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keep calm and let it snow — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Ace who has 33 posts.
Inactive Pup
Marina Coho
Of course Sahalie knew. Her sister knew practically everything.

Marina beamed up at the pair of adults, absolutely delighted by the idea of being taken out somewhere. Somewhere fun. Somewhere Sahalie knew and named and played at and, and, and— The pup short-circuited, whole body shaking as she tried to stop. Or reboot. Or something.

The swarthy cub bobbed her head aggressively, almost dizzy from the effort. Or maybe that was excitement? Or joy? Did it matter? She answered her sister’s play bow with one of her own, her oversized paws slapping the ground in return. Snow swirled around her dark body. She bounced once, twice-- And then she was off, mind racing with the idea. She had to find Treyah, and Mako, and probably Lila too. And maybe Treyah’s brother. Would Lila’s sister want to play? So many wolves, so little time! So very little time!

she blurted out, entire body wiggling as she abandoned the two adults to round up other wolves to play. “Guuuuuys! It’s time to go plaaaaay! Hal has a cool place to play!” And if that didn’t get them out and about, well, what would, right? Everyone would want to play. Everyone!
