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Purple Hyacinth — Kingsfall 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Aleksei wrap up w/ your post or leave it w/ this one & i will add him to ranks <3

For a moment the ghost thought the Baranski was going to deny his offer to take him to Maksim’s final resting place. It would not have surprised the pale healer. He had unloaded a lot of information onto the agouti—perhaps too much information. Unfortunately, it was all things that his nephew deserved to know—things he could not hide from the young adult. His mother was not here to explain it and, aside from his siblings of course, Lachesis was the next best thing.

He remained quiet, offering comfort to the trembling boy rather than filling the air with his unnecessary words. There was nothing more he could do but be there for Aleksei. His littermate had left months ago but Inna had rejoined the river wolves; maybe her presence would offer some sort of comfort as well. Lachesis could only do so much, for sympathizing had never been his strong suit.

After a lengthy pause the boy’s voice cracked once more as he accepted Lachesis’ offer. Reluctantly, the older male pulled himself away from the agouti, his chartreuse gaze fixated on the his crumpled body. Lachesis had not been to the Ethos in quite some time—truthfully, he avoided the place unless he wanted to speak with his fallen friend. But he knew Aleksei needed this; he needed to say goodbye. “Come.” The ghost motioned for the boy to follow him through the trees, his course set for the snow-covered field they buried Maksim in all those months ago…

(This post was last modified: Dec 19, 2016, 08:04 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski

When the jerking of his shoulders ceased, and the hiccuping quietened, Aleksei watched Lachesis stand. With a bob of his head, the medic made their next move immediately clear; beyond the borders, within the Ethos.


Aleksei nodded weakly and, with legs trembling, slowly stood. For a moment, he wobbled on the spot, swallowing the lump in his throat as he blinked over and over in an attempt to disperse the wetness from his eyes. Eventually, he slowly raised a paw, testing the way the limb stretched and bent before he began to walk after his uncle. “Right,” he whispered hoarsely, throat dry and sore from sobbing.

He didn't want to fall again. Not yet. Whether or not he would collapse the moment he was stood before his father's resting place was an entirely different story – he would fall, and he would cry.

What wolf wouldn't?

Slinking after Lachesis, the misplaced prince felt a mixture of emotion, a sort of melancholy relief. He was home, yes, but there was an empty hole in his heart, a fresh wound that would no doubt grow more painful before it began to heal. It would take time, of course, and Aleksei would loathe himself and the feelings inside until he felt at peace with his father's passing.

And in order to come to terms with it all, he would have to speak with his mother. He would apologise, for his failings as a son, and beg forgiveness – he would not expect her to so freely give it. Not now.

Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying