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The unstoppable force meets an immovable object — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Ace who has 84 posts.
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Bennet Kjorsdottir
Silence was the right choice. Bennet took note, with the kind of cool detachment of someone merely studying him from a safe distance, how the wolf's aggression levels dropped. He was no more impressed, but the harsh, rude words he'd been spitting so effortlessly were replaced by a more benign huff. Clearly she had said all the wrong things, had only riled him up with her attempts to explain and placate, and she didn't quite understand why. From her point of view, she'd been polite and straightforward, honest, and maybe even obliging. Had she been in the wrong to draw attention to herself in the first place? Maybe he was just the sort of wolf to get his back up no matter who he was talking to... or he was just having a bad day.

I've been played, he'd said, and she chewed on her tongue as she considered it.

Having deduced that talking to him only made things worse, Bennet did not waste time or effort with a farewell, because he was clearly happier to be on his way. It didn't stop her from watching him go, head tilting further and further in her mounting intrigue. She would have to talk to her mother and father about it, try to help her understand where she had gone wrong. If she was to help spread the Mother's truth one day with nearly as much effect as @Karina, Bennet would need to learn how to talk to wolves from all walks of life, and not just the ones who made sense to her.

Still chewing, the little black dragon turned away, steps light and tail held casually out behind her as she made the trek back to where her parents could be found.

i will find a wolf of mine that Askan likes doesn't hate one day, one day