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Immortals — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Her mate was incredibly quick-witted and Jessie only needed the sparkle in his eyes and the crook of his smile to know that he understood. The familiar warm feeling that settled in her stomach when she was around him arose but she forced it away, blaming on it post-pregnancy hormones and knowing that now was no such time for such emotions. Emerald steely eyes watched their group with determination, nodding her head in confirmation to Drestig's orders. What he mentioned made sense and she would have made the same call had she been the one calling the shots. She snapped her teeth together in confirmation of his choice, her eyes following his. Their daughter, of course, would not join them for this one, and the Tainn could only imagine what was going through their spitfire's head. At the Avalon's final instructions, Jessie nodded her head curtly and was off with Askan.

They looped around together, not wanting to alert the prey of their presence. The salt-and-pepper colored woman looked towards the elk, her emerald eyes evaluating the situation before looking back towards Askan. Her voice was soft but demanding when she spoke, ”Alright, so I want you to isolate the elk for Drestig and Icicle and I will ensure the rest are driven away. On my signal?” Once she got confirmation from Askan the small woman scanned the area for any sign of her mate and his ghostly companion. This was the closest thing she had gotten to a pack hunt in years and she could feel the adrenaline beginning to kick in.

When the Tainn felt as if she had given the boys enough time to get into position, she crouched down, her muscles ready to kick in. Her voice was a soft boom, ”Go!” Jessie tore off from her spot, speed always on her side. A deep bark escaped from her throat as she parted the herd. She hoped that Askan had eyes on their bull as she did her best to direct the rest away from them. In the fury of hooves she ran, her voice a loud siren for the rest of the group that the hunt was on.

Jessie Tainn
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Alright guys, let's get this elk down! I'll say let @Askan go first and get them running, so @Icicle can start the take down <3

He looked back only once to see his daughter trail after her mother, and nodded to himself, confident that she would heed his words and that Jessie otherwise had an eye out. Then his snout turned back, brushing through the grass as he crept forwards, body low to hide his advance from their prey. Behind he could hear Icicles soft footfalls, assuring that the young wolf was right on his heels. The made a curve mirroring that of the chasers, Drestig aiming for a small rock where they could hide until it was time to strike.

Once in place, he would turn his head half back, giving instructions to his pale partner in a low voice; "Wait until he's as close as possible, the less of a warning he gets, the better. You're big and heavy, try to get a hold on him and drag him down, a thigh or the throat if possible, but watch out for his kicks and antlers. Best to wait until he's right next to us and attack from the side." His eyes returned to the small herd after he'd finished, zeroing in on the bull. So far, he seemed completely unaware of the danger baring down on him. Silver-tipped ears were perked, body pressed flat to the ground behind their rock shelter. Time moved unbearably slow, every breath sounding loud in his ears as he waited, every inch of his attention focused on their target.

Then sounded Jessie's bark, and immediately everything sped up. Drestig tensed, preparing to jump as the elk all started running. His teeth bared, claws digging into the ground, he suppressed a growl, coiling up and just waiting. Only when the bull was right beside the rock would he jump, ready to grab hold of their prey and drag him to his death.


Word count: 303

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Askan followed Jessie like a shadow as they weaved through the long grass. He had never been one for laying in wait, he had always preferred taking an active role in pack hunts, so of course he was ready and eager to do his bit. The fact that he was hungry simply made him all the more compliant. Not that he was in a rebellious mood, as he'd said long ago, if his alphas said jump he'd ask how high. So when Jessie issued him orders, his ears perked and he took her words to heart. Divide and conquer eh? Askan felt a smile pull at his lips. He could do that. He wasn't the fastest, not by far, but he knew for a fact that his form was threatening enough to cause some chaos and panic.

Askan nodded to let Jessie know that he understood. That he'd do everything in his power to follow her command to the exact word. Following the Queen's cue, Askan also sunk down into a crouch, his paws digging down into the dirt. The muscles in his hefty shoulders contracted and tensed and he drew in a deep breath and let it linger for a moment, before exhaling slowly. Soon, now was not the time for impatience. One wrong move could ruin this for everyone. He'd be the laughing stock surely. But it wouldn't come to that, Drestig's plan was sound. Everyone knew what part they had to play. It was all a matter of teamwork and cohesion.


Without hesitation or delay, Askan kicked off into a sprint, his paws thudding at the ground. Just as the Queen had hoped, Askan had eyes only for the bull- who let out a shriek of alarm at their sudden and noisy appearance. For a moment the bull stood still- and Askan feared that it planned to stand its ground. If that was the case then everything would likely go downhill from here. They needed it to run, they needed it to lower it's defences. Fortunately, the Yukon wolf's fears were unfounded. With another bellow, the bull turned tail and ran, veering to the right instead of following its herd to the left. 

They'd done it! He was separated from the others, now it was only a matter of driving him towards Icicle and Drestig.

Gritting his teeth in effort, Askan ploughed forward. He had no intention of trying to take a bite yet, but he had to act as though he did. If the elk didn't feel under threat then it wouldn't run. He couldn't give it time to think this through, he had to keep it moving. His sides heaved under the strain, but Askan had never felt so alive. His body thrummed with anticipation and the thrill of the chase. He couldn't wait till they brought down the beast together. And that was enough to keep him going, to give him the means and motivation to drive the elk towards the rock.

Askan darted to the side so that he was running along the beasts flank- or at least as close as he could get- and let out a bark of warning. No doubt that the others could hear the thundering beast coming, but just to be on the safe side he'd let them know that it was their time to shine. 
(This post was last modified: Nov 13, 2016, 04:10 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Icicle Whitefang
The large albino nodded quietly, his ears perked forward as he watched Asken from afar, the black wolf cut off their target from the rest of the herd, sending the bull lumbering toward them. Icicle took a deep breath as he heard the bark, with each passing second, the time was drawing closer for the colorless wolf to prove himself. Alongside Drestig and his family, Icicle found himself growing stronger, able to eat sustaining meals now, his body was able to support his weight now, allowing him to contribute so much more. He wasn’t sure though, did the pain come from lack of proper nourishment all of his life? The pink eyed giant wasn’t sure, but he had no intentions of failing the one he saw as a father.

The wolf stiffened as the bull thundered by, coming closer and closer, quickly Icicle rose up, pushing himself out of the brush in an explosion of white, a feral snarl escaping his snowy muzzle as the bull reached the ambush location. Lips drew back behind pink lips, as Icicle lept forward, throwing his whole bulky against their prey, sinking his jaws into the beast’s hind thigh and trying to drag it down.
(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2016, 04:49 PM by Icicle.)
Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
Ears turned forward as her mother spoke, she would chase the herd while Askan sent the elk towards her father. She was skeptical as to whether the white one would be much use to helping them, as bony as he was, but she bit her tongue because she had never taken part in a hunt of this scale before and she had to trust that the rest of them knew what they were doing. Perhaps hunger was a great motivator at the end of the day? If anyone needed this food it was that one.

Mimicking the older wolves movements, she lowered herself to slink along with them, if a short distance behind. When her mother said go, she stood up, but didn't move with any of the speed of the adults. She had been told to hang back, and so for once in her life, she would do as she was told. Her presence alone was enough to add to the panic. A quick glance showed her mother was in little danger, scattering the hornless ones back into the safety of the trees while Askan pushed the male towards where her father and Icicle were hiding.

She was confused as to why Askan would bark when he already had it on the run, until she saw the white one suddenly appear and join the chase. It would seem he was quicker and heavier than he looked as he clamped onto the rear leg of the elk and its attempt to kick him off only resulted in its back end buckling. It was hard to discern from this distance between the flurry of fur and dust - brown, black, white, but before her very eyes the hulking mass seemed to sink closer and closer to the earth.

Cautiously she moved closer - the bellowing telling her it wasn't over yet... but surely the battle was almost won?
[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Final post from @Jessie and we've got this baby wrapped up! :'D

Crouching back behind the rock, the dark man took long, slow breaths, ears perked for sounds of commotion. By his side, Icicle was perched, pink eyes peeking out of their shelter. The alpha smiled, feeling the rush of the hunt and what it represented thundering through his blood. And then real rumbling filled his ears, the sound of Askan's voice ringing over the Fields, first a threat to their prey, and then a signal. Drestig turned to his partner, but the young man needed no further command, already he was poised, and as the bull galloped past them he flew after. Getting to his own feet, the leader echoed his snarl gleefully, falling in steps with their prey on the opposite side of his second. Icicle played his role perfectly, and as Drestig had hoped, his weight was too much for the young bull to bear.

The creature fell, flailing and kicking out in futile attempts at saving its life, but the hunters had been victorious. With swift skill, the graying man found the jugular, savagely crushing the elk's windpipe, killing it's screams. Throat torn open, it didn't take long for its fighting to cease, though he kept his hold until he was fully sure that the job was done. Only then did he raise his head, tongue slipping out over bloody lips as he watched his pack gather around, all gasping from the exercise. Askan opposite him over their kill, looking proud and less somber than usual; Icicle, pale fur tainted by the blood of his kill; Then there came Jessie, his mate, his queen, looking regal as ever as she joined them. And finally his daughter, trailing behind at a safe distance as she'd been told. Drestig beamed at her, tail waving high behind him in his pride. She was truly safe now, they had a home.

Turning his smile to the rest of them, the king, uncharacteristically, could find no words to fit his feelings. They'd done it. All five of them had proven today that they were strong enough to claim what they'd fought for for so long. Briefly, he met the deep green eyes beside him, hoping to see his own emotion reflected there. Then he raised his head and sang out his joy, proclaiming to the world and anyone who would listen that this was their home.


Word count: 393

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Jessie was on the chase, observing the situation. She could not stop her pursuit until she was sure that the rest of the pack was in the clear. It was with relief that the rest of the herd finally cleared out, meaning that her job was done. The Tainn had not faced any problems and now she could loop back to see if the rest needed any assistance. As she turned, however, it became clear that her mate and the rest were holding their own. There was no need for her to interfere. The woman made her way back to them when it became clear that the elk was taken down. Emerald eyes met the familiar amber ones that she had fallen in love with. As her daughter came to stand with them, a feeling arose in her chest that she could not identify. This was their home now and she could see the happiness in Drestig. It would be wonderful for them to finally stake their claim and have somewhere to return to after a long days work.

A small smile formed on her lips as she moved beside her lover, seeing his own joy only increasing her own. When he turned back to look at her she had to refrain from touching him. Instead, she looked back at the rest of those gathered and nodded to them. This was their new family and that was important to her. When Drestig raised his voice to make their claim, she was quick to follow, allowing their voices to mix in harmony. This was their home and hopefully would be for years to come.

Jessie Tainn
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]