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I'm lying on the ground as always staring to the air — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn
Sure sounds good to mee XD

She held back a flinch as he pushed the mass into her wound. She let out short and low growl no towards him but more like a groan from the fire in her shoulder. Honestly that the darn bloody bastard had managed to get such a piece of her was a disgrace she would have to go back and have a nice chat with that dark man again at some point. But for know healing back to was probably a better idea.  With a lifted brow as he told her what exactly he had placed on her shoulder she nodded a bit, I see good to know. Perhaps healers were not such a waste as she had been taught, strong wolves could get week due to injury and in Asurn belief the were ousted once that happened. But strong wolves did not grow on trees especially strong wolves of a pure bloodline. "I took the bite I think I can handle a bit of stinging and itching," she said a smile playing on her lips.

As the male stepped away she gave her shoulder a look over. it seemed wired but perhaps it would help. "Thank you Dock" she said as she looked back at him, actually meaning the words, damn lucky this mutt was he appeared to be more useful then he appeared.

With a careful motion she got back onto her legs looking at the man she nodded a single time before walking away, however having only taken a few steps she turned around. "The name is Zahira Asurn" she said before finally turning and limping, trying no to, walked away.

Exit unless stopped


(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2017, 04:49 PM by Zahira.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
@Zahira don't forget to claim LP!
Lorcan stepped back to allow the fiery coated female some personal space as she applied the healing plant paste to her wounded shoulder. Russet ears perked up at the sound of her groans and growls as she pressed the thick paste into her open bite wound and the agouti male couldn’t help but wince a little sympathy for the injured female. She seemed to be determined to get on with things and deal with the pain and irritation, though, which Lorcan somewhat admired. It was probably that determination that had enabled her to survive so far as a loner.

Nodding in acceptance that she could take care of herself from now on, Lorcan took another step back. His job here was done and the female seemed content for him to leave. She thanked him and Lorcan offered the woman a smile and nod. “You’re welcome, ma’am.” He responded, his black tipped tail wagging slowly behind him as he felt a swell of pride in his chest. It felt good to finally provide his healing services to someone. He remained standing there, to make sure that the female was capable of getting up a walking unassisted. She seemed to deal with her injury well, aside from the limp which she struggled to hide from him as she turned around.

As she turned around to leave she offered him her name. The medic smiled before offering her his own name in return. “Lorcan.” He replied with a nod, but he was too late, for she’d already started to walk away back into the wilderness.

-Lorcan exits-
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together