that. Nothing he could do now though he thought to himself as Mr. Grumpy rolled his eyes before saying his parting words. Latif sat there watching the dark wolf walk off not sure if he should call after him a few parting words. Then he decided that it was likely better if he didn't.

Standing after Mr. Grumpy had left him his golden eyes scanned the area as he wondered where he should head next. He didn't want to stick around this area much longer and with night not that long off he would have to find a spot to sleep. Maybe there would be something to either side of this open place. The mountains lay to the east and they seemed to be begging him to come to them. So with that in mind he began to lope to the east wondering what he would find tomorrow and if he would run into another wolf that was as grumpy as his late companion was. He hoped not but whatever came he would face it head on.

-Exit Latif-
(This post was last modified: Nov 26, 2016, 10:01 PM by Latif. Edit Reason: grammer )