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lost and found — The Wildwood 
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Oh no worries! I just realized that they switched s.mile into frown XD sorry the text color is all weird. My computer broke so Ive been having to use my phone for all my posts Dx

The mention of more mazes seemed to shock the grey scale she-wolf. The dark matriarch nodded her head as confirmation that yes indeed more did exist. "The lands of my birth pack had many terrains. From rocky hills to open plains to forests. The open plains are what usually had the grasses" Moon explained with a warm smile. She was finally starting to be able to remember and talk about her birth family without the sting. Its been almost two years now...one must eventually let go. Reminiscing in her memories the midnight woman missed her companion's subtle posture change.

It wasnt anything to be alarmed at and even if the alphaess did notice she most likely wouldnt have given it much thought. The question that was asked however caught her attention. Silver dusted ears pressed forward with intrigue. What a bold question she thought brows raising and eyes narrowing ever so sligtly. Moon hadnt ever been a distrusting wolf and wouldn't have thought of the question as anything but harmless curiosity before her unplanned trip. However since she was now an alpha, a leader that other counted on even more, she couldnt afford to be so loose with her trust. Her pack had to come first now more than ever. Though she found the question odd the ebony woman wouldnt allow it to show on her features. She kept a warm smile across her maw and her tail swished a few times. "No" she responded with a small chuff of laughter. "I'm actually the alpha of my pack" she stated evenly letting her tail raise momentarily before letting it fall back to its neutral position. The packs borders were still a bit of a travel so theres no use in holding a dominant stance. The woman before her seemed kind enough. "What about you?" She asked quizzically since they were on the subject of packs.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
XD I didn't catch onto the smile thing until you mentioned it.. that explains a lot of my recent confusion lol.

Karina couldn’t help but smile a little bit too as her companion got caught up in reminiscing about the lands of her birth pack. The young queen hoped that she might be able to think so fondly of Hearthwood River someday, but for now the wounds were too fresh—every memory from her childhood came with a sharp sting as she was reminded of what she had lost, and what had been destroyed.  

 Her companion’s answer was not what Karina had been expecting, and the first thought that popped into her head was, you’re too young to lead!  Karina dismissed that uncircumspect notion instantly… the dark female was no younger than her after all, and she was a mother and a queen!  The girl’s curiosity remained piqued, however; if Dragonveil Fold had been large enough for her to have subordinates that could do the scouting, Karina would never leave her safe, cozy haven. What was this dark alphess doing so far from home? 
The question was returned to her, which was only fair, seeing as they were speaking as equals. “I also lead, as Queen and High Priestess of Dragonveil Fold.”  The words felt strange on her tongue, and Karina realized that had been the first time she had introduced her title out loud. It felt right.  “We’re new to the area—just settled down at the Great Mountain.”  At the mention of the mountain, Karina’s eyes scanned the horizon on reflex. It was a relief to be able to see the silhouette of the Mountain once more—as long as she could see the Mountain, she would always be able to find her way home.
“Please, if we can help you or your pack in any way, don’t hesitate to ask… I’m really grateful for the help you gave me. Dragonveil Fold won’t forget it.”  The moon had risen, casting its pale glow across the wildwood, and now that her path was illuminated Karina knew it was time to turn for home. Kjors and Bennet would be worrying about her.  “If you do visit, call for Karina. I would be very glad to see you again, friend.” Karina spoke the endearment with a slightly shy smile, reminiscent of her more bashful puphood days. 
 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]
Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! I didnt catch it until i reread one of my posts and was like wait I didnt put frown haha

A queen huh? And of a territory that wasnt far from her own hidden oasis. This was very valuable information that would be relayed to @Vespertio once she returned home. If there was a new pack near by he would need to know about it as well. The disappointment that filled the ebony woman before this encounter melted away completely. While she may not have found any loners to add to their ranks she had found valuable information. As her companion stated her rank Moon gave her a small dip of her head out of respect. While they may be equals now once @Namid is able to reclaim her rank the she-wolf before her will be above the dark temporary.

At the mention of the mountian they grey scaled woman looked towards it and Moons own silver eyes followed her gaze. It wasnt far off and if she powered through she could make it back by morning. It would be an easy task because even if she tried to sleep the information would be itching to be told and she wouldnt be able to. Her warm smile broaden and her tail wagged steadily behind her as her companion - well friend - spoke. Karina was her name, such a pretty one too she thought. A sense of pride filled the young matriarch as this encounter could lead to an alliance between their packs if not at least for them to be on good terms. Maybe she wasn't half bad at this whole leadership thing as she thought. "You're quite welcome. I appreciate the offer. If you need help or anything as well please dont hesitate. I'm Moonshadow from Fallen Tree Cove just over the mountain by Lost Lake." She replied warmly. If they were on good terms the woman saw no harm in telling her friend where her pack was located since the grey woman had disclosed hers.

Silver eyes cast up to the mountain again. While Moon hadnt explored all the areas around the lake she was familiar with most of them and if her memory served her right Dragonveil Fold was in the same direction as the Lake from their current location. "I believe that our homes are in the same direction for the time being. We could walk together if you would like until we must go our separate ways." Walking with company was much nicer than walking alone. But the midnight woman would let her companion decide. She didnt really wanna leave her alone still a bit from home but seeing she was also a leader, Moon figured she could hold her own. One could never go too far with kind gestures.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
I was thinking we could let this be a fade, since they've technically exited the Wildwood.  I would be happy to pick it up in the Ghastly Woods though, if you want to play out some more of their conversation.

Karina’s ear stood at attention as the ebony alphess introduced herself and her pack… the young queen knew it would be important information to remember.  Moonshadow’s name was certainly very fitting in this moment, her companion’s dark form awash in the glow of the moonlight.  
She had given very precise directions to her packland... something that a leader could do, Karina supposed, if the pack had nothing to hide and was large enough that they had no one to fear.  Karina herself was in no such position.  She often directed the wolves she met to the Great Mountain, but she was always careful not to mention exactly where on the mountain Dragonveil Fold could be found.  Her directions gave just enough information for a wolf to draw close enough to the territory to call for her, but were never detailed enough for an outsider to find the territory on his/her own.  That was the point of Dragonveil Fold after all… it was to be veiled.  Hidden, from all those who wished her family ill… and those numbers were always growing. Her husband was not the best at making friends.
Luckily, Karina did well enough at making friends for the both of them.  Her tail waved as she agreed with a smile to Moonshadow’s suggestion.  “I would like that very much,” she said, glad for the companionship. Now that she was back in the wildwood forest, Karina did not think she would run into any more trouble with unfamiliar terrain, but it would be good to have an experienced wolf like Moonshadow along just in case.  It would also offer them both a chance to deepen their friendship—perhaps even discuss an alliance.  You could really never have too many friends. 
The last wisps of Karina’s anxiety disappeared as the pair left the grassy maze far behind, picking their way steadily through the undergrowth of the forest.  The ancient, sentry-like trees at the heart of the Wildwood eventually gave way to the spooky, gnarled growth that characterized the Ghastly Woods, and Karina was glad for the companionship.  Her lighthearted conversation with her new friend kept her uneasiness at bay—that and the knowledge that she would soon be home, curled up at the warm sides of her mate and child.   
 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]