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reassemble — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fade or archive? <3

For once, Craw could not guess what the answer would be and nor did he try to. From the edge of his vision, he saw the shadow's casual movement, the display of nonchalance, and felt glad. He had not exactly expected an enthusiastic response, just like he did not expect many words from Greer, so to receive that kind of response meant enough.

Craw wondered if ultimately it was a sign of Greer's deference, his acknowledgement that Craw could have stayed no matter the response... but his final remark suggested otherwise. While private, Greer was not deceptive, so Craw took his acceptance at face value. Smiling in satisfaction of it, the spider nodded once, eyes still ahead, and slowly moved his front paws forward, coming to lie on his chest, pushing his hindlegs out to the side for maximum comfort.

And there he would remain, in silent and easy company, observing the curious nature display in front of them, until more pressing business called him away. It was pleasant to be able to just sit without social pressure or external demands, to just enjoy the setting with amiable company, and he made sure to appreciate it.
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
archiving this nooow <3

Truthfully the shadow was surprised that the silver spider decided to remain atop the sun-kissed ridge with the shadow. He was not bothered by his presence and, for once, welcomed it. Oddly enough, the scarred male reminded Greer of his fiery friend. He seemed to understand the Archer’s desire for solitude and, like Kyna, did not want to infringe upon it. While his scarlet friend was a little more vocal than Craw, she understood that he craved silence and thrived in it—just as Craw did.

A small, almost undetectable, smile rolled onto his dark maw as he watched the older male sprawl across the ground. Greer did not want the spider to think that he was not comfortable around him so, after a brief delay, the long-legged skeleton lowered himself to the ground also. His mercury gaze remained fixated on the rising sun, completely transfixed by the fusion of colours before them. With winter taking its toll on the lands of Relic Lore, bright sunrises like the one they were witnessing would not be as abundant. Greer wanted to enjoy every moment of it until they returned to the monadnock together or went their separate ways… fade.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]