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Trust Before Fall or Fall Before Trust? — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

The Tawny Leader was glad to see Deacon rise to his full height instead of cowering like a young pup, pleased that her words of encouragement had had a positive effect on him. Maybe she was not that bad at the leader role after all. Yvly's ears flicked forward as he hesitantly spoke, nodding reassuringly for him to continue, wanting him to know that she would listen to whatever he needed to say or ask. She laughed softly, shaking her head slightly from side to side. "Ask as many questions as you like, Deacon, I'm always happy to answer them. That's what I'm here for." Her tail wagged behind her as she spoke, a small grin on her face. She wanted him to feel comfortable enough to ask whatever questions he wanted, even if she may not be able to answer them. While she was in the highest position, she was still learning herself. Veho was to thank for her being so comfortable herself, he had said what she needed to hear, and she would be ever grateful for that.

Yvly glanced at Deacon with a quirked eyebrow. Maybe it would help his confidence in his abilities if she let him see that he could be a guardian by showing him. She was not the best fighter out there, but she could definitely old her own, even if it had been a while since she had had a proper fight. "Would it make you feel better if we trained together?" She left it open for him to decide if he wanted to spar with her or not, knowing that it was no use to pressure him into doing something he did not want to do.

285 words

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
objects in space

Such a nice woman. Her words were met with a wide grin and a gentle nod. He'd have to keep that in mind. It had seemed that everything that Deacon had felt awkward about doing or saying was met with kindness from Yvly. He greatly appreciated it. She was a great leader and he had faith in her to lead them through this winter and further.

But she offered something much more than he had been expecting. An offer to spar together. His eyes gleamed with joy and the Archer-Lyall couldn't help but let out a happy bark. "Oh Yvly! I'd love to!" His tail swishing behind him in an over joyous motion. "Just let me know when you're free and have time to spar. I'm always available for training." His voice was very light and childlike. It had been some time since he'd been allowed to get a little rough and doing it with someone he was always excited to be around was even better!

The two had to part ways, though. The business had been conducted and Deacon had gotten what he was seeking. A gentle goodbye was exchanged and the two Hollow wolves split up. Surely to see each other soon though.


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