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the great escape — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by Ace who has 84 posts.
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Bennet Kjorsdottir
Tough? She mulled over the remark, aware that it was a complement, finding that it fell in line with how her parents talked to her, calling her strong. This mirrored observation did nothing to quell her growing belief in this wolf being one of Hers. And when he implicitly and eagerly agreed to help solve her affliction, her confidence became even more rock-solid.

As such, she hopped after him without hesitation when he turned around in search of something else to eat, her mouth already slick with saliva just at the thought of getting something to eat. He introduced himself as Lorcan and asked for her name - and while she hesitated a moment, remembering how her mother had introduced her as Sorren to the White Fir Notch wolves, she quickly decided that this was different. He was a stranger, and a blessed one. Bennet could not lie to one of Her children.

"Bennet," she said, for that was enough, and made an effort to channel her mother's effortless charm: "it's nice to meet you." Ears perked at his question, but she was not a suspicious sort of wolf, and even if she had been, she was pretty much decided as to Lorcan's value. Her opinion would only change if he revealed any kind of hidden malice or deception. "I live in the foothills of the mountain with my parents," she offered, straightforward as ever, but reminded herself to be a little bit cautious and not say everything - just in case. Her earthly instincts conflicted with her faith and were ever hard to reconcile.

The small group of deer grazed idly further up the slope, and she could see two of them had their heads high and ears forward - perfectly aware of the pair of wolves ambling by the riverside. The sight of them set her belly grumbling, but she knew they were untouchable, even with an adult at her side. "There were ducks living on the banks beside the river where I grew up," she said then, peeling her gaze from the family of deer and turning to look at Lorcan. "Maybe there are some by this one too." Then she added, just as openly despite the confession of weakness: "I'm not very good at finding prey. They always get away from me." If only she could soar from above and find them that way... then they'd never see her coming.
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
When the young girl offered up her own name, Lorcan felt a wave of calm wash over him as it was surely a sign that she was somewhat trusting of him – and when she proceeded to greet him ever so politely, the agouti male couldn’t help but let a warm smile grace his features as he nodded in acknowledgement towards her. There was something about the girl which fascinated him, be it her resilience, the air of maturity or the politeness of her tongue – something about her stirred a feeling of adoration within the pack subordinate, and for the briefest moment, Lorcan found himself imagining just what life would be like with a pup like her of his own.

Swallowing hard, salmon pink tongue swept out to brush along his charcoal lips as he pushed the thought to one side. It could never happen, only alphas were entitled to be blessed with such a gift.

Blinking back into reality, his russet ears perked up as he caught her answer to his previous question. For a second he mulled over her answer, still curious as to why she had no distinguished pack scent to her, but, the mountain was vast and unless he later saw reason to otherwise, he would not suspect any cause for alarm.

As Lorcan continued to scan the water’s edge for muskrat, Bennet offered her own suggestion for a meal. Lifting his nose up off the ground, Lorcan turned to face her with a raised brow. “There might be..” He pondered, turning his head to glance up and down their side of the river bank in search of reed-beds. When the girl admitted to not being the best tracker, Lorcan took the opportunity to try and teach her a little about hunting. “It’s all about knowing where the prey are likely to be.” He started, as he turned, stalking quietly towards an area of reeds further up-steam.

“Ducks like to hide in reeds like these.” His voice was but a whisper as he crouched down low at the edge of the river, golden eyes peering through the long green stalks as the calm water ahead. For a while the reeds were quiet, until the soft splashing of water caught his attention and, peering through, he spotted a glimpse of the mottled brown plumage of a female mallard. Not wasting any time, for he had to act quickly before the bird noticed them, Lorcan waited with bated breath for the bird to turn and circle back around through the reeds again until—

SPLASH! His body hit the water, sending a heavy spray of the cold liquid all around him as he grappled with the flustered bird. Loud quacking could be heard within the mayhem as the bird flapped its wing in an attempt to escape, but Lorcan had already managed a firm hold around its webbed foot, and lifting it up out of the water, he shook the feathered-prey violently before turning around and swiftly exiting from the water.

Fur slick wet to his lean body, Lorcan clambered back onto the river bank with the duck still struggling as it dangled between his jaws. Then in one swift movement he readjusted his grip to lock his jaws around its neck, and in that moment, the duck fell limp. Placing the mallard down on the ground, he nudged it with his nose towards Bennet with a chuff of encouragement, before stepping back to shake his soaked fur.
(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2016, 05:10 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Ace who has 84 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bennet Kjorsdottir
Conjuring memories of those ducks in Hearthwood, Bennet was aware of the strange disconnect between herself at that point in time compared to the one right now. She'd hardly been weaned off her mother's milk when first becoming aware of the quacking birds, let alone of any age to start properly hunting for herself. Then she'd been shown how to do it a few times, but then there was the massive change in her life when they'd left Hearthwood and it almost felt like everything she'd learned before had little to no relevance to life now.

But Lorcan listened to her inexperienced suggestion anyway, took it seriously, and she padded along just behind him with a growing fascination, unable to stop staring at the concentration on his face. She knew she should have been following his gaze and trying to work out what signs he was looking for, what hints he was catching, but she couldn't help it. It was only when he brought them to where the reeds grew taller did he make his solitary observation, and she barely had time to open her mouth in understanding when he was crouching down and watching intently. Instinct told her to be quiet. Huddling down beside him, finally Bennet tried to copy him and study the line of reeds, trying to listen for something she wasn't quite sure of, and she was still looking when he dashed forward.

Once again, it was all over so fast. One moment he was there and then there was a splash and a series of alarmed quacks and the sound of wings and then he was stepping back out of the freshly-trampled reeds with the leg of a mallard in his mouth, swiftly dispatched. Her mouth hung open in quiet awe. Bennet herself had hardly moved a muscle through the whole ordeal. Then the duck was dropped, body limp, and the implication was obvious - she dove forward eagerly, hunger overriding her sense of decorum, bracing her paws against its warm body as she tore at the meat on its breast and fed the monster in her belly.

Black lips slick with blood, once the first mouthfuls reached her stomach, she looked back up at Lorcan with gratitude and admiration writ clear on her face. "You made that look so easy." She licked her lips, still huddled hungrily over the dead bird, and remembered most of her manners. "Thank you."
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
@Bennet - feel free to fade out :)
Shaking off the last of the water from his coat, Lorcan traipsed back towards Bennet who had already began tucking in to the dead duck he had caught for her. Salmon pink tongue swept temptingly across his charcoal lips as he watched her tear past irritating feathers to reach the meat beneath, enjoying the sight of the pup doing what came naturally to their kind.

As she glanced up to him, blood staining her ravenous lips, to comment on his hunting skills Lorcan blushed before shaking his head. “I was just lucky that time.” He responded, for it was truthfully what he believed himself. He in no way considered himself the most proficient hunter around. “But, you’re most welcome.” He added in acceptance of her thanks.

He lingered around, settling down onto his haunches to wait with her whilst she finished her meal, wanting to stick around in case she should get harassed by some scavenging ravens or worse. Once she had polished off what she could manage, Lorcan chuffed cheerfully at her before raising back to stand and face the direction that the lowlands lay. “I should probably be getting back to the pack now and I imagine you should be getting back to your parents, you wouldn’t them to worry.” He spoke, glancing back towards her.

“Are you okay to get home, little miss?” He offered, just in case she felt uneasy about making the journey back to her parents alone.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Ace who has 84 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bennet Kjorsdottir

Maybe he thought he'd been lucky, but Bennet knew better. Not rude enough to press it, she accepted his humble reply with no more than a knowing smile. Reading from his manner and posture that he did not expect the duck returned, the little dragon tucked back into her gifted meal with renewed enthusiasm, not oblivious to the way he sat himself nearby, a silent and patient guardian. If she had been alone, Bennet would have taken it somewhere darker and more easily defended before eating, would have kept an ear and eye out for something stronger than herself, but with Lorcan here, she didn't need to.

As she ate, she offered up a silent prayer of thanks to the All-Mother for her generosity, eyes held shut as she thought the words.

Only once Bennet was clearly sated did the good man make any indication that he had other places to be, and rather than be offended by his wish to leave, she was merely grateful that he had lingered so long. He had been under no binding obligation to do so, only that of his own pure moral compass. Tail raising to wag contentedly as she gazed at him, she nodded in absent agreement of his words, deep enough in her faith that he was Her conduit that she did not doubt that he was right; it was time to go back home.

"Yes," she said simply, and stepped forward boldly to bop his chin with her nose, a small gesture of appreciation on one level and an acknowledgement of his saintly qualities on another. Reaching down to grab up what little remained of the mallard - since, for loner parents, any tiny scrap helped - she beamed at him through shining eyes before turning herself back the way she had come, soul lifted.