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When a wolf comes knocking. — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
@Lila feel free to wrap up and archive. Thanks for the thread y'all

Askan took care to remember everything the alpha said, as he was sure that both Drestig and Jessie would be happy to learn that things were going well for Oak Tree Bend. He imagined that they'd be pleased to also learn that it seemed as though-for the most part- there weren't any lingering bad feelings towards them. They had left at a difficult time and Askan imagined that some might have taken it the wrong way, that they would have seen  them as deserters. Either way, the Bend was clearly thriving, even if the lead female didn't word it in such a way. From scent alone he could tell that the pack had large numbers, that the pack was stable and prosperous. By no means did he wish for Wild Rye Fields to become a massive pack, but he truly hoped that they would be as united as the Bend seemed to be. It would take time and a lot of hard work, but Askan was willing to do whatever it took.
"I'm sure they'll be happy to hear that." He told the alpha, nodding amicably.

As for her suggestion, Askan hadn't been expecting it but he was pleased nonetheless. As much as he wanted to deny it, he was tired. He needed to rest for a while to gather his strenght, then he could head back north before the snow made travel too dangerous. The offer of food made the prospect of staying to rest all the more difficult to resist. He was rather hungry, even though he had eaten a bit here and there.

"Thank you. I think I'll remain around here, outside your borders. I don't want to get in the way. S'good to meet you Spieden. The name's Askan Selwyn." He paused for a moment and frowned as something dawned on him. "Oh yeah, forgot to say. Drestig said that if they feel like it, Bend wolves can come north with me to visit. Could you pass that message on for me?"

It'd be easier if she said it, and it would save Askan from having to socialise more than he had to. He already felt drained and had said everything he needed to say for now. So with that, he ducked his head and took his leave to find somewhere to rest.
(This post was last modified: Dec 23, 2016, 04:16 PM by Askan.)
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Played by Switch who has 205 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Lila Aquila
chase the wind
lila aquila
and touch the sky

It only got more boring. She wondered how adults could just stand around and talk. But, the same time it was nice to take part, see how something like this might be done. Some how this wolf was not a friend, but not one of harm. They were gonna let him hang out till he returned to his actually home. Huh. Maybe, momma knew who those wolves were. What it meant. Would she be happy?

Without much notice, as the grumpy man went on his way, she briefly looked at Spieden. It wasn't her she wanted to ask her questions to. Instead, rather grown up she tipped her nose. "Spieden," and walked a few steps backwards, turning about to seek out her mother to explain to her what had just happened.


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