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geronimo — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael
Wraith never had garnered a grand desire to roam. The northerner had always been a home-body and ever since the pack had settled atop the monadnock, the brute had been perfectly happy to stay there around around the lowlands, teaching the pups about life and keeping the lands free from intruders. But there was something about the crisp, sunny fall day that had him aching to run and explore. Leaving Odin and Kara under the watchful eye of Celandine, much to her dismay, the Second broke out into a hard run towards the tree line.

After meeting with Lachesis at the borders of the lowlands, he had a more or less solid idea of where their territory ended enough to avoid crossing boundaries. Sure enough, their scent markings were easily discovered long before he neared them with the southern wind blasting it in his face. Really, he'd have no excuses if he crossed it; they were unmistakable.

Instead, he angled more southwestern in nature, diving into the trees and running hard until he approached the yawning lake that stretched before him. While he had taken many dips in the pond near the monadnock, he had a feeling these waters would be far warmer. With how wide it was, the heat from summer would no doubt still linger, not as easily influenced by the changing temperatures as Kettle Pot Pond.

Wraith leaped straight in and was rewarded with the relatively warm waters splashing into his face, lapping against his muscular form in a perfect form of post-run massage. Flopping down in the shallows, he drank deeply to sate his first and then simply looked out over the calm landscape. Beautiful. He found himself wishing he'd brought the pups along to experience it as well.

Next time, he promised himself.
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva

Crossing spacious plains and ravaging mountain ranges, the tawny women finally landed her paws on soft, moist shore of a lake. Traveling for days without passing by any adequate water sources, this was the first place she found with water. Quickly rushing to the water edge, she sanctified her burning thirst by trudging through the water and burying her caramel covered muzzle into the dark aqua colored water. Chest deep in the water now, Adelayde jumped further into the water, letting the waves she made crash against her as she leaped through the lake.

Seemingly she thought she was alone, just her and nature, but suddenly sounds of the once calm water crashing that were not of her doing, her tawny head spun around to let her mismatched eyes search for whoever had joined her. Many yards away from her, another had sought out the reliefs of this lake. Dark in color, they didn't blend well in the waters, but would certainly in the shadows of the forest behind them.

Lapping up the excess water dripping from her ebony lips, Ade turned to go seek out this new stranger, perhaps she could figure out where she was and how far away she happened to travel away from home. Trudging through the water towards the stranger, sure to make plenty of noise in warning of her approach, a smile laced her lips as she drew to a few yards away from him. "Beautiful place, isn't it?" She asked, her large tawny frame stopping a few wolf lengths away from him as her soft eyes fell upon him.
(This post was last modified: Oct 12, 2016, 07:27 PM by Adelayde.)
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael
@Adelayde - Sorry for the wait! Been struggling with muse for Wraith lately, but starting to find it again. Thank you for your patience.

Large, dark ears swiveled at the sloshing of water and Wraith turned to see the tawny female approaching. He made no move to stand at her arrival, but his tail did slap haphazardly against the lake's surface before it floated behind him. The male's expression was friendly so as not to frighten her off. In part, it was also why he didn't stand. Wraith was a behemoth and cared little for the way his size could intimidate in times of meeting kind strangers, though it certainly came in handy for defending the pack.

"It is," he agreed gently. "I didn't get the chance to appreciate it my first time passing through." There had been an ugly, cold rain driving them farther north that time. But the pack had made it that night and settled on the Monadnock with the birth of Morganna's two pups. As he looked at her, Wraith noted her eyes were subtly different colors. Good luck, they were. At least, in his experience.

Inclining his head politely, he introduced himself. "I'm Wraith Kael, Second to Craw and Morganna of Whitestone Monadnock." Ugh. The title was boorish and too formal, he felt. Should have just stuck with Wraith. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms...?"
(This post was last modified: Nov 16, 2016, 03:09 PM by Wraith.)
[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity