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it sounded nice in russian — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Ace who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank

“Mmm.  I was a mountain wolf, once.  Dunno if I miss that shitty weather.” There were the sudden storms and the howling winds strong enough to knock a wolf right over a cliff.  There were the lions that got all the crueler in the snows.  So many things.  So many things she did not miss, and yet-- 

Sometimes, only sometimes, she wondered how her mother was doing.  If she was still alive, if she kept having pups, if her fragile health finally gave out or if one of Capable’s sisters had taken care of her.  There was nothing she could do now, and she had no intention of returning Alaska anytime this year or the next.

“Mm, yeah.  Did the same thing this year.  Morganna and Craw stopped getting on with her mother and north we went.  A monadnock is…this giant rock.  It ain’t a mountain.  It’s got straight up walls, almost like a tree, and it’s not so big.  You can see the whole thing, but…  Only way I can describe it.  You’d definitely know if you saw it.” Capable’s mouth slanted sideways. “I’d show ya, but ain’t no reason for you to come home with me, I suppose.  You got any guardians, where you’re from?”

(This post was last modified: Dec 22, 2016, 04:03 AM by Isuni.)
Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho
@Isuni Wanna {play} wrassle??
Spieden snorted in amusement. She didn't get the mountain wolves. Perhaps summers would be fine up on a mountaintop, but being trapped up there in the dead of winter seemed like a nightmare. She didn't know how they did it, winters were tough enough down in the lowlands. Spieden's ears flicked as she listened, trying to keep up with the names that were bandied about. Morganna and Craw, the leaders she supposed? She didn't know why she was interested at all, she generally wasn't very chatty with strangers. Or very chatty with anyone for that matter.

"Sounds interesting, don't think I've ever come across anything like that before." She said of the monadnock, which wasn't really a feat. Spieden was about as well traveled as a tree, if it wasn't Salmon River or the Bend, she had no idea. Then her teeth briefly flashed in a crooked grin. "I'm sure I could think of a reason," she remarked, her tail swishing against the ground. "Wouldn't want the pack to think I got lost in a snow-drift or something, though."

"It's a shame, we don't have any. Don't suppose you could show me some moves, then? Never seen a guardian in action." She said with her head tilted and a little smirk, brushy tail wriggling behind her.
Played by Ace who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
“Naw, I hadn’t either before the alphas brought us out there, honestly.”  Similar to a mountain, similar to Moose’s Tooth – and yet it was different enough to feel like a home in a way the place she was raised never had.  She returned the crooked grin with one of her own, and for a moment, Capable found herself wishing she could bring the stranger back to the odd geographical feature, too.  But the woman was right.  She had a pack.
“Given your interest in ice, wouldn’t be able to blame ‘em,” she snorted in response, unable to resist the opportunity once it presented itself.  The redhead leaned forward, throwing some of her weight into Spieden’s shoulder – better to give the older woman a taste before really beginning to wrestle.  She wasn’t Craw, after all, and the guardian in training wasn’t so socially inept as to not realize that most wolves would not appreciate the vigor with which she and the Monadnock’s alpha often sparred.
Still.  She would be a fool not to take the opportunity she was being presented with. 
“You wanna see?”  Hell, she could almost kick herself for the enthusiasm in her voice.  “Hell yeah, I’ll show ya.”
And that was all the warning Spieden got before Capable was shuffling sideways, throwing her weight around for a second time, a huge smile plastered to her face.  This was gonna be fun.
