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Little Dawn Lily — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate

A simple nod was given at her offer. He would enjoy hearing how she got thrusted into such a position. But her question about his own choice had him smiling. "Well, I'm sure you and Veho might assume it was to simply to be with Nineva since I always tie myself to her but there's more to that. I've heard about Grizzly Hollow since I was a cub. I'm even related to the original founder of here. Borden Lyall, he's my uncle." Deacon wondered if that name would even mean anything to her. "I also don't want you to think I expect something because of ties. I'm aware things are earned." It was something he had learned from a young age. Only those who worked got what they wanted. "I guess, I just already felt comfortable here before I was even here ya know?" He shrugged lightly slowing his pace.

Admiring the trees still his brain forced itself to focus on Yvly's words. "I can understand why. Must have taken some getting used to." He hummed softly admiring the wide bases and magnificent heights they aimed for. "I'm more familiar with willows but these are nice too. The long limbs of the willows always provided a place to hide when I needed alone time. The bark was a nice scent too, I often covered myself in the scent of willows and dirt to maybe, I don't know, feel more connected." Perhaps that sounded crazy but it was the truth. Some part of Deacon always wanted to be closer to the trees. Maybe he was jealous how long they lived, how strong they grew, and how inviting they always were.

He looked over to Yvly with gentle eyes. "How do you feel about this winter?" Almost like a child he was looking for comfort. A sign, just like his father had told him, that everything was going to be okay. "I'm not familiar enough with other faces but, do you think we can all pull together and make it?" His voice almost a whisper and a tinge of worry laced around his words.

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Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

The Tawny Leader gave Deacon her full attention as he explained his reasoning for joining Grizzly Hollow, a soft chuff escaping her maw at the mention of Nineva. Apparently that had not been the entire reason, but she could not blame him. Nineva was very nice, from what she had seen of the girl with their limited interactions. At the mention of Borden an eyebrow quirked up. She had heard of that name before, but whatever had happened with him had been before she arrived in the Lore, and as she had not felt it to be her place she had not asked about it. That was the Lyall's problem, and she guessed Veho's too. Either way she tried to limit the amount of drama she was sucked into, that way she was not swarmed with everything. "I think I understand what you mean," Yvly said softly, a glimmer in her eyes. Grizzly Hollow felt like home, more so than her birth place, even though she still missed it from time to time.

"I have not spent much time in the willows, but it did seem like a very serene place to live in." It had been, oh, months since her last visit, she could only hazard a guess at practically half a year. Time just seemed to slip by with no warning. First she had been second in command, going for a scout role while preparing for the colder months, and then suddenly she was leader and winter was already upon them. It felt like a blink of an eye. Her gaze caught hold of Deacon's as he queried about the upcoming winter. "If we work together and look after one another I think we'll be just fine," she said in as much of a comforting tone as she could muster, a gentle smile on her face, even though inside she dreaded the colder months and what they would bring. Grizzly Hollow could not afford to lose any more members, and she could not imagine life outside of the cedarwood forest. With a swish of her tail, Yvly exhaled loudly and lifted up her head, picking up the pace just slightly. "Come on, we should get this patrol finished and then maybe I'll show you around the territory."

379 words

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate

He trusted her words. She had to know what they were going to do through the winter, otherwise, she wouldn't be in a lead position right? Perhaps the childish part of him wanted to still believe that Alphas could fix and dismiss every issue. A deep breath in as his ears listened to her reassuring tones. "I guess I best get acquainted with others then. Good to know who to rely on and who to protect." He nodded softly to himself as if agree with his own ideas.

As Yvly mentioned that they should finish up the patrol and then she'd show him around he smiled. Deacon's tail began to sway rapidly. "I would really like that. I haven't learned every corner yet. I'm sure you can show me something new." He smiled and followed after her. It was nice to have the company of someone new, yet someone who he could still trust. She proved to be a rather nice face to have around. It was also a pleasure to know she wasn't simply just looks. Deacon would applaud her if he could, simply for the fact that she was so calm and willing.

Excited to spend a bit more time with her, the young male's tail wagged as they left the borders well marked and protected to make their way inwards closer to the heart of the pack. They kept decent pace with each other and seemed to enjoy each others company, or so Deacon thought. Maybe this was the beginning of something beautiful.


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