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call me the worst — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

As soon as the words left her mouth he stopped right in his tracks, turning his gaze on her and she knew with little doubt he had seen through her facade. Slowly he turned toward her and she locked her knees to keep from stepping back. She wasn’t afraid of Nathaniel, more of the confrontation she had stirred up. The woman was a peacekeeper, a lover of love, and getting into tibs with others was not a game she liked to play.

They words he gave her certainly unsettling, holding a venom that surprised her. A small frown marred her maw in the final sentence. Such a lonely statement he’d made, such spite he spit them with. He might have done bad things, treasonous things, but it seemed he still had a soul afterwards. And, currently, it was aching. It hated itself, and that was something that wrecked her even more.

“I will not play the game of acting, I do not love you in the same way I do Vespertio. But, I still care for you like a family member. If the things you say are true, then they are things that will weigh more on your soul than mine. But, you cannot tell me that they are all you are.” she said firmly. Images of him smiling at the children, playing with them, the conversations on border patrol and in passing, the time he’d spent in the Cove, he couldn’t convince her that those were fake. Some act to lure her like a incubus then leave without a trace. “I have seen you with Neha and Cernan, I have seen the way you look at them wanting them for your own or not. You care for them, and you would sooner risk yourself for them than allow them harm as you have done before. You have saved us many a time and been at our side. If all you wanted here was me and these lands, you would have left long ago. I have seen wolves with that as their true intentions, and when they do not get it quickly they leave in a fit. You are not some empty shell, you are not the monster you make yourself out to be Nathaniel. Pasts can be redeemed. I do not intend to keep you here. In fact, I cannot allow you re-entry but I do not want you leaving thinking that you are alone in this world. I still care for you, Cernan still cares for you, and Neha still cares for you. Leave, but go and make a life for yourself that you would want them to think nicely of you for. It is not impossible, not even for you.” she said.

She was tired, very tired in fact and simply craved a nap. But, her own words and the situation have given her hope for herself all the same. She would reclaim the Cove in due time. After all, if she couldn’t abide by her own words how could she expect the dark man to believe them. “Good-bye Nathaniel,” the Star Dancer said simply, turning and heading back into the territory. She’d bump up her patrols to ensure he wouldn’t return, but something told her he wouldn’t. Make yourself a good life.

(This post was last modified: Oct 16, 2016, 07:53 PM by Namid.)
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart
call me a sinner, call me a saint

His ears flicked forward than back to catch the swallowing of her own words and then show his agitation with it. So it had been false, something to goad him perhaps? Nathaniel still couldn't understand what exactly she was digging for, why she couldn't just toss her head and tell him to never come back, that he wasn't wanted here after all that had been said.

Finally she began to ease this burning question in his mind, however, as the woman launched into an unexpected speech. Nathaniel's savoir-faire had failed him from that first misattempt at angering her, and now it felt as though he'd lost it all together as he could only watch the words tumble from her mouth. Graceful and poised, even in the throws of depression. Was that what had him so enraptured with her? Or was it this unfathomable kindness that she was extending to him now?

She was trying to convince him that he was wrong about himself, but the black shell around his heart kept the words from penetrating and making a difference. She just didn't want to see, couldn't accept the truth. It was a shame, but at least she had said what he needed to hear; that he wasn't allowed back. When she finally turned to leave him behind, he could not watch her go. Nathaniel spun quicker on his heels, and was gone.

tell me it's over i'll still love you the same