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gaze into the iris — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
Apologies for the wait! :x

There had been very few snakes back in her birth place, and so Yvly had little idea of how to get it out of the den and away from them and the pups. Her experience had been limited to spotting one on the plains and then running in the opposite direction hoping it did not follow, and so she listened attentively to Veho as he spoke. She did not know the difference between a snake with a rattle and one without, but assumed one with was the more dangerous of the two. Her gaze turned to Pip as the smaller female picked up a pebble and tossed it into the den. The snake swiftly curled away further into the den to get away from the foreign object. Yvly glanced at Pip, gently prodding her shoulder with her muzzle. It had been worth a shot.

The tawny female turned her attention to Nineva as the younger spoke of previously dealing with snakes in this 'Caverns' place. As the younger had more experience in the matter she was willing to place her trust in the yearling and do what she said as long as it got the snake away from the den. Brows furrowed at the mention of mice. Yvly often went for slightly larger prey than a mouse and so had no idea of there even was a mouse in one of the caches. "I can go check on them, if you wish?" Yvly said softly in response to Nineva's query about the pups. This was definitely not her forte, but would happily stay and help if Veho wished for another to go do it.

274 words

Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

Had you been there tonight, you might know how it feels to be struck to the bone!

Though she said nothing, Pip’s activity still caught the alpha’s eye.  Ears flipped backwards as the girl ventured forward – not out of any concern for a shiny rock his son may or may not add to a collection, but that the young female might get herself bitten by aggravating the intruder.  He held his breath; thankfully, his faith was rewarded, and though Pip had made her best effort, the snake had not budged from its newfound home.

Pale, moonlit eyes fell to Nineva as the yearling spoke up, ears perking up considerably as she made her suggestion.  Though there had been the occasional snake near the reservation where he spent his childhood, it was rare the wolves did anything about it.  But this—

“This is an excellent idea,” he hummed softly, glancing over at the other woman as she chimed in.  She was given a small nod, cheeks puffing out as the grey wolf chuffed. “I would appreciate that greatly, Yvly.”  Gaze quickly switched to his mute packmate, tail moving slowly.  “Pip, would you go get a mouse from the nearest cache?  As quick as you can.” Just like she had before – even if the girl hadn’t thought of becoming a scout, he was certainly starting to think she’d make a fine one.

Finally, he glanced back at Nineva.  “I suppose we should give the snake some space.  Pip will get the bait to lure it out – should we chase it off, afterwards?  I doubt it will return if we do.”

@Pip -- You're up!  Feel free to set the trap in your post/move the snake if you feel like it.
[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

There was always an odd little thrill of pleasure nowadays when she was called upon to help with the pack. She was trusted, included now in every day life where before she had been forced to live at the edges and sneak a peek in now and again. Before, her siblings and the gulls had been her only play mates. Now, while she wasn't overtly playful, she had an entire pack to turn to whenever the mood suited her. That @Veho turned to her specifically and asked her - not for the first time - to run an important errand, she beamed at him. Orange eyes gleamed at him brightly and her tongue lolled from her mouth in a pleasant smile. A single, curt nod was given before she bounded off as fast as she could run.

She was getting faster, too. Her paw pads were getting tougher, no longer used to cushioning sand but the varying terrain present within Cedarwood Forest. Weaving in and out of trees as if she were born to it, Pip immediately located one of the caches not far off from the medical den in instances where emergency rations would be required. Madly, her claws dug at the earth, upturning soil stiff from frost and tossing it behind her in a mad dash until finally she uncovered a vole. While not a mouse, it was similar enough to be suitable. Taking it between her teeth, Pip shook it a little to toss of any clinging dirt. If she were a snake, she wouldn't want dirt along with her vole.

Racing back, the female practically bounded back in front of the den, though hesitated when she saw how far back every else was. But a quick glance reassured her the snake was still coiled in place. Gently, Pip set the tiny meal down outside the den in full view of the snake and stepped back to join the others. The mute female automatically brushed against Veho as was habit and licked out at his chin to express her gratitude for being given the task in the first place.

And then, they waited.

@Nineva - Feel free to control our snake-friend. c:
[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
Nineva would always love and appreciate just how considerate and helpful each wolf in this pack was. Her tail wagged with appreciation as Yvly offered to corral the litter of inquisitive pups, a nod given by the younger girl as Veho verbally confirmed the plan. And his compliment? She tried not to grin at it, but her heart certainly swelled to receive his praise. She very much respected the man's leadership, and so it meant the world to her to earn his approval in such situations. 

Pip was sent to gather the bait, leaving just herself and Veho. Her eyes settled onto the medical den's opening, watchful for the unlikely chance that the serpent would make a run for it now. They stared for a moment longer after Veho spoke again, before flitting to the tarnished silver of his face once more.

"Wouldn't hurt," she replied before musing, "but you can't deter nature."

Maybe they could teach this particular snake a memorable lesson about where it was not welcomed, but it was likely that there would always be something seeking warmth in one of their dens when the weather pressed down on the land. That was just a fact of life.

Pip rushed back in and Nineva retreated to a safe berth as she set up the stick and wire to their trick, and then the least exciting part began.

It took twelve full minutes for the snake to gather its courage to investigate the tantalizing smell of dead rodent. Nineva perked as she noticed it edging its way out of the den and into the open, tongue flicking out to sample the air. For good measure, she took a few more steps back. If they scared it now, the same trick might not work again until they starved it out, and she certainly did not know how often snakes needed to eat. Could be a very long time. Holding her breath, she continued to wait, silently hoping that the others would be watchful of her choice and not act prematurely.

Then the snake struck out at its meal, and she exhaled before motioning with her muzzle to her packmates. Slowly and quietly, she began to creep around the perimeter of the scene, maintaining distance until she was able to place herself between the intruder and the den. With all three of them blocking its way, it surely would not attempt to flee back inside.
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor
@Veho I suppose Yvly's exit unless something else happens?

Yvly dipped her head at Veho's agreement of her going to make sure his brood were okay, slowly backing up so as to not frighten the snake. Pip swiftly bounded off in search of a small morsel to tempt the snake away from the medicinal den while she made a less hasty exit. As the three of them were not close to the snake she was not too worried, but as per her words she would find them and stick close to the three until she was sure the snake was gone. It was not uncommon for cold-blooded creatures to try and find warmth in wolf-made dens, but it was quite an inconvenience - especially as that was where the pups were most often. It was fortunate for all of them that the three had not been in the den.

Sure that they would be at the pack den, the tawny female padded with ears alert in case the snake bit the others in their attempt to lead it away, but she heard nothing as she approached the pack den. Upon spotting Veho's brood at its entrance she breathed a sigh of relief and settled down a little ways away as to not disturb them but close enough to keep an eye out for if they tried moving too far away. She kept an ear out for any cries of help as she lay her head upon her paws, eyes never leaving the three pups for more than a few moments.

251 words

Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
It worked.
Veho was able to breath some relief, watching as the snake was thoroughly tempted by the meal the wolves laid out for it.  Apparently, even logic could not silence a hungry belly.  For a moment, he was simply lost in wonder, watching as the hognose struck its prey and found itself a dinner.  Only when the snake had fully revealed itself did the alpha realize it was, indeed, not a rattlesnake at all – it only lashed out like one.  The wolf was able to relax fully; even if someone got bit now, it would not be deadly.
Nodding to the others, he followed Nineva’s led, circling around the animal silently as it consumed its meal.  Feeling generous, he allowed the serpent to finish – after all, it hadn’t actually bitten anyone.  Even when it had the chance to strike at Veho, it had simply booped him.  It didn’t seem like much to return the favor; and once it was done, the wolves were able to move forward, shooing the now lethargic away from their medical den.  It was not a difficult task, thankfully, for the snake did not seem interested in tangling with so many out in the open.  Instead, it slithered off, leaving the wolves of Grizzly Hollow in peace.
“Well done.”
[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]